
My delivery girl


The next day, you arrived at school with a really heavy eyes. You didnt sleep well last night. Your eyes were fighting to close and your lips are pouting. You sat down on your chair and crossed your arms and put it on your desk and burried your face on it. You still have 15minutes so you decided to take a quick nap.
Myungsoo had watched you since you entered the room until you burried your face in your arms. *Why is she so sleepy? She slept early last night right?* He furrowed his brows and got distracted by his thoughts when one of his friends called him.
Soon, the professor came and you're still having your nap time. Myungsoo was about to stand up and wake you up but your classmate from your behind woke you up first. He sat down again on his chair and heaved a sigh. *Good thing that girl woke her up or else she'll be punished.* He thought.
You rubbed your eyes and turned back to say thank you at your classmate and accidentally met eyes with Myungsoo. He was staring at you and didnt even move an inch so you decided to take the first move. You quickly turned your head back to the front and blinked. You bit your lip and get your notebook and pen. *Why is he staring?*
And while in the middle of the class, you suddenly felt your phone vibrated. You pouted and secretly took it out from your bag and read the new message.
Yah. Why do you look so sleepy? You slept early last night right? -L
You tilted your head to the side and secretly took a quick glance on his way. He was listening to the professor and good thing he's not looking at you or else you'll feel this awkwardness and that fast heartbeat again. You decided not to reply back and just put back your phone on your bag. *Why would he care?* You thought.
Lunch came and you got a message from Sunggyu that he can't eat lunch with you since they have a test and he needed the lunch time to study with his classmates. You felt kinda sad to not eat with him but it was okay since he needed it and you dont want him to fail if you forced him to eat with you so you replied with an okay. You packed your things and decided to eat alone.
While eating at the cafeteria, you took out your phone to see if you missed some messages that you haven't read. And while browsing, you stopped at the latest message from Myungsoo. You opened it and read it again. *Why is he suddenly being like this? He looks so kind and really caring all of a sudden...* You pouted and chewed the food on your mouth. *He hates me right? That arrogant kingka.. if he continues on doing this...* You held your chest and sighed. *I might just fall for him.*
After eating lunch, you now went to your next class. And while walking in the hallway, you saw Myungsoo walking opposite from you. You panicked and decided to walked near the wall for him not to see you and you hid your face on your book. You quickly took a peek and sigh that he didnt notice you. *I guess he's going to the restroom? Class will start soon.* You pouted and entered the room. You sighed, *I guess ignoring him wont make me totally fall for him.*
When Myungsoo entered the room, the professor is already there so he bowed and went to his chair. And while walking, his eyes were set on you. A smile crept out on his face as he sat down on his chair. He secretly took out his phone and hid it below his desk and started typing a message.
You felt your phone vibrating so you quickly took it out and read the new message.
Did you eat well? -L
You furrowed your eyebrows and hid your phone. You breath in and out and just totally ignored the message as you continued to take down notes. *Why is he bothering me again?! Aish!*
Myungsoo saw your moves and thought you quickly replied but he's not yet receiving any new messages. He furrowed his eyesbrows at his phone. *Did she ignore my message again?!* He pressed New Message and typed again.
And again, you felt your phone vibrating so you secretly took it out again to read a message.
Do you love ignoring my messages?! -L
You furrowed your eyebrows and ignored again his message. *Why is he like this?!*
The class just finished and you quickly packed your things to go to the next class. Myungsoo, too, quickly packed his things to catch on you but after he finished packing, he already saw you walking out of the room. *What the heck?* He ran outside and saw you entering to the next class.
He walked in and saw you already sitting on your chair, taking out your notebook and a pen. He scoffed and messed up his hair, making some girls to look at him and thought he was hot doing that. He glared at you and walked to his spot. He was totally furious right now because you ignored his messages today.
That night, you were totally focus on your work. Everytime your phone will vibrate, you knew who it was from. Since this morning, until now, he keeps on sending you messgaes like 'Yah! Why are you ignoring my messages?', 'You've been ignoring my messages! YAH!', 'Yah! Stop ignoring my messages!'.
And this totally made you angry and happy at the same time. Angry because he keeps on bothering you, and Happy because you thought he's cute when he's getting angry that you're ignoring his messages.
You took out your phone and read his latest message.
Yah! If you are going to ignore my message again I'm going to call for a delivery so that I can see you. -L
Your eyes widened. *Eotteoke?!* Just then the phone from the counter rang. Your eyes bulged out and nervously watched the owner as she answered the phone. You gulped as soon as the owner put back the phone down and went back to the kitchen. You heaved a sigh that it wasn't him. You dont want to see him since you decided to ignore him. But now, you cant or else he'll totally call for a delivery so you pressed reply and made a reply for him.
Myungsoo excitedly opened his phone to see the new message thinking it was from you. His heart flipped when he saw that it was from you! He chuckled, *So she doesnt want to see me uh?*
Why do you keep on annoying me?- Jiyeon
His face fell. *Am I annoying her again? I'm not right?!* He thought and quickly pressed send. He laid back down on his bed and sighed. *Is she only thinking that I'm going to annoy her forever?*
You opened your phone and saw his new message. You clicked it and read it.
I'm not annoying you. And why are you ignoring me the whole day?- L
You sighed and sent back a message and went back to work.
Myungsoo reached for his phone and raised it up in the air. He opened the new message and read it.
I'm like this since the first day of the sem, totally ignoring you. Right? -Jiyeon
Myungsoo made faces and punched his phone lightly. He messed up his hair and replied.
You just finished cleaning the last table and felt your phone vibrated. You took it out from your pocket and opened the new message.
You ignored me before because you never noticed anyone's presence around you in the room, except the girl who's always sitting behind you. And now that you know me, you should not ignore me! I'm the great kingka, L, you know! No one dares to ignore me. -L
You chuckled at his message. He really looks so childish. You put back your phone from your pocket and waited for the owner to close the shop. You pouted as you took your bag and stared at the night sky. *How am I going to ignore him if he keeps on bothering me?*

wiii.. look at my new poster hehe thanks to Ahjussi & Chicken Graphics Shop
;___; thank you for the comments hihihi ill try to update again later or maybe again, tomorrow.. hehe
hope you guys are enjoying my fic!!!
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Please check my new story "ONE MORE TRY" thank you! hehe -babyandme


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fanaticnamu #1
Chapter 58: This story was so cute and fluffy
So awwww... Myungsoo just too cute. Omg!!!
omg i can't take the fluffiness
Chapter 58: I really love this story it makes me flutter whenever myungyeon were together.....
inanova #4
Chapter 1: Realy2 love this story..myungyeon couple chuahe
Chapter 58: wahh... I really love it ..
I really love MyungYeon ..
By the way continue writing MyungYeon story authornim..
fighting ...:)
o_nofany #6
i really love myungyeon & you fan fix make me love them more ❤️❤️❤️... continue righting
Doojoon_Sunggyu #7
Chapter 47: Most people ** Btw , continue to write !
Doojoon_Sunggyu #8
Chapter 47: I like the ending of this chapter ! Moat people will write about Woori being a bad person but instead , you wrote her into a good person !
Chapter 22: hahaha!!!myungdae is so evil!!!ditching jiyeon so she has to be with myungsoo!!if I was in jiyeon's sitation I would me like this->T^T(and felt they she felt about L)I think he likes to play matchmaker~!!XP LOL
Chapter 58: Awe so cute