- Nineteen

Stage Thoughts

Dasom's P.O.V.

-=-2pm: A.D.T.O.Y. too y -///- -=-

Chanyeol's closed eyes don't seem to be giving any hint of letting go of me....or letting me breathe.

"Chan-" I manage to say out of the kiss, he pulls me back to his lips.

I start to try to pry his arms off of my body and he swings me around hiding behind a stone column. I feel something wet on my cheek and as he progresses into the kiss I finally realize...he's crying...

I gather my strength left in my arms and finally push him off and he gets pushed into the column behind us. Gasping for air I stare at him accusingly.

"How *breathes in...out* could you." I stare him down tears forming in my eyes.

He leans against the stone column and looks at me emotionless.

"Don't worry, it won't happen again if that's what you're thinking. I told you I will give you up..." He wipes his lips, smirks and then walks around back to the crowd of idols.

I start to tremble soon falling to the ground because my heels couldn't support my legs. I place my fingers onto my lips and tuck my head in, hugging myself.

"Dasom!!, Dasom..."

---Kai's P.O.V.---

I finally finished going around saying hello and introducing myself to my sunbaes, I try to seek out Dasom in the area I left her. Chanyeol walks out from behind a rounded wall. He has this sad hurt look on his face, then touching his lips with the side of his hand, hyung?

"Hyung!, can we talk?" I call out

He makes his way over and raises his eyebrows.

"What?" He stands in front of me

"What did you just do?" I suspect him. I know Chanyeol hyung would tell me the truth, he can't lie when it is something really important.

"I-I....kissed...someone..." He looks at the ground.

"Wah! congrats hyung XD" I pat his back and he suddenly walks off, turning around then saying.

"I gave up though, don't worry, there might be someone else though..." He walks into the crowd.

What did that mean?

---Dasom's P.O.V.---

I look up from my sitting position...right now I really don't care about my dress. Kai looks around calling my name and he finally spots me on the floor around the corner.

"Dasom? are you okay?" He lends me a hand...just like how we met, but this time it felt different.

"Kai....Thanks." I wipe off my legs and hold onto his arm.

---Kai's P.O.V.---

-=-sorry about switching so much...same song on repeat btw-=-

She is acting strange...did she...no he. They. Dasom keeps touching her face and lips then frantically looking around.

I grab her by the wrists and look her right in the eyes.

"Dasom, trust me and I will trust you. I will only ask once. Did you...kiss...Chanyeol hyung?" I stare at her with worrying eyes.

She stares back up at me and tears build up in her eyes....she did.

"I-.." She whimpers.

Thats it.

I pull her face in forcing a kiss, after her bottom lip feeling how there isn't any more lipstick there I pull away.

"Now your lips are clean and only for me." I whisper in a deep voice staring her down.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop him." She looks down flustered.

Thats my girl, I missed her there.

"As long as you know who you belong to." I lean down near her ear.

She tenses up and pulls me into a hug.

"Lets get out of here." She mumbles into my chest.

"Yeah... I wasn't even having any fun, so why don't we just get some air." I her head.

---Dasom's P.O.V.---

-=-JJCC: Bing BIng Bing...very catchy and attractive deep voices -/////- -=-

We exit the party, obviously not through the front, everyone would see so we went under some fences to make our way to a park making sure not to get lost. The cold air finally hits my bare legs and shoulders.

"Ehem..." Kai clears his throat and places his suit coat around me.

I walk arm in arm with Kai's suit coat over my shoulders, he looks down at me and just stares at me as we walk around in the empty park.

"Kai? What are you doing...am I doing something wrong?" I nudge him.

"No. You're doing everything," He steps back and checks me out head to toe and cracks a mischeaveous smile "...everything right."

"Idiot." I grab his arm again and lean my head on him.

We hear a rustling sound, Kai stops and wrap an arm around my waist.

Suddenly a white powder come falling down and then something starts getting pelted at us then cracking into a gooey yellow and clear substance...Flour? and Eggs?

Kai shields my body and then jolts up turning in the direction they came in, but htey ended up getting away, he turns back to me.

"What do we do....Oh! the hotel is nearby and we could wash off." He suggests

"Is anyone there?" I try to pluck off shells and eggs.

"No I doubt it."


-=-I pretty much started to ship Dasom with every guy...which isn't good. JJCC's Simba is getting to me again, his voice is so y and deep but not as y and deep as Yongguk, Yongguk has the nicest deep voice in my opinion then V or T.O.P. and then Simba. Sigh its hard to fangirl alone you know? I was spazzing last night and I messed up my bed and gave myself a bruise on my shin TAT. See being a fangirl is dangerous you hurt yourself. XD Okay enough of that I hope you liked these past few chapters I had to bring in a bit more ChanSom. Thank you for the comments I enjoyed reading these past ones they made me all motivated and excited! Thank you new subbies and readers! Its Thanksgiving...eve....right now and it is 9:44 pm here. So I will keep a look out for comments and I will most likely reply as I normally do. :) -=-


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52 I finally updated, I apologize for my absence.


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gyutrash #1
I LOVE THIS STORY ~~~ keep it up!
jungera25 #2
Chapter 54: hi! you might not remember me but i really like this story but i understand you are busy. i hope the best for you!
xerzaxx #3
Chapter 53: ohh nice fanfic i really like it :D upload soon pls :)
michellehappy123 #4
Chapter 53: Ok pls update soon again
myatakari #5
Chapter 53: I am still here author-nim waiting patiently for ur updates. What you found out about Kaisom? Plz share us too ♡_♡
xMakorra #6
Chapter 53: Yesss I am still here since you are one of my fav writers! *-*
Can I ask which things you found about Kaisom??? ;o (curious >.<) and yes baekyeon is cutee! did taeyeon really confirmed it? ;o

And please take care of yourself! it's alright, it's worth it (:
xMakorra #7
When are you gonna update again? ;-;
michellehappy123 #8
Chapter 52: Update soon
Susanseii #9
Chapter 52: Woo update! I don't think I would ever get sick of your story, take your time though!