
Undercover Princess 

You crawled out of Jonghyun's embrace. He was still sleeping peacefully. Getting to your feet, you were about to leave him there but you thought better of it. Standing next to Jonghyun's sleeping figure, you gazed down at him. You couldn't help but smile warmly. Then, you knelt down and carried him on your back.

You brought him back to his room and laid him on his bed. Dusting your hands off, you took a glance at him before leaving. *I still don't remember all the times we shared together but I'm happy I remember our first date.*

As you walked through the halls, you kept grasping your wrist. It felt as if you were missing something important. While you were pondering what that missing item was, you weren't paying attention to where you were going and you bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." You said. The person chuckled and you snapped out of your thoughts and glared at them. Your eyes widened as you realized that Taemin was the person you ran into. "Taemin, how's it going?" You asked. He looked at you with an emotion in his eyes that you couldn't seem to understand.

"Did you remember anything yet?" He asked in a soft tone. You smiled happily and nodded. Taemin gave you a small smile back, then he looked down at his feet. After taking a deep breath, he glanced back up at you. "Can I talk to you for a moment? I have something that I need to tell you." He said.

 "Sure, what do you need to tell me?" You asked, tilting your head in curiousity. Taemin's eyes darted around nervously and spotted someone walking down the hall. He gently grabbed your wrist and started pulling you in the opposite direction. "Hey! Where are we going?!" You yelled.

Taemin glanced back at you, "This is something I need to tell you privately." You frowned at his back and pulled your wrist away but continued to walk behind him. *He still didn't tell me where we're going. Jerk.*

After a few minutes, Taemin stopped in front of SHINee's room. He peeked inside to make sure no one was in there, then he led you inside. You sat down on the couch, waiting for Taemin to speak. He paced around nervously before taking a seat next to you. *I have to tell her. I need to get this off my chest.*

Taemin's eyes locked with yours. The two of you gazed into each others' eyes while neither of you said a word. You were the first to break the staring contest. "What did you want to tell me?" You said firmly. You had grown impatient and the look in your eyes demanded that Taemin answer your question now.

 Without a word, Taemin pulled you into a tight embrace. Your eyes widened in surprise. "T-taemin, what are you doing?" You stuttered nervously.

"I love you, _____. I know that you don't love me back but I needed to tell you. I needed to confess so that I could move on." Taemin whispered. You were shocked by Taemin's confession. Your body stiffened in his arms, the gears in your mind came to a stop. You had no idea what to do.

Taemin calmly let go of you and gazed into your eyes. "I'm sorry if I startled you with my sudden confession. Just forget I ever said anything." He said. He tried to mask his emotions and softly smiled at you.

However, it was easy for you to see the pain in his eyes, the tears that threatened to spill onto his cheeks. Snapping out of your daze, you patted Taemin's shoulder. "Thank you for telling me, it must have been hard on you. I know that you'll find someone who will love you the same way in the future." You said. "We can be best friends though, right?" You asked, smiling.

Taemin grinned back and nodded. "Yeah, we'll be best friends." You hugged him before getting up and leaving the room. Once the door closed, a lone tear fell down Taemin's cheek. *It still hurts, but at least I can move on now.* He laid down on the couch and closed his eyes. Letting his tears fall freely, Taemin fell asleep. All the pain he had been holding on to washed away with his tears.


You walked through the halls aimlessly as your mind was still distracted by Taemin's confession. You panicked when you felt someone grab your wrist and you slammed that person into the wall. The person smirked and pulled you closer to him so that there was no space in between you two. His hand traveled down your body and rested just above your . "I didn't know you liked me that way. I like forceful girls. Maybe we should take this to my room?" The guy said in a smug voice that you immediately recognized.

You shoved Key to the ground and glared at him. "You ing ert." You snapped as you started to walk away. Key had a huge grin on his face. He got up and quickly caught up to you.

"Wait! I have something of yours." Key called. You stopped walking and turned to look at him. Raising an eyebrow, you waited for him to tell you what it was. Key searched through his pockets and pulled out a bracelet. He grabbed your hand and placed the bracelet in it. "I found it at the parking lot. There was blood on it before so I washed it for you."

You wrapped your fingers around the bracelet and held it tightly. "Thank you Key." You said. Key leaned his cheek towards your face. You blinked in confusion. He tapped his cheek and pouted. "Don't I deserve a kiss?" He asked. You rolled your eyes and pushed his face away. Key stomped away angrily while he grumbled to himself.

You chuckled and glanced down at the bracelet again. All of a sudden, a wave of images crashed into your mind. Memories flowed through your mind so quickly that they blurred your vision. You clutched your head once the images stopped. Trembling, you looked down at the bracelet in your hand. Tears of happiness spilled onto your cheeks as you slipped the bracelet onto your wrist.

You dashed through the halls to find Jonghyun and tell him the good news. *I got my memories back!*


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SeoulSweetheart #1
Chapter 7: Wahhhhh this is so hard to read cause U-KISS are my all time favourite group in the entire world and it that they are the antagonists >< sigh oh well it's a really interesting story! Nice work ^^
Haneul0907 #2
Chapter 42: Sweet story hihi
Chapter 3: Oh I love this :)
anyeong new reader :)
reading this story for the 12th time<3 Can't get enough of it:)
This story was very enjoyable to read. Thank you for sharing, and I'll be moving onto the sequel now :D
WhatName606 #6
<3 It's adorable!
-ily_4ever #7
I love this story I read thi story in one night!! :]
shineebling #8
i <3 this storyy~~~ MUST.READ.SEQUEL.
Wow I read your whole story in one go!! It was sooo good :D
LovableTaemint #10
LOLZ!!! Chapter 3!! Siwon as the BUTLER and DONghae as the DRIVER!! MAde me laugh hard out and i'm at school!!! XD