Chapter Nineteen;


"Open the door!"

She sat there, leaning on the front door, crying her eyes out, not wanting to hear from him again.

"~~~~~, please. Just open the door." His pleading cries on the other side, while knocking.

"Go away, Myungsoo! You lied to me, you said you were going to quit! You lied!" She yelled on the other side, as frustration crept in.

"I'm sorry, I had to do it. I knew you didn't like it, but I had to. People needed meㅡ"

"I needed you!" She cut him off.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just had to do it, I couldn't let them kill him." Myungsoo pleaded.

"What if you died? What if you were killed?" She whispered, while Myungsoo paused.

He had nothing to say, he didn't know what to say to that.

"But I didn't, did I?" He whispered.

"Doesn't matter, Myungsoo! You would've almost died, you would've almostㅡ" Her voice cracked, when she knew she couldn't talk anymore, with the tears flowing, the throat hurting, she didn't want to hear it.

Myungsoo furiously grunted on the side, until he leaned on the door, just like she did on the other side.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't bare to see my team-mate dying in front of me. If he died, I would've never forgiven myself. I would rather die than let him die. It was an instinct, I'm sorry. I know you're mad, I know I said I'll quit, but I can't. I need to help these people. They're in trouble, they need me." He struggled to open the door, "I love you, I won't do anything to hurt you. Even though you're important to me, and would never let you get out of my sight, I can't bear to see other people die because of me." He whispered, "I love you."

She woke up, panting when she held onto her chest.

He was right, he was totally right, he needed to be there for him, just like how she needed to be there for her team-mates, his team-mates.

"Kim Myungsoo," She whispered, before clutching onto her blanket, "I love you." She muttered, before staring at the door, "But, can I move on?" 


"Why did you save him?"

There was panting heard in the video, before there was a huge thud, and an "Ugh," was heard.

"I would've saved you. I would've saved you and everyone else, if I had a chance to kill him." 

"Why would you kill him, what did he do to you?" 

The voice was heard, and like always, it was Kim Myungsoo.

"Kim Myungsoo, don't play dumb. He took me away from you. He wanted to be your best friend, that's why he pushed me away. You don't know what his family did to me." The man's voice growled.

"That doesn't give you the right toㅡ" Another grunt was heard, when a figure fell on the floor.

"You don't know anything. You're perfect, I'm not." The voice yelled.

"No one is perfectㅡ"

"Another word from you, and I willㅡ" The sound of the gun trigger was heard.

"Really kill you." 

"Should we call her again?" 

Sunggyu stood there, not knowing what to do, when he replayed the video, over and over again.

"I have a feelingㅡ" Sunggyu started off, staring at Dongwoo and Sungyeol, "That Howon and Sungjong knows something." Sunggyu narrowed his eyes.

"What does he know?" Dongwoo questioned.

"I think, the friend he's looking for, was the guy that Myungsoo saved."


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princess_snowflake #1
Chapter 35: OMG! This is so good! I hope my stupid- ex-boyfriend would love me like that...
Fighting! It's 2am here and i must wake up at 6am but still not sleeping :3
anne10303207 #2
Chapter 35: I love everything!!
Chapter 35: Can't stop crying at 3 in the morning ㅠㅡㅠ
Kyaaa really love ur story author-nim.
Daebak ^^~
kai_chanyeol #4
I can't stop crying... Aigooo... Bestfriend—
awww! glad I found this fanfic! I love it! hehe
Nice story..
Still crying right now though..
But seriously i love the story..
Beautifully written, finished everything in just one seating! Ah~
This is such a good fic, my heart aches for Myungsoo. Good lawd.
Stayed up 'till 1 am reading this story... I REGRET NOTHING! xD Anyways this is like one of the best fanfics I have ever read! Keep up the great work!^^
flabbycow #10
ZOMG. Myungsoo and his ability to be the greatest boyfriend of all. Loved the story, by the way.