Getting to Know Each Other

Undercover Princess 


Your mouth started watering as you saw all the delicious food being brought out. There were all different kinds of foods that you had never seen before. You realized just how hungry you were as you stared at the food. You hadn't eaten since that morning and it was now 6 in the evening.

The dishes were placed on the table and you tried your hardest not to dive into it right away. After all, you were supposed to be a princess and you were pretty sure princesses didn't scarf down food like you normally did. But you couldn't help but drool a little. Jonghyun saw you and snickered. "Geez, you look like an animal about to jump on its prey." He said with a disgusted look on his face. You glared at him. You couldn't help it if you were hungry.

"What are you waiting for Heeyoung-ssi? Go ahead and eat." Mr. Kim said in a cheerful voice. They already had food on their plates so you began piling food on yours. Jonghyun watched as you filled your plate with all kinds of food. He raised his eyebrow, intrigued. *What kind of a princess eats that much?* He thought. He shrugged and began to put food on his own plate.

You scarfed down the food as politely as you could manage. You must have still looked like a hungry animal because you got weird looks from the workers.


After dinner you and Haneul went up to her room. Her room looked like yours except with different colors. The two of you sat on her bed.

"So, I guess you're going to be my bodyguard from now on." She said with a smile. "I hope we can be friends too." You smiled back at her and nodded.

"We should get to know each other better. We'll start off with an easy question. What's your favorite color?" Haneul asked. "Blue! I love the color blue. What about you?" You replied.

"Hmm, I like purple. Ok, what about siblings? Do you have any?" She looked at you waiting for your answer. You gulped, not wanting to recall the memories. "Umm, yeah I did. I had an older brother." You left it at that. Haneul could see that you didn't want to say anything more about it so she quickly changed the topic.

"You already met my brother Jonghyun. He can seem really annoying when you first meet him but he is really a sweet person once you get to know him better." She said. You scoffed to yourself. *How could that jerk be a sweet person?* Although you didn't like Jonghyun, you did like Haneul. She was very nice and she didn't seem stuck up.


Onew was holding the file in his hand and reading it out loud. "The mission is to protect Princess Kim Haneul and find out who is trying to kill her. Don't let anyone see you. _____ will be protecting her too so all you really need to worry about is finding the culprit." The other members were listening intently. Taemin's ears perked up when he heard your name. *So that means we're gonna see _____. Although she won't be able to see us. I wonder how she is doing with her mission?* Taemin tapped his chin thoughtfully.

Key was laying down on the couch but he sat up once Onew was done reading. "Well, I guess that means we gotta pack and find a place nearby the Kim's mansion." He began to move around and put stuff into his suitcase. Minho did the same.

"I wonder why they need all four of us on this mission though? If _____ is already protecting the princess then why do they need all four of us?" Key wondered aloud. "Maybe they suspect someone dangerous to be targeting the princess." Minho replied.

"I did hear Kangdae-ssi saying something about a group of assassins called U-KISS from NH Agency. Maybe they suspect this U-KISS group to be targeting Haneul. If it is them then they must be pretty skilled to worry the top spies of SM Agency." Onew said. Taemin began to grow worried. *What if they attack Haneul and then _____ gets hurt trying to protect her? Wait, why am I so worried about _____? She's one of the most skilled fighters at SM. Besides I barely even know her.* Taemin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Your face kept appearing in his mind.

"Hey! Taemin start packing!" Key yelled. Taemin immediately began to move around and throw stuff into his bag. He was having trouble closing it since he just stuffed things into it so Key came over and neatly folded all the clothes and put it in the bag. "Hehe, thanks Umma." Taemin teased. Key glared at him and threw the bag in his face.

The four of them finished packing and left to begin their mission.


You and Haneul had talked to each other for two hours and you were really starting to like her. She was a very warm hearted person. You felt like you had just made your first female friend. Back at your school you only had guy friends since you always gave off a tough vibe. Now you finally had a best friend that was a girl. You were smiling as you walked into your room.

When you walked in you realized that you still hadn't seen the whole house. You were going to ask Haneul to show you around but changed your mind. After making a quick check to make sure there was no one around outside that could potentially attack Haneul, you left on your adventure.

As you walked through the halls you saw just how big the house was. It looked big on the outside but it seemed even bigger on the inside. You made sure to make note of everything so that you could plan escape routes if they were needed. You also made sure to look for anything suspicious.

You were so busy taking in everything that you weren't watching where you were walking. You bumped into something hard and fell onto your . You got up, rubbing your sore . "Ow, what the hell did I just run into? A brick wall?" You said to yourself. You heard someone laugh in front of you. "Am I really that muscular that my chest feels like a brick wall?" You heard a familiar, annoying voice say. Glaring, you lifted up your head to see Jonghyun smirking.

"Did I say a brick wall? I meant to say a wall of fat." You retorted. His eyes narrowed at you. "I am not fat. Unless your blind, I guess that would explain why you always run into things." He said. The two of you had a glaring contest and neither of you won. Rolling your eyes you began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Jonghyun called after you. "As far away as possible from you." You muttered under your breath. Jonghyun caught up to you and started walking with you. You decided to ignore him.

"Are you REALLY a princess?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. You froze. *Did he find out my real identity already? Damn it!* You were just about to push him against the wall and make sure he didn't tell anyone when you heard him chuckling. "Cause you definitely don't act like one. You don't even act like a girl. You could be a guy." He said. You relaxed after you heard him say that. You didn't care that you didn't act like a girl. Girly girls annoyed you.

"Oh, you wanna see something cool? Follow me!" Jonghyun said as he grabbed your hand and began running down the hall. You tried your best to run in your heels without fallling as you followed behind him. You blushed a little when he grabbed your hand. The two of you stopped in front of a door. He opened it and your jaw dropped.


yay! another chapter done!

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SeoulSweetheart #1
Chapter 7: Wahhhhh this is so hard to read cause U-KISS are my all time favourite group in the entire world and it that they are the antagonists >< sigh oh well it's a really interesting story! Nice work ^^
Haneul0907 #2
Chapter 42: Sweet story hihi
Chapter 3: Oh I love this :)
anyeong new reader :)
reading this story for the 12th time<3 Can't get enough of it:)
This story was very enjoyable to read. Thank you for sharing, and I'll be moving onto the sequel now :D
WhatName606 #6
<3 It's adorable!
-ily_4ever #7
I love this story I read thi story in one night!! :]
shineebling #8
i <3 this storyy~~~ MUST.READ.SEQUEL.
Wow I read your whole story in one go!! It was sooo good :D
LovableTaemint #10
LOLZ!!! Chapter 3!! Siwon as the BUTLER and DONghae as the DRIVER!! MAde me laugh hard out and i'm at school!!! XD