The Final Battle

Undercover Princess 

Onew yelled out in pain and clutched his shoulder. Blood was already running down his arm like a waterfall. Soohyun smirked, clutching the gun in his hand. *I didn't hit where I was aiming but thats fine.* He thought. Both sides being firing shots back and forth. Everyone ducked for cover behind trees.

Now, the clearing was empty. Key went to Onew, who was sitting behind a large tree. "Are you alright?" He asked. Onew nodded, "I'll be fine." Another gun shot was heard and a bullet zipped past Key's head. Key quickly backed up against the tree for cover.

He looked to his right and saw Minho hiding behind a nearby tree. Taemin was to his left but you weren't with him. Key didn't have time to wonder where you were because Kevin popped out from a tree in front of him and shot at him. Key reacted quickly and dropped to the ground, the bullet narrowly missing the top of his head. He fired back and Kevin whirled back behind the tree.

Key glanced back at Onew but found that Onew had disappeared. He turned his attention back to Kevin. In a flash, Key appeared next to Kevin. Kevin was taken by surprise and Key slammed the hilt of his gun into Kevin's gut. Kevin gasped in pain. He retaliated quickly though, bring his own gun up and smashing it into Key's chin. Key's head flew back and he stumbled backwards. Kevin brought his gun up and shot Key in the arm. Key bit his lip to stop himself from yelling out in pain. Kevin was about to fire again, when Key grabbed Kevin's gun and twisted it out of his grip. He then used the gun to slam into Kevin's head, knocking him out.

Minho was shooting at Kiseop and narrowly dodging the shots that Kiseop fired back. Eventually, both of them ran out of bullets. They soon became locked in a hand-to-hand battle. Kiseop swung his fist and Minho and it connected with his stomach. Minho grunted in pain but quickly regained his posture. He whipped out his knife.

He came back at Kiseop, stabbing at him swiftly. Kiseop managed to dodge them all. Then Minho pulled out another knife. He wielded both expertly. Kiseop pulled out his own knife. The two of them slashed at each other but they both dodged each others swings. Minho saw an opening and struck. He made it seem as if he missed and swung just past Kiseop's face. He then dropped the knife and swung his fist sideways, smashing into the side of Kiseop's face. There was a sickening crack and there were surely some bones broken.

Kiseop wiped the blood off his mouth. Before he could prepare himself for another attack, Minho had tackled him to the ground. Kiseop gasped in pain as the wind was knocked out of him. Minho punched him again a few more times until Kiseop was completely unconcious.

Taemin's eyes darted around the area, looking for Eli. He spotted him behind a tree a few feet away. Taemin tucked his gun away. He wanted to fight using his fists. He walked towards the tree, holding his hands up in the air. Eli watched him carefully. *What is this guy doing?* He came out from behind the tree, pointing his gun at Taemin's head. "Put your gun down. I wanna fight using our fists." Taemin said.

"Then why don't you put your gun down too." Eli replied. The two of them held their guns up in the air and dropped them on the ground. They walked in a circle, eyeing each other, trying to anticipate what the other would do. Then, they both attacked each other at the same time. Their fists connected in the middle and there was a loud crack sound.

 Taemin grimaced at the pain and Eli cracked his knuckles. They went at it again. Throwing punches at each other, blocking, kicking. Taemin managed to get a few good hits in but he also got hit pretty badly in the gut. He grabbed Eli's fist and twisted his arm behind his back. Eli brought his free arm up and slammed his elbow into Taemin's stomach. Taemin let go and clutched his stomach in pain. Eli had hit him so hard that he coughed up blood.

Composing himself quickly, Taemin charged at Eli. He slammed into Eli, catching him off guard, causing Eli to fly backwards. Eli grunted as he landed on the ground. He got up quickly but wasn't fast enough to block Taemin's kick. Taemin kicked him square in the chest and Eli fell to the ground again, the wind knocked out of him. Taemin picked up his and Eli's guns and tucked them away. He dusted off his clothes and went to find another U-KISS member.  

Onew had gotten up and searched for Soohyun. "Are you looking for me?" Soohyun asked mockingly. Onew turned around and glared at him. They both pulled their guns out at the same time, aiming straight at the other's head. The two of them were silent and the only sound that could be heard were the sounds of the others fighting.

"You know that one of us isn't getting out of here alive, don't you?" Soohyun said, smirking. Onew's expression didn't change as he said, "I'd rather not kill you Soohyun. I don't like killing people. I only kill if I'm ordered to."

Soohyun scoffed. "If you only kill when you're ordered to, then why the hell did you kill Alexander and Kibum? They were doing their mission and you had no right to interfere. And I'm certain you weren't ordered to kill them." He said. A flash of guilt appeared on Onew's face, but only for a second. Soohyun was able to notice it though. "Feeling guilty now?" He asked, scoffing.

Onew had a hard look on his face. "I had no choice." Onew replied. Soohyun rolled his eyes. "No choice? Don't make me laugh."

"I'm done talking Soohyun. Let's end this now." Onew said. Soohyun smirked. "That's fine with me. I've been waiting for this."

The two of them walked in a circle, guns still aimed at the other. The tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. The two leaders studied each other carefully, calculating when to make their move. *It's now or never.* Onew thought as he dived to the ground and shot Soohyun in the leg. Soohyun clutched his leg in pain with one hand and tried to shoot Onew at the same time.

Onew rolled on the ground, dodging the bullets. He then jumped up and slammed the handle of the gun into Soohyun's head. Soohyun collapsed, knocked out. Onew looked down at him sadly. He bent down, ripped a piece of his shirt off, and tied it around the wound on Soohyun's leg. *I never wanted me or my members to kill Alexander and Kibum.That's one of the things I regret the most in my life.* Onew thought grimly. *I should tell him the truth when he wakes up. But right now, I need to help the others.* Onew got up and ran back to help the others


You had dived onto the ground behind a tree after firing a few bullets at the enemies. But, instead of landing on the ground, you landed on something soft. That 'something' grunted when you landed on it. Your eyes widened in shock and you quickly got up and pointed your gun at it.

  'It' yelped in fear. "Yah! Don't shoot, it's me!" Jonghyun yelled. Your jaw dropped. "What the hell are you doing here?!" You snapped at him.  "I'd like to ask you the same thing!" He yelled back.

A bullet whizzed past your head. You pressed yourself up against the tree, while still glaring at Jonghyun who was sitting on the ground. "You need to get out of here. RIGHT NOW." You said firmly. Jonghyun stood up and took a step towards you. You heard a rustle behind him, pushed him back down and shot your gun. The bullet hit Hoon in the arm and he hid behind his tree, grasping his arm.

Jonghyun was shaking in fear. *She just saved my life. I could have died.* He was frozen, sitting on the ground, staring up at you. You ignored Jonghyun, and took a look at your surroundings. You knew where Hoon was but you had to be on the look out for the others. You spotted Dongho behind a tree a couple yards away.

You fired a couple shots at him and managed to hit him in the leg. He collapsed to the ground, clutching his leg with one hand. With his gun in his other hand, he shot back at you. You tried to dodge but a bullet hit your wrist and you dropped your gun. Hiding behind the tree, you held your bleeding wrist.

Jonghyun still hadn't moved but when he saw you get hurt, he quickly got up and went towards you. He softly grabbed your wrist and examined it. "That's it. I'm getting you the hell out of here." He said, gently tugging you away. You pulled away from him. "No. I'm not going anywhere. You're the one that has to get the hell out of here."

You ripped a piece of your shirt and wrapped it around your wrist. You flexed it back and forth, testing it out, then you picked up your gun again. Jonghyun grabbed your shoulders and looked into your eyes. "What are you doing? Its dangerous here. Do you know how worried I was when you just disappeared this morning?! What kind of princess are you?!" He yelled.

"I'm NOT a princess! I'm a spy, alright. I'm not a princess, I've been lying to you about who I really am since the day I met you. Its not safe for you to be around me. Look at where you are right now because of me!" You yelled back, exasperated. Jonghyun didn't say anything. Sighing, you grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him towards SHINee's car. You tried to be as stealthy as possible but it wasn't helping that Jonghyun was like a rag doll dragging along behind you.

"Will you move your own damn feet, instead of having me drag you?!" You snapped. Jonghyun had an empty expression on his face but he started walking behind you. You continued walking, thinking that you were far away enough from the fight. You could still hear the gun shots going off but you didn't think anyone would be out here.

SHINee's car was parked in the empty parking lot. You pushed Jonghyun towards the car. "Go wait inside the car." You said. Jonghyun nodded, and walked towards the car slowly. You watched him sadly. *I'm sorry, but I can't let you get hurt again.*

The sound of a twig snapping, broke you out of your daze and you turned your head to the source of the sound. AJ was hidden behind a bush and he was aiming his gun at something. You followed his aim and it landed on Jonghyun. "Jonghyun! Watch out!" You yelled. The sound of a gun went off.


A million thoughts were running throughout Jonghyun's mind. But those thoughts were interrupted abruptly when he heard you yelling at him. "Jonghyun! Watch out!" He spun around to see you running out from the woods. Things seemed to go in slow motion for him. You ran out in between him and the woods. A gun shot was heard and a bullet flew towards you. It hit you in the chest and you fell to the ground. He saw a guy run back into the woods, towards the clearing.

Jonghyun's mind went blank for a second. Then he snapped out of his daze and ran towards you. You were laying on the ground, your eyes were closed. Jonghyun's eyes widened in fear. Your blood was already creating a pool around your body. The sickly red color stained your shirt.

 Jonghyun picked you up and hugged you tightly. "Please don't die." He whispered over and over. He looked over at SHINee's car and brought you to it. He laid you down in the back and got in the driver's seat. Luckily, the keys were in the glove compartment so Jonghyun the engine and drove as fast as he could to the nearest hospital.


well, this was a pretty action-packed chapter. i hope you guys liked it!

although i feel bad that U-KISS got hurt so badly lol, they're actually one of my favorite kpop bands and Kiseop is my ultimate kpop bias, it feels weird writing about him getting hurt. anyways, i really hope you guys like this chapter ^_^

please leave a comment! thanks for reading!! ^.^

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SeoulSweetheart #1
Chapter 7: Wahhhhh this is so hard to read cause U-KISS are my all time favourite group in the entire world and it that they are the antagonists >< sigh oh well it's a really interesting story! Nice work ^^
Haneul0907 #2
Chapter 42: Sweet story hihi
Chapter 3: Oh I love this :)
anyeong new reader :)
reading this story for the 12th time<3 Can't get enough of it:)
This story was very enjoyable to read. Thank you for sharing, and I'll be moving onto the sequel now :D
WhatName606 #6
<3 It's adorable!
-ily_4ever #7
I love this story I read thi story in one night!! :]
shineebling #8
i <3 this storyy~~~ MUST.READ.SEQUEL.
Wow I read your whole story in one go!! It was sooo good :D
LovableTaemint #10
LOLZ!!! Chapter 3!! Siwon as the BUTLER and DONghae as the DRIVER!! MAde me laugh hard out and i'm at school!!! XD