Skip the Day!

My delivery girl


It was wednesday and you were preparing yourself to go to school. And while you were brushing your hair, you suddenly heard a honk from the outside.
You blinked and already knew who it was. You looked up at the clock and pouted. *He is early today.*
You set down the brush and went out to see him. And when you opened the gate, you were greeted by the cute little dongsaeng of Myungsoo, Myungdae!
"OMO!!" You bent down into his level and hugged him. He happily hugged you back and squished you more. "I miss you so much noona!!!!!"
You chuckled and said, "I miss you too!" You then looked up and saw Myungsoo watching the two of you with admiration in his eyes.
And behind him, you saw Ricky, rubbing the back of his neck.
You quickly stood up with wide eyes. You pointed at him and asked, "Y-Yah! W-What are you doing? Shouldn't you be at school?"
Ricky looked up at Myungsoo and Myungsoo nodded at him. "Yah! Dont yell at your appa! I asked his teachers for him to be absent today."
You raised an eyebrow at Myungsoo. Myungsoo then continued, "Because I want us to have fun!" He said.
"H-Have fun? We have classes today! No. We'll send Changhyun today at his school and we'll go to the university." You firmly said.
You then felt a tugged on your pants and saw Myungdae looking up at you with his puppy eyes. "Come on noona! Let's have fun today!"
You pouted and lifted him up. "But noona, noona's brother and your hyung have classes today.We can't skip!"
Myungdae just continued doing his puppy eyes, hoping that you'll give up with it.
"Come on Jiyeon, it's just for one day!" Myungsoo pleaded too.
You sighed in defeat. "Fine. Only for today!"
Myungsoo, Myungdae and Ricky fist pumped in synch with a "YES!". You chuckled at the cute boys.
Myungsoo opened the passenger seat for you to go inside and Myungdae wiggled his body, signalling you to let him down. You put him down and went at the back with Ricky.
Myungsoo pushed you inside and closed the door as he went to the driver's seat.
You put on your seatbelts and looked at Myungsoo. "Yah, why didnt you tell me you were planning on going out today?"
Myungsoo smiled and said, "I didnt planned it too. Myungdae called me awhile ago and pleased me to be absent today and bring you with me and have fun and I just had the idea to have Ricky with us too." He looked at the back and winked at Ricky. Ricky rolled his eyes and continued playing with Myungdae.
You made a face and said, "It's your fault if we missed something important today at class."
Myungsoo chuckled and started driving.
Soon, the 4 of you arrived at Lotte World. When the 4 of you got out of the car, Myungdae and Ricky started jumping up and down from too much excitement. You chuckled and Myungsoo went to buy tickets.
And while waiting, you looked at Ricky. "yah Changhyun~ah!"
Ricky looked up at you and asked, "Why?"
"Why did you allow L for you to be absent today?" You raised an eyebrow.
Ricky rubbed the back of his neck and answered, "To have fun?" *Of course, to see if he really deserves you noona!*
You rolled your eyes and ruffled his hair. "That arrogant.." You looked at Myungsoo. "..if we really missed something important in today's class. We'll have all to blame him!" Ricky chuckled and nodded.
The 4 of you entered the Lotte World together. Myungsoo carryied Myungdae in his arms, and you were holding Ricky's hand.
The people around were all eyeing the four of you, thinking that you four were a cute happy family. It's because Myungsoo looks like Myungdae and you looked like Ricky.
But the four of you didnt notice those looks from the people because you're all busy eyeing each rides and arguing what ride to go first.
"Let's ride bump car first!" Ricky suggested.
"No! Merry-Go-Round!" Myungdae argued.
You and Myungsoo just shut your mouths, you both dont know how to settle the kid's arguements.
"Uhh.. Myungdae~ah, I think bump car's fun.. what about we try that one first?" Myungsoo asked his younger brother. Myungdae pouted but then nodded. Ricky raised a fist in the air and started running to the bump car ride while dragging you. You chuckled as you ran with him.
Myungsoo had watched the two of you and his heart just beat so fast for so much joy. Myungdae noticed and poked his hyung's cheek. "Do you like noona?" He asked.
Myungsoo blinked and looked at his younger brother. He smiled and just ran to with him on his arms to the bump car ride.
You let Ricky to be the driver in your car while Myungsoo drives the one for him and Myungdae. The whole ride time was fun. With Ricky always bumping onto Myungsoo's car and it all caused for the four of you to bounced your body front and back. Although it kida hurts, it was totally fun! It seems like the four of you owned the ride that time.
After the ride, the four of you meet on the exit and laughed all together. "That was fun!" You said between your soft laughs.
Myungsoo smiled and nodded. You felt your cheeks burning as you just saw his perfect smile and looked away so that he can't see it.
"So.. we'll ride Merry Go Round next?" Myungsoo asked and Myungdae nodded multiple times. "Alright!"
The four of you headed to the Merry Go Round and when it was your turn, Ricky dragged Myungdae and sat on the two horses that was lined together.
While Myungsoo dragged you to the other side, where there is a small carriage where two people can sit. You pouted as he dragged you there.
"This will not be totally fun if we sit there." You said as you crossed your arms and watched him getting comfortable on it. He made a face and pulled you on his side.
"This will be fun if I'm with you." He smiled as he gazed into your eyes.
Your eyes widened and you blushed hard. You looked away and palmed your cheeks. *What the..*
Myungsoo smiled even more and looked at the front. *This will be totally fun..*
The ride started and you were still looking away from Myungsoo. Your stomach was getting so much butterflies thinking the sentence he just said a moments ago.
Myungsoo noticed you and placed his palm on the top of your left hand that was lying on your thigh. You felt it and looked at him with kinda wide eyes.
He was smiling at you and said, "Why are you looking away? Uh?"
You pouted and furrowed your brows. "I-Im not!"
He rolled his eyes and interlaced his hand into yours. He leaned his head on your shoulder, shut his eyes and wished that the ride wont stop.
You were totally shocked by his actions. Good thing Ricky and Myungdae wasn't near the two of you. Your heart was beating 10000x as you looked at your interlaced hands and to his face.
Myungsoo smiled in satisfaction, still his eyes closed. *I wish we can stay like this forever...*

there'll be 2nd part so wait for it!!!
and the confession... i'll put it soon!!
so i can finish this story hehehe
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Please check my new story "ONE MORE TRY" thank you! hehe -babyandme


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fanaticnamu #1
Chapter 58: This story was so cute and fluffy
So awwww... Myungsoo just too cute. Omg!!!
omg i can't take the fluffiness
Chapter 58: I really love this story it makes me flutter whenever myungyeon were together.....
inanova #4
Chapter 1: Realy2 love this story..myungyeon couple chuahe
Chapter 58: wahh... I really love it ..
I really love MyungYeon ..
By the way continue writing MyungYeon story authornim..
fighting ...:)
o_nofany #6
i really love myungyeon & you fan fix make me love them more ❤️❤️❤️... continue righting
Doojoon_Sunggyu #7
Chapter 47: Most people ** Btw , continue to write !
Doojoon_Sunggyu #8
Chapter 47: I like the ending of this chapter ! Moat people will write about Woori being a bad person but instead , you wrote her into a good person !
Chapter 22: hahaha!!!myungdae is so evil!!!ditching jiyeon so she has to be with myungsoo!!if I was in jiyeon's sitation I would me like this->T^T(and felt they she felt about L)I think he likes to play matchmaker~!!XP LOL
Chapter 58: Awe so cute