Day with Myungsoo

My delivery girl


hehe listen to this while reading:



School week came again and you were now heading outside your house when you suddenly spotted a car parked at the front of your house. *Who could that be?*
You locked the door and opened the gate and was shocked to see Myungsoo leaning against his car. "L?"
Myungsoo turned his head to your way and smiled. "Finally!" He then walked towards you.
You blinked and asked, "Why are you here?"
He shrugged as he took your hand and opened the passenger seat of his car, "Go inside."
You looked at him ,confused, but then he pushed you inside and locked it and then went to the driver's seat.
"Yah.." You called him but he just ignored you as he started the engine. And before he could start driving, he looked at you and you weren't still putting your seatbelt.
He slightly shook his head and leaned forward to you. You gasped as his face was just inches away from you.
He leaned back and looked at you. He chuckled when he saw your wide eyes. He tapped your forehead and said, "Yah. Why do you looked so shock?"
You fanned yourself and looked straight in the road. *That was really close!!!!!*
He started driving and you looked at him. "Yah. Where are you taking me?"
He rolled his eyes and didnt even look at you as he answered you, "To school, where else?"
You pouted and leaned back on the seat. "Why did you pick me up? I can go to school by myself you know."
He made a face and just continued driving. You secretly glanced at him when he didnt respond. You looked back in the road and secretly smiled. *This guy..*
Soon, the two of you arrived at school. You were hesitating whether to go out or not. If you go out, people will surely see you going out of Myungsoo's car, one of the famous student in the university! And if they caught you with him, they will probably talk about it.
Myungsoo unbuckled his seatbelt and looked at you. He saw you not moving an inch. "Yah.."
You looked at him with a pouting lips. Myungsoo chuckled at your cute face. "What's the problem? Why aren't you unbuckling your belt? Don't tell me you wanted to stay in my car?" He raised an eyebrow.
You made a face and slowly unbuckle your seat. "Uhh... L..."
He looked at you with his eyebrows both raised up.
"Can I go out first? Then you go out after some 5 minutes or 10  minutes?" You shyly said.
"Why will I do that?" He asked, not getting what you mean.
You quickly took your bag and went out of the car. And before you could close it, you quickly said. "Thank you for the ride!" and ran to your class room.
Myungsoo was left there, flabbergasted. *Did she just leave me?* He annoyingly pouted and went out of his car and stomped his feet as he headed to the class room.
Soon, you were now sitting uncomfortably in your chair. *What if when he comes he'll talk to me? NOOOOO.. he's surely shocked when I quickly went out of his car..*
When you turned your head to the door, you saw Myungsoo with his brows furrowed as he looked at you. You bit your lower lip and before he could walk towards you, the professor came.
You sighed in relief. *Just in time!*
Myungsoo groaned as he saw the professor behind him. He looked at you one more time before going to his chair. *That girl is surely unbelievable..* He sat down on his chair and looked again at your back. A wide smile crept out on his face. *She's surely cute though..*
Soon, lunch came and before you could stand up from your chair, you noticed someone standing in front of you. You looked up and saw Myungsoo smirking down at you.
Your eyes slightly widened and quickly packed your things and stood up. *What is he doing?!* You hid your face with the book you were holding and ignored him as you walked passed by him.
Myungsoo blinked and turned around. "Yah!" He jogged towards you but you quickly walk so he couldn't catch up. *Aish! What is he doing?????*
Soon, you felt someone holding your wrist. Your eyes widened and looked behind and saw Myungsoo. "yah... let me go!"
"No! Why are you ignoring me?" He asked as he looked straight in your eyes. You pouted and struggled to remove his grip.
"Psh.. I will remove my grip when you agree to eat with me." He stated.
You furrowed your brows as you looked up at him. "Are you crazy?"
"What?" He asked.
"People will surely talk about us when they see me with you! You are famous here!" You said and looked around and saw some people already giving stares, glares and whispering at each other.
Myungsoo pouted. "So what?"
"Aish!" He then just dragged you, totally ignoring people on the way.
And while he was dragging you out of the university to eat in the nearest restaurant, the two of you walked passed by Sunggyu. You both didnt noticed him, but he noticed the two of you. *Jiyeon and Myungsoo?*
He blinked as he watched the two of you. He pursed his lips and looked away. His heart was aching at the sight. *Just be happy for Jiyeon, Sunggyu~ah..* He forced a small smile and eat by himself since by just the sight of you and Myungsoo, he knew that you'll eat with him.
You and Myungsoo were now sitting opposite from each other, eating the food you both ordered. And before that, you two had a little fight on who's going to pay. And in the end, of course, Myungsoo won. 
And while eating, Myungsoo would always take a quick glance at you. He would chuckle in his mind at how cute you were when you were just eating.
And when you caught him, you gave him a look with the spoon inside your mouth. Myungsoo couldnt help but to let out a chuckle. You made a face and continued digging in your food while muttering "weird".
Soon, both of you had finished your food and stayed there for a while to rest before going back to the campus.
"I'm glad we could do this publicly." he suddenly said after taking a sip from his juice.
You looked at him confused. He shook his head and stood up. You just watched him as he sat down beside you.
You gave him a weird look and he just shrugged as he leaned his head on your shoulder. You wiggled your shoulder for him to get out of it but he was being stubborn.
"Yah.. Your head is heavy!" You whined. Myungsoo pouted but then, he hugged your arm. "Yah!!!" You yelled.
"Shh.. you're so noisy.. Let's stay like this for awhile.." He said as he shut his eyes closed.
You looked around nervously and thought students from teh university might caught you two and will start spreading what's happening right now. You looked down at Myungsoo who has his eyes closed. He just looked so angelic. You felt your heart pumping loudly as you stared at him.
And before you knew it, a big smile was crept out on your face and you cleared your throat to wiped it away but couldnt help but to put it back. You then remembered the past days, those past days with Myungsoo(during classes, he would sent you messages, and at night, he would order food from the restaurant you were working at so that he could see you and have a little chit chat, and he would always call you before you sleep.) He's just so sweet, caring and really lovely. You couldnt help but to fall for him more each day.
"Yah.. I'll melt if you keep on staring at me." He suddenly said making you to jumped slightly in your seat.
You scoffed and looked away. "I'm not staring you know, and get off of me!"
"fine fine! And we have 5 minuutes left before the class starts!" He said as he looked at his watch while getting off from you.
Your eyes widened. It'll took you both 15 minutes before going back to the university and 5 more minutes to the building. You quickly stood up and dragged him outside. Myungsoo chuckled at your panicking and just let himself be drag by you.
*Aish that Myungsoo!! Now, I dont know what lesson I missed!* You thought as you copy the lesson from the board as fast as you can so you can catch up on what the professor was now saying. You two were 25minutes late and you two are surely marked absent in the professor's attendance list. But because this was college, you can still go inside although you're late. You just had to blame Myungsoo but you cant totally balme him as you had so much fun with him a while ago. You blushed as you remembered him laying his head on your shoulder, just like what couples do. But, you weren't a couple and that made you really more confuse as to why he is all like this.


just had to put another myungyeon chappter!! kekekeke


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Please check my new story "ONE MORE TRY" thank you! hehe -babyandme


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fanaticnamu #1
Chapter 58: This story was so cute and fluffy
So awwww... Myungsoo just too cute. Omg!!!
omg i can't take the fluffiness
Chapter 58: I really love this story it makes me flutter whenever myungyeon were together.....
inanova #4
Chapter 1: Realy2 love this story..myungyeon couple chuahe
Chapter 58: wahh... I really love it ..
I really love MyungYeon ..
By the way continue writing MyungYeon story authornim..
fighting ...:)
o_nofany #6
i really love myungyeon & you fan fix make me love them more ❤️❤️❤️... continue righting
Doojoon_Sunggyu #7
Chapter 47: Most people ** Btw , continue to write !
Doojoon_Sunggyu #8
Chapter 47: I like the ending of this chapter ! Moat people will write about Woori being a bad person but instead , you wrote her into a good person !
Chapter 22: hahaha!!!myungdae is so evil!!!ditching jiyeon so she has to be with myungsoo!!if I was in jiyeon's sitation I would me like this->T^T(and felt they she felt about L)I think he likes to play matchmaker~!!XP LOL
Chapter 58: Awe so cute