Chapter Ten;


"What are you doing?" 

He gasped, before turning around to face her, when he slowly put down the pen and crumbled the paper. 

"What do you mean?" He asked, standing up from his chair to be face to face with her.

"I knocked on the door ten times for you to come out and eat dinner, but you never responded. What are you doing?" She repeated the She qu, as he tried to avoid it.

"Nothing, I was doodling." He covered up.

"Doodling, how old are you?"  She questioned, when he chuckled and put the paper in his pocket.

"It's what I do, okay? I don't ask you what you're doing, right?" He smiled, when he pushed her out of the door and led her to the kitchen.


She woke up the next day to see the house really empty.

It wasn't a surprise though, knowing that's it's always empty, without Myungsoo, but today, seemed more empty.


She walked out of her to find Woohyun not there, but his belongings still there right in front of her. Where could he have gone?

Walking towards the kitchen, she sees the table all set with food surround it, when there was a paper on top of it, it read: 

Going out for a while, 

eat your breakfast, I'll be back before you come home.

By the way, because you wanted to see my doodling, here it is.

With that, under the letter, there was a drawing of her and him eating at kitchen table when she just smiled to herself and posted the note on the refrigerator.

"Woohyun, you really are something." 


"Wait, where are you staying at?" 

His friends' eyes were all glued to him, when Woohyun just leisurely sat in his seat and brushed his hair.

"Just at this girl's house, okay?" He repeated the same answer, they asked the first time.

"I know, but who's the girl?" Chunji questioned, nudging him, when Woohyun brushed it off.

"One of the girls at the club?" Joon asked, sipping his juice when Doojoon just eyed him suspiciously.

"No, this girl that helped me when I was drunk that night. Nothing big." Woohyun rolled his eyes.

"Something's definately, fishy." Doojoon responded when Jonghyun nodded in agreement.

"I mean, why the hell would a random girl, help you in the first place, and let you live at her house?" Jonghyun questioned.

"She probably thinks he's attractive." Yong Gook winked when everyone burst out into laughter.

"Yeah, that's the reason." Woohyun teased, "But it's cause I begged her to let me live with her. You know my pops, I'm not going back to his house. I'll be crazy if I do. Besides, she didn't let me in without a reason. I'm like her personal maid, I do things for her." Woohyun sipped his strawberry smoothie.

"What things?" Joon wiggled his eyebrows when Woohyun just scoffed at his remark.

"Cook, clean, nothing more." Woohyun assured, when he looked away towards the window to see two guys, oddly familiar, "Hey." Woohyun pointed out the window, when his friends followed his gaze.

"What?" Doojoon asked.

"Those two guys, don't they look oddly familiar?" Woohyun asked when Joon shrugged.

"Who knows? Maybe they're the guys you conned for the drugs." Yong Gook, said, not giving a care in the world.

"I don't know, they don't look like the type to take drugs from me. They look a lot smarter." Woohyun cocked his head side to side to see the two guys walking around.

One was very skinny. Not skinny, very skinny. The other one had black hair, and looked really manly, with a clean face. They were both wearing black suits. 

"Something ~~~~~ wears." Woohyun said, when he shrugged off the feeling.

"It's your gut feeling. It's cause you conned so many people." Chunji pointed out when Woohyun smiled.

"Yeah, probably." 


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princess_snowflake #1
Chapter 35: OMG! This is so good! I hope my stupid- ex-boyfriend would love me like that...
Fighting! It's 2am here and i must wake up at 6am but still not sleeping :3
anne10303207 #2
Chapter 35: I love everything!!
Chapter 35: Can't stop crying at 3 in the morning ㅠㅡㅠ
Kyaaa really love ur story author-nim.
Daebak ^^~
kai_chanyeol #4
I can't stop crying... Aigooo... Bestfriend—
awww! glad I found this fanfic! I love it! hehe
Nice story..
Still crying right now though..
But seriously i love the story..
Beautifully written, finished everything in just one seating! Ah~
This is such a good fic, my heart aches for Myungsoo. Good lawd.
Stayed up 'till 1 am reading this story... I REGRET NOTHING! xD Anyways this is like one of the best fanfics I have ever read! Keep up the great work!^^
flabbycow #10
ZOMG. Myungsoo and his ability to be the greatest boyfriend of all. Loved the story, by the way.