
Undercover Princess

 Key was cutting the meat while you were cutting the vegetables. He put the knife down and washed his hands. He then skipped towards a stereo in the corner of the kitchen. He turned it on and smiled as he bobbed his head to the music. Then he went back to cutting the meat.

After a minute, Tik Tok by Ke$ha came on and Key stopped what he was doing and started singing. He danced around the kitchen and you laughed. "You're such a diva." You said. Key just smiled and continued singing.

Taemin was watching the two of you. He had finished setting the table and sat in a chair, waiting for dinner. "Stop fooling around and hurry up with dinner. I'm hungry." He pouted. Key stopped dancing but he kept singing while he started making the fried rice.


Once you were finished cutting the vegetables you gave it to him and he added it to the fried rice. "Do you wanna try?" Key asked. He handed you the spatula. You stood in front of the frying pan. You were clueless about what to do. You had never made fried rice before.

"Here, let me show you." Key said as he put his hand on yours and guided it. He moved the spatula in a stirring motion. "You have to keep stirring the rice because you'll burn it if you stop." You nodded. Key kept his hand on yours and stirred the fried rice. You looked up at him.

"Umm, I think I get it now. You can let go of my hand." You said, blushing slightly.

"Oh! Sorry." He said, his face turning red too. He still stood near you and gave you some advice while you were cooking. Taemin watched jealously. He had a frown on his face as he watched the two of you cook. *They look like a newly-wed couple. But why am I getting so jealous? I guess it's because _____ reminds me of her.* Not able to stand it anymore, Taemin stood up and walked over to the two of you.

"I wanna do it." He said as he grabbed the spatula out of your hand and squirmed in between you and Key. You looked at him in disbelief. *Did he really just take that spatula out of my hand.* You don't know why but it pissed you off when people took something out of your hands without asking.

"Hey! I was doing that, you can't just take it out of my hands." You said. You tried to take it back but he gently pushed your hands away.

"You're our guest so you shouldn't be cooking. Sit down at the table. I'm almost done." He said. You had a puzzled look on your face. *Since when did he start acting nice to me?* But you shrugged it off and sat down at the table.

Key was about to go and sit with you but Taemin grabbed him by the collar. "You get to stay here and help me hyung." He said with a smile on his face. To anyone else, Taemin's smile would look sweet and sincere but Key could see that his smile was saying "Don't you dare sit with her or flirt with her again or else I will kill you."

So Key stayed with Taemin and helped him finish cooking the fried rice. You looked around the house. There weren't any decorations but it had a nice homey feeling to it. It wasn't as big as the Kim's house but it was still nice.

Tired of sitting, you decided to walk around the house. You walked down the hall and opened the first door on your left. This turned out to be the bathroom so you shut it, not wanting to go into a guy's bathroom.

Continuing on down the hall, you went to the next door. Opening this door, you saw that it was one of their rooms. This room was very neat and tidy. You walked into it and looked around at all the stuff. There were several beauty products for men and you guessed that this was Key's room.

After finding nothing interesting in Key's room, you moved on to the next one. This next room had a lot of motivational posters in it. There were posters that said, 'Never give up' and 'Losing is not an option'. Judging from the posters you guessed that it was Minho's room. When you were at the agency, you had heard that Minho was very competitive and that he hated losing.

Going on to the next room, you opened it and immediately smelled fried chicken. In the trash can there were several boxes of fried chicken. This had to be Onew, the chicken lovers, room. The smell of the chicken was making you hungrier so you walked out.

The last room had to be Taemin's. You were curious as to what would be in his room. Just as you were about to turn the door knob, Key called your name. "______-ah! Dinner's ready." You turned from the door and went back to the kitchen.

You walked into the kitchen and Key gestured for you to sit down. You sat down next to him, across from Taemin. "It smells good." You said happily. Key had a smug look on his face.

"Of course it smells good. I made it." He said.

"Hey, I helped." You smacked his shoulder playfully. Taemin was glaring at the two of you as he silently ate his food. Taking a bite of the food you immediately beamed. "This is delicious!" Key smiled gleefullly. Taemin couldn't help but smile too.

After the three of you finished dinner, Onew and Minho came back. "Something smells good! Did Key make fried rice today?" Onew asked right when he walked in the door.

"Yeah, I did but _____ and Taemin helped me." Key said. Onew smiled brightly.

"I love Key's fried rice!" He yelled as he ran into the kitchen and started to stuff his face with food. Minho walked in after him and calmly sat down to eat.

"I should probably get back now. The Kim's are probably wondering where I am." You said.

"We should probably go too hyung." Taemin said as he was slipping a knife into his sleeve. Key nodded and the two of them walked with you back to the Kim's house.

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SeoulSweetheart #1
Chapter 7: Wahhhhh this is so hard to read cause U-KISS are my all time favourite group in the entire world and it that they are the antagonists >< sigh oh well it's a really interesting story! Nice work ^^
Haneul0907 #2
Chapter 42: Sweet story hihi
Chapter 3: Oh I love this :)
anyeong new reader :)
reading this story for the 12th time<3 Can't get enough of it:)
This story was very enjoyable to read. Thank you for sharing, and I'll be moving onto the sequel now :D
WhatName606 #6
<3 It's adorable!
-ily_4ever #7
I love this story I read thi story in one night!! :]
shineebling #8
i <3 this storyy~~~ MUST.READ.SEQUEL.
Wow I read your whole story in one go!! It was sooo good :D
LovableTaemint #10
LOLZ!!! Chapter 3!! Siwon as the BUTLER and DONghae as the DRIVER!! MAde me laugh hard out and i'm at school!!! XD