Singing Club Event

My delivery girl


Saturday came and Sunggyu had pick you up from your house.
"Ricky, are you sure you dont want to come?" Sunggyu asked your brother.
Ricky smiled. "Im okay here hyung! Just be sure to send my noona back!" He laughed.
Sunggyu awkwardly laughed.
"Changhyun!" You made a face at him. Ricky just shrugged.
You arrived at the university's auditorium. And wow, a lot really came. Some were surely are fans, since they have banners with them and some are surely are going to audition with their application forms in their hands.
"Is this happening every year?" You asked, curious. The two of you were heading to the backstage.
Sunggyu giggled. "Well, every event I guess. Because most kingkas are in the singing club"
You just nodded."Well, I should be sitting on the audience area, not here."
Sunggyu pouted.
"Well, how can I watch if im here?" You asked.
Sunggyu smiled. He held your hand and both of you poked on the audience area. He pointed to an empty chair on the front, almost at the center part.
"You'll be sitting there."
"Really???" You asked in disbelief. Sunggyu nodded with a smile.
You turned to him and smiled widely. "Waaa~ Kamsahamnida!!!"
Sunggyu ruffled your hair. "I guess you should be sitting there now, we'll be starting in less than 30minutes, I should be getting ready by now"
You nodded. "Seeyah!"
After that less than 30minutes, the lights turned off. It was so dark. That is when, people started cheering and some were screaming "Sunggyu oppa!!", as if they knew that Sunggyu will be singing first.
*I guess they were Gyu Oppa's fans* You giggled and you grew excited. *OMO He's going to sing soon!!*
You held your own hands in excitement and bit your lip.
Soon, you heard an intro voice. "I feel that..."
You knew it was Sunggyu's voice and the light on the stage was turning on. And soon, you saw Sunggyu..singing.
He looks so cool. It seems like a different Sunggyu onstage. He was so cool and really into the song. And he even did some dance steps that made him looks so y. The way he danced with the mic stand, is really y.
Your eyes were glued on him in awe. He looks so great. He could be an idol.
The girls, or let's say, his fans started cheering louder. Screams became louder.
*Waaa Sunggyu Oppa...* You were really in awe. You were so speechless on how good he is.
There was once, you met eyes with him, he gave you a wink and you gave him a thumbs up that made him smile.
Soon, the song ended and you really clapped loudly and even shouted "Daebak!!!", hoping he would hear it since lots of girls were really clapping loudly and screaming loudly.
"Welcome Everyone to the Singing Club. Today we'll be having this event for you to know how great our club is..." The emcee started blabbing things out. You really didnt bother to care as you can't wait for the next performance. Your sure, Sunggyu will be there again, since he said that they will be performing a lot to show the students who wanted to audition that they were good. "....And our first singer who just performed was our Kim Sunggyu.. " A loud clap and screams were heard after the emcee mentioned Sunggyu's name and it made you giggle. *oppa's really famous!* "...I hope you like his performance, well, or next singers will be performing Lucky! Let's all welcome, Kim Sunggyu, Kim Myungsoo...."
*Mwo?! M-Myungsoo?!* Your eyes widened. Then you remembered, Sunggyu said that he was also in the singing club.
Soon, you saw a lot of people onstage. There's a person who was on the piano, Sunggyu and another guy and girl were sitting on a chair, and there's another guy with Myungsoo who was also sitting with a guitar.
*M-Myungsoo will play the guitar? I thought they will all sing..* You thought as you looked at him. *I guess he doesnt sing well, should he be in the Music club?*
Before they start the song, you can see them talking and laughing. Well, you're still looking at Myungsoo and he was laughing as he fix his guitar on him.
*He...has a cute smile.. he should always have that on his face rather than being looking so cocky.. and arrogant..* You thought and shook your head. *Dont focus on that bastard, look at Sunggyu oppa.* You smiled and looked at Sunggyu who was talking to the guy sitting beside him.
Soon, Myungsoo started plucking the guitar. You blinked and looked at him in awe.
You have this one of the characteristics you like in a guy: A guy who knows how to play the guitar.
You gupled. He was really good and the way he smiled while plucking on the so... good.
You shook your head. Soon, you can hear Sunggyu started singing and smiled as you turned to look at him.
*Oppa is really great!* You saw that his eyes met yours so you gave him a smile and a thumbs up.
"Im lucky Im inlove with my bestfriend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again..."
With those lines, Sunggyu's eyes were glued on you as you were also looking at him in awe. Sunggyu put all his feelings on the song while singing it as if it was for you. But you didnt bother to notice it since the thing that was bothering you was how good Myungsoo was plucking on the guitar.And after some moment, you shifted your eyes again on Myungsoo. And he really turn you on. You hated that feeling.
As you were looking at him in awe, Myungsoo then accidentally met eyes with you. You blinked.
*Did he notice that it was me?!* You panicked. Dont know what to do.
You will almost turned to look away but you saw him smirking at you. Now, you looked away.
*He saw me!* You gulped.
*What is delivery girl doing here?* Myungsoo thought. *Being my fan?* He giggled as he played on the guitar.
And good thing, the song ended soon and you clapped your hands.
Hours passed by where the students who auditioned sang on the stage. You were in awe on how good they were so you never got bored. There are almost 30 people who auditioned. You clapped your hands in every person. *I wish I can sing well too*
Soon, you felt something cold in your face. You turned your face and saw a bottle of juice. You peek on who it was, and it was Sunggyu.
You took the juice and started drinking it. Sunggyu was now sitting beside you.
"So how's the performance?" He asked.
"Daebak!!!" You raised up two thumbs. Sunggyu ruffled your hair.
"You can be an idol you know." You praised him and he giggled.
"If I became one, then you'll be my manager."Sunggyu laughed.
"Shut up" You playfully rolled your eyes and giggled.
"Our last performance will be the next one, so i'll go back there." Sunggyu stood up.
You fist pumped and said, "Fighting!"
Sunggyu smiled and fist pumped too.
Soon, there are 7 people who climed up onstage. And they were all good looking. You only knew Sunggyu, and Myungsoo who was with a guitar again.
*Is he just a guitarist in this club?* You giggled. *I guess he really isnt a good singer* You wanted to laugh loud but you held yourself to not to.
"So, this is our last performance that we prepared for everyone. You guys all knew that we call them 'Infinite' right?? So, let's all welcome..INFINITEEEUUUUUU" the emcee introduced them.
*Infinite?* You giggled. *Nice name*
Soon, again, Myungsoo started the performance by plucking on the guitar.
*Oh gash.. he is so good..* You were in awe, your eyes were glued on him.
 You shook your head. *Stop mesmerizing on his talent. It's just his talent...* You turned to look at the first guy who sang. *Wow, he's good...*
Then you heard the next person sang, so you looked for who it was. Your eyes widened.
*HE WAS SINGING?!* Your eyes were glued again on Myungsoo. *He can play the guitar...He can also...sing?!*
You blinked. *He'..He's good..*
You facepalmed yourself. *Dont be fool by his looks and talents Jiyeon, he's an arrogant guy. You hated him Jiyeon. Stop being in awe at him*
Good thing, the next person sang so you took this chance to look at another person.
And soon, Sunggyu was the person who was singing. You smiled.
*oppa is still the best*
Soon, the song ended. You clapped your hands. You felt you were in a dreamland while listening to that last performance. They were all good. They can be an idol group.
You really enjoyed this event and thanks to Sunggyu that he invited you.
But there's one thing you hated on this day..
Being in awe at Myungsoo. You know this wasnt right. You hated him so you hated praising him in your mind.
*After this day, this admiration will be gone. Im sure this will only be for today* You smiled by that thought.
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Please check my new story "ONE MORE TRY" thank you! hehe -babyandme


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fanaticnamu #1
Chapter 58: This story was so cute and fluffy
So awwww... Myungsoo just too cute. Omg!!!
omg i can't take the fluffiness
Chapter 58: I really love this story it makes me flutter whenever myungyeon were together.....
inanova #4
Chapter 1: Realy2 love this story..myungyeon couple chuahe
Chapter 58: wahh... I really love it ..
I really love MyungYeon ..
By the way continue writing MyungYeon story authornim..
fighting ...:)
o_nofany #6
i really love myungyeon & you fan fix make me love them more ❤️❤️❤️... continue righting
Doojoon_Sunggyu #7
Chapter 47: Most people ** Btw , continue to write !
Doojoon_Sunggyu #8
Chapter 47: I like the ending of this chapter ! Moat people will write about Woori being a bad person but instead , you wrote her into a good person !
Chapter 22: hahaha!!!myungdae is so evil!!!ditching jiyeon so she has to be with myungsoo!!if I was in jiyeon's sitation I would me like this->T^T(and felt they she felt about L)I think he likes to play matchmaker~!!XP LOL
Chapter 58: Awe so cute