Happy Family

My delivery girl


After the Merry Go Round ride, you put some distance between you and Myungsoo. You felt awkward again right after that sweet moments with him for just 2-3minutes.
Myungsoo hadn't noticed it as Myungdae kept on bugging him to ride this or that.
Myungsoo looked at you who seems to be busy looking around. He smiled and approached you. He took your hand and interlaced it with his.
You gasped and looked at the both of your hands and to him. Myungdae tugged on Myungsoo's pants and pointed somewhere.
Myungsoo looked at where Myungdae was pointing and furrowed his brows and looked at Myungdae.
"Hyung! Let's go inside that accessory store!" He suggested.
Ricky was busy glaring at your and Myungsoo's hands. *That hyung surely moves fast!*
Myungsoo made a face and smiled at you. "Let's go?"
You bit your lip and nodded. You looked back to where Ricky is and took his hand with your free hand while Myungsoo took Myungdae's with his free hand.
The four of you entered the accessory store and Myungdae quickly dragged you to the ear headbands. You giggled and just let him dragged you.
Myungsoo and Ricky groaned at the girly accessories. It's not their thing to be looking so cute.
Myungdae quickly picked a random headband but then he noticed the mickey and minnie mouse headband. He ran to it and took it.
You just followed behind him while eyeing each cute accessories. Suddenly, Myungdae tugged on your pants and you looked down.
"Noona, bend down!" He ordered. You just bent down and looked at him with confusion.
He then put the minnie mouse headband in your head. You blinked and you saw him smiling widely. After that he looked around and said, "I need to put this to hyung!"
He ran towards Myungsoo and told him to bend down too. You watched them from a afar. *That kid..* You smiled a little as you saw Myungsoo's pissed off face.
"Yah! I'll not wear that childish thing!" Myungsoo said. Ricky was laughing behind him.
"Ani! Hyung please! This will totally look good on you! Ppali!!!" Myungdae whined.
"Aish!!!! NO!" Myungsoo firmly said. Myungdae bit his lip as tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.
Myungsoo's eyes widened when he realized it and quickly took the headband from him and wore it. "I wore it now! Dont cry!"
Myungdae sniffed and looked at his hyung. He smield in satisfaction and clapped his hands. "Hyung! Pay for it! Noona is also wearing one!"
Myungsoo blinked. "Huh?" He then looked at you and saw that you are wearing a minnie mouse headband.
You blushed when you met eyes with him and quickly looked away. He smile and went to the counter to pay for it and said that he'll yours too.
After that, the four of you went out of the store and Myungdae was happily jumping up and down while looking at you and Myungsoo. "Omo! Noona and Hyung looks so cute together!!" He then took your right hand and Myungsoo's left hand and interlaced it.
You blushed even more and Myungsoo just smiled.
"Yah! What are you doing Myungdae~ah?" Ricky asked as he watched the scene. Myungdae pouted and took Ricky's hand. "Come on Hyung!"
Ricky rolled his eyes and just let himself be drag by the little kid.
You and Myungsoo chuckled at the two and followed behind, still hands interlaced.
You, Ricky and Myungdae were now sitting on a square table while waiting for Myungsoo as he ordered the foods for the four of you. You were smiling as you played with Myungdae.
"Noona, do you like my hyung?" Myungdae suddenly asked while playing with your fingers. You were frozen at his question. Ricky, who heard it, looked at you.
"Huh Noona?" Myungdae tried to get your attention again. You blinked and looked at him. "I....I...."
The two kids looked at you, waiting for your answer. "I..."
You then spotted Myungsoo going back already with the tray of foods. You pointed at him and said, "L's here!"
The two looked at Myungsoo and brightened as they saw the foods he was holding.
You sighed in relief that Myungsoo just came in time and avoided Myungdae's question.
You all started eating happily, sharing the foods, and feeding each other.
"This is really delicious!" Myungdae raised up his chopsticks. You chuckled and nodded. You looked at Ricky and fed him your food. He raised his thumb up for a sign that it was good.
You then turned your head and saw Myungsoo and he was looking at you with his spoon with food near your face. You blinked at him and he said, "Say ahhh~~"
You gave him a weird look. He pouted and said, "Come on... Say ahhh~~"
Myungdae was giggling while Ricky was rolling his eyes at the scene. You slowly opened your mouth and he put the food inside your mouth. You chewed on it and it tasted good.
"Delicious?" He asked and you nodded. He smiled and continued eating. You were blushing as you looked away and continued eating too.
Suddenly, a photographer came up in your table and she was smiling widely. "Uhh, excuse me.. Can I take a picture of your happy family?"
You all stopped eating as all of you looked up at her. She was showing her DSLR.
You bit your lower lip, ready to say that you weren't a family when Myungsoo answered first. "It's okay."
You and Ricky looked at him with confusion all over your face. Myungsoo smiled at you and winked.
The photographer straightened up and told Myungsoo to move his chair on your side so that you two are sitting together. She also told that Myungsoo had to carry Myungdae and Ricky will stand up at the back. Ricky groaned because he will stood up for the picture.
"Okay.. After I count upto three, say Kimchi!" The photographer readied herself.
The four of you readied yourself. The photograher started her countdown. "3....2....Wait!"
You all blinked up at her. "Can you.." She pointed at Myungsoo. "Kiss her cheek when I take the shot?"
Myungso blinked at the photographer's suggestion while your eyes widened.
The photographer went to her spot again and readied her camera. "In count of 3... 1....."
Myungsoo moved his closer to your face. You felt yourself burning and your heart skipping a beat.
He closed his eyes.
He planted a soft kiss on your right cheek and the camera flashed.
The photographer looked at her shot and smiled widely. "Omo~~ This is so cute! You're the cutest family I've seen today!"
She then printed the picture on her photo printer that was packed on her bagpack and gave you the copy.
You all looked at the picture and Myungsoo chuckled at your reaction. "Why do you looked so shock?"
The photographer bowed and smiled once again. "I wish the best for your happy family!" And she left.
You were pouting as you looked at the picture. You facepalmed yourself mentally. *That was embarassing*
After eating, the four of you again ride almost all of the kiddie rides since you can't leave Myungdae alone to just ride on those thrilling rides. Although it was too kiddie, you all still had fun.
Soon, the four of you got tired and decided to go home. "That was totally fun! We should go here again some other time!" Myungdae clapped his hands.
Myungsoo smiled and pinched his brother's cheek. "Aigoo~ Why are you so cute.." Myungdae chuckled.
You smiled at the scene and looked back at Ricky. "Did you have fun?" You asked.
Ricky rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. "Yeah.." You ruffled his hair and hugged his arm.
The four of you went inside Myungsoo's car and he started the engine.
Before he could start driving, he looked at you and smiled. *I totally had fun today.*
You looked up after putting your seatbelt and met eyes with him. He was smiling at you. You blinked and tilted your head. "Why?"
Myungsoo shook his head and started driving.
On your way, you fell asleep on your seat, same with Myungdae. The only awak was Myungsoo, who was driving, and Ricky, who was watching the road on the window.
"When will you confess to my noona?" Ricky suddenly asked between the quiet atmosphere inside the car.
Myungsoo blinked as he heard it and looked at the rearview mirror for Ricky's reflection. He was looking outside the mirror so Myungsoo thought he just heard something wrong. "Did you asked something?"
Ricky rolled his eyes and looked at Myungsoo's back. "I asked if when will you confess to my noona?"
Myungsoo stayed quiet. He wasn't still sure when but he wanted to confess as soon as possible. But he doesn't know if you'll accept him. He was afraid of rejection.
Ricky puffed his cheeks and said, "Confess as soon as possible." And with that, he shut his eyes and pretended to sleep.
Myungsoo who heard his statement blinked in shock. *Did this appa just told me to confess to his noona as soon as possible? Does that mean he accepts me already for his noona?*
He smiled widely and took a glance on the rearview mirror but then saw Ricky already sleepping.
He made a face at him but then smiled again and looked at you who was also sleeping. *I guess I need to confess to you soon..*


tumblr_lwzswj0qJR1r1ex9vo6_r2_250.gif kekekeke myungsoo with kids ;________;

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Please check my new story "ONE MORE TRY" thank you! hehe -babyandme


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fanaticnamu #1
Chapter 58: This story was so cute and fluffy
So awwww... Myungsoo just too cute. Omg!!!
omg i can't take the fluffiness
Chapter 58: I really love this story it makes me flutter whenever myungyeon were together.....
inanova #4
Chapter 1: Realy2 love this story..myungyeon couple chuahe
Chapter 58: wahh... I really love it ..
I really love MyungYeon ..
By the way continue writing MyungYeon story authornim..
fighting ...:)
o_nofany #6
i really love myungyeon & you fan fix make me love them more ❤️❤️❤️... continue righting
Doojoon_Sunggyu #7
Chapter 47: Most people ** Btw , continue to write !
Doojoon_Sunggyu #8
Chapter 47: I like the ending of this chapter ! Moat people will write about Woori being a bad person but instead , you wrote her into a good person !
Chapter 22: hahaha!!!myungdae is so evil!!!ditching jiyeon so she has to be with myungsoo!!if I was in jiyeon's sitation I would me like this->T^T(and felt they she felt about L)I think he likes to play matchmaker~!!XP LOL
Chapter 58: Awe so cute