I'll Make You Remember

Undercover Princess


Jonghyun and Taemin both stared at you in shock. You looked between the two of them, confused. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You snapped. Jonghyun was speechless. *How could she not know I'm her boyfriend? Does she not remember me?*

"Don't you remember Jonghyun?" Taemin said, just as shocked as Jonghyun. You nodded. "I remember Jonghyun but I don't remember ever being his girlfriend." You said simply.

Jonghyun glared at you. "What do you mean you don't remember being my girlfriend?!" He yelled, causing you to flinch. He immediately regretted yelling at you. His eyes softened as he gazed at you. "Just think. Don't you remember our first date? We were at this exact same hospital." He said softly.

You thought hard about it but clutched onto your head as a jolt of pain went through it. *I can see a fuzzy image but I can't fully remember.* You stared at Jonghyun, trying as hard as you could to remember.

"I'm sorry." You whispered. Jonghyun's shoulders sagged and his eyes lost their brightness from before. He turned away and walked out the door silently. You watched him go, feeling a pang of sadness. *I feel so sad. I want to remember but I can't.*

Once Jonghyun had left, you realized that Taemin was still standing there. An apoligetic smile came on your face. "I'm sorry. Are you really not my boyfriend?" You asked him.

Taemin's gaze locked with yours. He tried to keep his face straight as he waged a war within him. *She thinks I'm her boyfriend, this is my chance. I can make her love me. But, I know that she truly loves Jonghyun and I don't want to take her away from him. When she remembers, she'll be hurt. But I want her to love me. But I don't want to hurt her. What do I do?*

Your eyes narrowed and you glared at him, your temper taking over you. "It's a simple yes or no question. It's not that hard to answer." You snapped. Taemin took a deep breath. "No, I'm not your boyfriend." He said. Although his heart hurt, he knew that he was doing the right thing.

Your eyes lowered and you stared at your hands. *So that means Jonghyun really is my boyfriend. But why can't I remember?*


As Jonghyun walked through the streets, he didn't pay attention to anything around him. He felt as if he had lost everything again. His eyes looked empty as he stared at the ground while he walked.

Jonghyun looked up and realized that he was already home. He stumbled inside and went into his room. He let out a strangled cry as he sat on his bed. His figure looked broken, his head was in his hands and his body occasionally trembled because of his sobs.

 *Why can't she remember us? She remembers me but she doesn't remember us being together. Why did this have to happen?* Jonghyun lay down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. "What do I do now?" He said to no one in particular.


A few days later, you were released from the hospital. Your parents had come to pick you up. Taemin hadn't visited you since the day you woke up. However, Taemin was not who you were thinking about as you walked towards your parents car. Your mind was occupied with thoughts of Jonghyun. He didn't come back after that day either.

You took a few quick glances around, hoping that Jonghyun would show up. Your heart filled with sadness though as there was no one in sight. Sighing, you opened the door to your parents car.

Just as you were about to go inside, someone grabbed your wrist. You whipped around and faced the person. You froze when you saw Jonghyun. The two of you gazed into each other's eyes and you felt a deep connection to him.

You stayed like that for a few more seconds until Jonghyun pulled you into his arms. He hugged you tightly. "Shim _____, I swear that I will make you remember. I don't care how long it takes but I'll definitely make you remember our relationship." He said.

When you heard him say your name, your heart beat accelerated and you felt extremely happy. You were about to say something when your dad honked the horn. Your parents were watching you two and your mom winked at you. "Hurry up! We gotta go." Your dad said.

Without warning, Jonghyun pushed you into the car and got in after you. You looked at him, eyes wide. "What are you doing?" You asked.

Jonghyun smirked. "I'm coming with you. How could I make you remember us if we aren't together?" Your jaw dropped and you glanced at your parents. Your dad shrugged and your mom smiled brightly. "That's fine with us. There's plenty of room in the agency." Your mom said happily.

Jonghyun pushed your head onto his shoulder. "Sleep. You must be tired." He whispered. You tried to lift your head up but he gently pushed it back down. "Sleep." He murmured as he began to hum a soft lullaby. You felt your eyes closing and you slowly started drifting off to sleep, a small smile playing on your lips. Jonghyun softly gazed at you, then rested his head on yours. *I promise that I'll make you remember _____. I promise.*

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SeoulSweetheart #1
Chapter 7: Wahhhhh this is so hard to read cause U-KISS are my all time favourite group in the entire world and it that they are the antagonists >< sigh oh well it's a really interesting story! Nice work ^^
Haneul0907 #2
Chapter 42: Sweet story hihi
Chapter 3: Oh I love this :)
anyeong new reader :)
reading this story for the 12th time<3 Can't get enough of it:)
This story was very enjoyable to read. Thank you for sharing, and I'll be moving onto the sequel now :D
WhatName606 #6
<3 It's adorable!
-ily_4ever #7
I love this story I read thi story in one night!! :]
shineebling #8
i <3 this storyy~~~ MUST.READ.SEQUEL.
Wow I read your whole story in one go!! It was sooo good :D
LovableTaemint #10
LOLZ!!! Chapter 3!! Siwon as the BUTLER and DONghae as the DRIVER!! MAde me laugh hard out and i'm at school!!! XD