Furious Jonghyun

Undercover Princess


Key and Taemin said their goodbyes to you and disappeared into their hiding spots. You walked up to the front door and opened it. It was around 10 o'clock so you missed dinner. You decided to go and find Mr. and Mrs. Kim and apoligize for missing dinner.

That was when you realized you had no idea where their rooms were. Even though you had explored the house the first day, you still didn't know where everything was. "Well, time to go on an adventure." You mumbled to yourself. You were actually very tired and wanted to go to sleep but you had to apoligize, thats what a real princess would do, right?

You wandered throughout the halls, hoping to find someone who could tell you where to go. But until then, you opened every single door that you walked by. Most of them were guest rooms, bathrooms or closets. You were about to give up when you saw someone at the end of the hall.

You quickly ran towards them but stopped when you saw that it was Jonghyun. He turned around and saw you too. He had an angry look on his face. Slowly turning around, you started walking in the opposite direction, hoping that he wasn't following you.

However you heard footsteps behind you. You picked up the pace and started speed-walking. The footsteps behind you sped up too. *3,2,1* You burst into a sprint.

After a few minutes of running, you got tired and slowed down. *I think I lost him.* You thought as you looked behind you. You didn't see any sign of Jonghyun so you sat down on the floor.

Then you remembered that you still needed to find Mr. and Mrs. Kim so you could apoligize. Getting up, you started walking down the hall again.

You were turning a corner and you bumped into someone. You were about to fall backwards when a pair of arms grabbed you. You looked at them to find out that Jonghyun was the one you bumped into.

You tried to break out of his grip but he wouldn't let you go. "Kim Jonghyun, let me go right now!" You yelled. He didn't say anything but just glared at you. You felt chills run up your spine. You have never been afraid of anyone or anything before but why was Jonghyun scaring you so much right now?

Your heart was pounding inside your chest as he started leaning his face towards you. *Not again, what's he gonna do this time?* He leaned in until his lips were right next to your ear. You could hear him breathing deeply. You tried to punch him as hard as you could but it just turned into weak attempts. *Why does this jerk make me feel so weak?*

Lifting up your knee, you tried to knee him again but this time he was ready for it. He pushed you back and pinned you against the wall. "Don't even try to do that again." Jonghyun whispered menacingly. You were at a loss for words. No one had ever beaten you before. Even if the two of you weren't in a real fight, he still beat you.

"What do you want?" You said. He didn't say anything for a moment and the two of you had a glaring contest. Jonghyun won. You were pissed off. "What the hell do you want?!" You screamed at him.

"Where were you?" He asked. You looked at him, puzzled. "What do you mean?" You asked.

"Where were you during dinner?" He said, venom dripping from his voice. *Why does he care where I was?* You thought.

"I was at a friend's house." You replied. "But why do you care? And why are you so angry?"

Jonghyun seemed to relax a bit. "No reason." He let go of you and backed away. "And by the way, never call me a dinosaur again." At that, he walked off.

You still stood there, confused. *What was that all about? He didn't have to get so angry just because I missed dinner.* Shruggin, you went off to find Mr. and Mrs. Kim.

As Jonghyun was walking away he glanced back at you and watched your retreating figure. "I was angry because I was worried about you, you idiot." He whispered softly to himself.

-------Earlier in the day------

Jonghyun had gotten up off the ground after you had left. He was still in pain and pissed off at you calling him a dinosaur. He was always teased about that when he was younger.

He lifted his head up and looked at the sky. *This girl is driving me nuts.* He took a deep breath. Then he started walking back to the house.

On his way there, he saw you sneaking around. *What is she doing?* He was about to call out to you but then stopped as you started climbing the tree. Curious, Jonghyun hid behind a bush and watched to see what you were doing.

A minute later, he saw you and Taemin falling out of the tree. His jaw dropped and he was about to go out and catch you but he saw you throw Taemin and roll onto the ground safely. *Who is this girl? A normal princess wouldn't be able to do any of that.*

"Lee Taemin! What are you doing here?"  He heard you ask the guy. *Lee Taemin? She knows this guy? But who is this guy and why was he in our tree?* Jonghyun was growing more and more curious. "I asked you what you were doing here, so answer me."  He heard you say forcefully.

The Taemin guy looked frightened by you and he stuttered as he spoke. Then he dashed off and you followed after him. Jonghyun was about to run after the two of you but he heard his mother calling him.

He decided to question you about the guy later and went inside to see what his mother wanted.

After a few hours it was time for dinner. Jonghyun went to the dining hall hoping that you had come back so he could ask you about the guy. However when he got there, you weren't there. "Mom, do you know where Heeyoung is?" He asked as he sat down at the table.

"No, wasn't she with you?" His mom asked. Jonghyun shook his head. "Do you know where she is Haneul-ah?" Mr. Kim asked.

"I haven't seen her since this morning." Haneul replied. Jonghyun thought back to how you ran off after Taemin. *Did that guy do something to her?* He shook his head. *No, it looked like that guy was scared of her. And she is pretty tough for a princess.*

The food was put down onto the table and Jonghyun started putting food onto his plate. He picked up his fork and stabbed a piece of chicken. As he was about to put it in his mouth he froze. *What if the guy was just putting on an act so that she would chase him? And then he would lead her into a dark alley and...* He shuddered, not wanting to think about what would happen next.

He put down his fork and slapped his cheeks lightly. *Get yourself together Jonghyun! Why are you even worrying about her? She called you a dinosaur.* He then started eating.

Jonghyun kept glancing at the door to see if you would walk in soon but you never did. *Maybe something did happen to her? She may think she's super tough but still if that guy had friends they could easily gang up on her and......* Jonghyun slammed his fork down onto the table. He got up. "I'm done eating." He said as he walked out of the dining room.

He decided to check your room to see if you had gone there and skipped dinner. However when he got to your room, you weren't there. Then he went to check the game room but you weren't there either. *Where is she? It's 10 o'clock now and she's still not back.* 

He began to wander around the halls, getting more and more worried and furious. He stopped and clenched his fist tightly. Then he turned around and saw you.

-------Back to present time-------

You had finally found Mr. and Mrs. Kim and apoligized to them. They said that it was fine but to tell them the next time you were going to have dinner with your friend.

You were walking back to your room and stopped in front of Haneul's room. You knocked lightly on the door. A few seconds later she opened it. She smiled and hugged you tightly. "Where were you at dinner? I was worried that something happened to you." She said. You smiled at her concern.

"I had dinner at a friend's house. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and I"m sorry for worrying you." You said. "Did anything happen while I was gone?" You asked. Haneul shook her head.

"Nope, nobody tried attacking me today." She replied. "I feel a lot safer now that you're here though. I still have nightmares about that one night." She shivered and you patted her back comfortingly. 

"Well, it's late and we should probably go to bed. Good night Haneul-ah." You said. She waved and you went back to your room.

Opening the door, you saw someone sitting on your bed. In a flash, you had them pinned onto the bed underneath you.  

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SeoulSweetheart #1
Chapter 7: Wahhhhh this is so hard to read cause U-KISS are my all time favourite group in the entire world and it that they are the antagonists >< sigh oh well it's a really interesting story! Nice work ^^
Haneul0907 #2
Chapter 42: Sweet story hihi
Chapter 3: Oh I love this :)
anyeong new reader :)
reading this story for the 12th time<3 Can't get enough of it:)
This story was very enjoyable to read. Thank you for sharing, and I'll be moving onto the sequel now :D
WhatName606 #6
<3 It's adorable!
-ily_4ever #7
I love this story I read thi story in one night!! :]
shineebling #8
i <3 this storyy~~~ MUST.READ.SEQUEL.
Wow I read your whole story in one go!! It was sooo good :D
LovableTaemint #10
LOLZ!!! Chapter 3!! Siwon as the BUTLER and DONghae as the DRIVER!! MAde me laugh hard out and i'm at school!!! XD