Pink Laces

The Sleepless Phoenix Review & Consulting Shop [CLOSED]

Author: shashashy

Story title: Pink Laces

Story type: Chaptered

Reviewer: vronvron

Review completion: 22/5/2016

Story Link

Overall Story rating: 8/10

Title: [10/10]

The title is unique and well, don't need to say too much about it since there don't seem to be other stories with the same title.

Foreword/Description: [8/10]

I feel as though you could perhaps describe what Fantagio Academy is like. Or who it's for as well, just briefly. Maybe tell the readers what kind of place the academy is because the description about the seasons is great, but there's no real context behind it. Is it a special school which bases things off the seasons? Does it follow a certain way of teaching? etc.

Plot/ character development:[9/10]

I actually think that even though the chapters are short, the development of the characters isn't bad. I feel that perhaps it was a tad bit rushed how Eunwoo was treating Chaemi kindly, but it works well with the plot. However, I do think that because the chapters are short, the story might end up with many chapters.

As i said, the chapters are a bit short in a way, but I think you just need some more descriptions of both settings and the characters thoughts and actions. But not too much so that it becomes a hassle to read through unnecessary descriptions.

Characterization: [8/10]

The characters seem to have definite traits about themselves which set them apart from each other. However, I do feel like you could spend a bit more time describing Eunwoo. Chaemi seems to be getting more descriptions than Eunwoo and it makes his actions rather sudden.


When there is dialogue, you might want to be careful with the full stops and commas. "Chocolate." Ms Kwon said. should be "Chocolate," Ms Kwon said. There should be a comma before the ending quotation mark, not a full stop.

Also, I noticed that you tended to switch from present tense and past tense between sentences or scenes. Be careful about that and make sure to stick to one or the other as it can become confusing for the readers.

Vocabulary: [7/10]

Your choice of vocabulary is satisfactory. The simple language suits the story since it's based around school. However, do be careful when using descriptive language. One word may mean something, but a synonym may sound better. Try and read the descriptions out loud and see if they make sense when reading them.

Setting/Description: [7/10]

The descriptions of their clothes - or gowns in the prologue chapter - might need some work. Maybe describe if its a fitting dress, whether the pattern is similar to plaid or striped. When you look at a dress like it, then what do you say in your head that it looks like?

As for setting, I feel like that you may want to work on describing the place rather than just tacking it in the first part of the scene. For example, as the characters move from one side of the room to another or from room to another. These kinds of descriptions help with the flow of the story and helps the readers visualise the places.


The story is yet to be complete, but I feel as though with a bit more work with descriptions, the climx and conclusion should be great!


It was a strange yet unique twist on the classic story and I'm sure it's relatable to younger people. Keep up the work, your writing can only improve with practice! :)

Total: 75/90

Thank you for using our services, I hope you are satisfied with your review and I'm sorry that some parts may be a bit short or if I seemed a tad harsh. However, I do hope that it assists you in some way. Don't forget to credit our shop in your story and comment below.

Good luck with the rest of your story ^^


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++sujuELFsarang your review will be ready by tomorrow i'm sorry for the late review ++


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TurbulenceTenshi #1
Chapter 46: Oh, hey, "Want and Resent"'s back up... if anyone's interested! Thanks either way :)
Chapter 45: Finally! I was actually waiting after the day you announced that it will be posted. Anyway, I'm happy for your review.

I know it is something not all people will waste time reading. It's cliche. Over used plot. Nothing really special just some typical drama. XD. No one would actually repeat reading stories that is already predictable. What am I saying? Lol. I am not really aiming for readers when I first wrote this. This is actually a gift for a friend because she really really love Baekhyun and she was the one who told me to post it here and ask for a review. But, when people started noticing it, I was like "I have to at least tell them what happened after. They deserve it" and yes, I know I will give them a sequel that is not really something to go back XD Lol.

Regarding the title, I would really really like to change it but my friend already read this and she doesn't want me to change what was done. She's kind of childish and selfish C:

Thank you for correcting my errors. I know there are lots of it and I do need someone who can point it out for me because I can't do it for myself. (disadvantage of not having English as the mother language) Thank you and sorry I wasn't able to meet your satisfaction :( .

Thank you Tychee! C: Gonna credit after this.
shadowjjong #3
Chapter 43: I have read my review and will credit as soon as possible, I am a bit under studying pressure, so it may take a while. Thank you very much again.
(c) for the side story of this oneshot (it's going to focus more on the past of Kai and Krystal), because I feel like I was too focused on trying to make this unbreakable bond between the two of them that I forgot to explain more about their past. So, there will be answers to your questions on the side story, I'll probably request a review for it once I posted it!

Whoa, I didn't realise I made that typo. I'll fix it right away, thank you so much!

Once again, thank you so much for reviewing and reading this story. I'm very honoured that you like it overall, I'm really glad that you had a good read and the time I spent brainstorming the plot and characterisation didn't go to waste. I will certainly comeback to this shop to get another review from you. I've also credited your shop in my foreword and upvoted this thread. Thank you so much, have a nice day <3