Time to Meet the Princess

Undercover Princess



Your jaw was practially on the floor. How could you possibly go undercover as a princess? You had no idea what princesses were supposed to act like. You never wore high heels cause you would definitely break your ankles trying to walk. And makeup was a mystery to you.

Your parents watched your reaction. Your dad laughed. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do fine. Besides, to become a top spy you need to be able to adapt to any situatiion." He said. You pouted but nodded anyway.

Your mom walked over to you, "I'm sorry I didn't teach you about more girl stuff when you were growing up. I guess I was so caught up in my spy work. But, I'll start teaching you a few things before you leave." So, your mom and you went off to talk about girl stuff together.


"So, do you understand a little bit _____?" Your mom asked. You were still terribly confused about how to act, what to say, and makeup was still a mystery to you but you pretended to understand. "Yes, I understand. Thank you, mom." You said with a smile.

When the two of you went back into the mission room, your dad was talking to SHINee. He handed them a file and they bowed and left. You and your mom walked by them. Taemin and you caught each others eyes as you walked by. You stared at him hard, and eventually he turned his head away, blushing.

You walked over to your father and he smiled at you. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm ready." You replied.

"Ok then. Before you go meet the princess, you have to dress like one. You are Princess Nam Heeyoung. So you have to act the part. Don't let anyone find out who you really are. The only people that know your real identity is Princess Haneul and her parents. Your mom has clothes ready for you, so go put it on and leave." Your dad said in his 'official' voice. You bowed politely and followed your mom.

She took you to your parents room at the agency. When you walked in she handed you a pink dress. "Here, wear this." You grimaced at it. You did not like the color pink, it was too girly. "Is there any other color dress that I could wear instead?" You asked.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry. I forgot that you don't like pink. Umm, here. Try this one." She handed you a blue dress this time. You looked at it for a minute and nodded. "Alright. This is fine." Taking the dress, you went into the bathroom to change.

You stepped out to show your mom and she clapped her hands happily. "Oh my goodness! You look so beautiful!" She exclaimed. You grimaced, you hated wearing dresses. But you had to get used to it now. "Ok, now take this bag and you can go out to the car out front. The driver will take you there. Good luck ______!" Your mom said cheerfully as she handed you a teal duffel bag.

You stumbled out of the room because you were wearing high heels. They were a pair of blue pumps. As you were walking down the hallways you were mumbling to yourself angrily. "Damn, I hate heels. Why the do I have to wear them?" You snarled.

A chuckle came out of nowhere and you looked around trying to find the source of the laugh. Then you saw Taemin walking on the other side of the hallway towards you. He had a smirk on his face, as if he was enjoying the fact that you were pissed off. "What are you laughing about?" You snapped at him.

"It's just funny seeing you like that. You don't look anything like the scary, martial artists, tomboy that everyone sees you as. Try not to break your ankles walking." He snickered. You glared at him maliciously. If you weren't afraid that you'd actually break an ankle because of those heels, you would have already kicked him down. "Whatever. I bet I could beat you in a fight even if I was wearing heels." You said. Then you stalked off down the hallway, trying to get away from him as fast as possible.

Taemin chuckled to himself. *She actually looked really pretty like that.* He turned red as an image of you in the dress came back to his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful you looked, the dress showed off your long, slender legs and it showed off your perfect curves. He shook his head out of the thoughts and kept walking.


You actually made it outside without tripping. A black car was waiting out front. A guy in a black suit walked over to you. "Are you Shim _____-ssi?" He asked. "Yes, I am." You replied.

"Please get in the car. I am your driver, Lee Donghae." He smiled at you as he opened the door. You stepped inside the car. *Wow, he looks pretty young. And he's cute.* You smiled to yourself.

The car drove off towards its destination. During the car ride you sat there, staring out the window boredly. You began to think of what life is like as a princess. Did you always have to wear dresses? And heels? You really hoped you didn't have to. Eventually, you dozed off.

The car stopped at a big mansion. There was a pool and a hot tub in the back. It looked really nice and fancy. Donghae got out of the driver's seat and went over to your door. He saw that your head was leaning on it so he knocked on the door to wake you up. Since you were a light sleeper, you woke up immediately. Donghae opened the door and you stepped out. Your eyes widened as you took in the large size of the house.

"If you need me, feel free to call me, Heeyoung-ssi." He said as he handed you a card with his name on it. He bowed and left. With your bag in your hand, you walked towards the large doors. Before you could knock on the door, it opened to reveal a man in a suit. He stood with a very straight, professional posture.

"You must be Princess Nam Heeyoung, I presume." He spoke in a very refined tone. You bowed and said, "Yes. I am Nam Heeyoung."

He looked at you curiously. "My name is Choi Siwon and I am the butler. Mr. and Mrs. Kim have requested that your room be next to Haneul-ssi. Please follow me." You nodded and started following him as he walked at a brisk pace.

The walls of the mansion were covered with different things. There were paintings, family photos, and more. Expensive looking vases were placed on dressers against the walls. The floor was made of marble and it sparkled under the light. You looked up and saw a beautiful crystal chandelier.

After a few minutes of walking, you finally stood in front of a door. Siwon opened the door and you went inside. "Once you are finished unpacking your belongings, please come down to the dining hall to meet Haneul-ssi." He said and left you to unpack.

The room was pretty nice although you still like your room better, even if your room was only half the size of this room. You quickly dumped out all the stuff in the duffel bag. The things that your mom packed for you were clothes, makeup, shoes, and a few weapons. You packed the clothes into the dresser and placed the makeup on top of it. Then you hid the weapons, tucking a small knife into your dress.

Once you were finished unpacking, you went to the door. You thought about it for a bit and rushed back to your vanity mirror. You tried to touch-up on your makeup and it didn't look half bad. Finished, you then went out of the room. That was when you realized that you had no idea where the dining hall was.

Wandering around, you hoped that you could find it soon. Or at least be able to find one person. This was a gigantic house and you could easily get lost. You were already lost.

Tugging on your hair nervously, you bumped into somebody. "Oh, sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." You said and bowed apoligetically. You heard someone scoff and you glared up at them. The person you had bumped into was a very handsome boy. He had blonde hair and handsome facial features. Although he kinda looked like a dinosaur to you and he looked a little short for a guy. Snapping out of your thoughts you straightened up and looked him in the eyes. "What kind of a person doesn't watch where they're walking?" He scoffed at you.

Your fists balled up in anger. If you weren't pretending to be a princess right now, you would have already knocked the lights out of him. "I said I was sorry. Why are you being so mean?" You said, trying to restrain the anger in your voice. He smirked, as if he knew how angry he was making you. "Who are you anyways? I've never seen you before. Are you one of those crazy stalkers or something? Look, I don't like you so stalking won't help you in any way." He said smugly.

"What?! Stalker? I am not a stalker. Besides who would ever want to stalk you? You're such a conceited jerk!" You finally blew up at him. He looked slightly taken aback but quickly regained his composure. "Don't you know who I am? I'm Kim Jonghyun. As in, Prince Kim Jonghyun. The younger twin brother of Princess Haneul and the son of Kim Eunkyung and Kim Daejung. Everyone knows me. Unless you've been living under a rock." He retorted.

You were at a loss for words. You had just snapped at a prince, but he deserved it so you didn't feel bad. Your lip curled up in a snarl. "Well, maybe you're just not important enough for me to know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to find the dining hall." You growled and began walking away.

You had walked about five feet away when Jonghyun grabbed your wrist. You whipped around to face him. "What?" You snarled at him. He raised his hands up in defense. "Hey, calm down. I just wanted to tell you that the dining hall is that way." He pointed in the opposite direction that you were heading. Your face started to turn red in embarrassment and you quickly looked away. Jonghyun grabbed your wrist again and started pulling you. "Cmon, I'm going there now too so we might as well walk together." He said.

You trailed after him and realized he was still holding your wrist. You whipped your hand out of his grip, your face turning red. He didn't turn back and just continued walking.

The two of you finally made it into the elegant dining hall. You tried your hardest not to gape at how beautiful everything was. There were three people already at the table. You guessed that it was Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Haneul. Jonghyun went over and sat next to the girl you presumed was Haneul. Siwon came out of nowhere and led you to the seat across from Haneul.

"Hello Heeyoung-ssi! Welcome to our home. How do you like it so far?" Asked Mr. Kim. You smiled and bowed politely. "Your house is very nice. Everything is so beautiful." You said as you stared at all the decorations. A tinkling laugh came from your right side. You turned and saw a gorgeous women, probably in her late 30s or early 40s laughing. "I'm glad you like it. I love collecting art from around the world. By the way, I am Kim Eunkyung. It's a pleasure to meet you Heeyoung-ssi." She said.

"It's nice to meet you too." You bowed politely to her too. Jonghyun scoffed. *Geez, she's acting so polite right now but just before she was snapping at me* He thought to himself. "Lying little ." He whispered under his breath so that only you could hear. You gave him a look and kicked him under the table. He flinched in pain. The two of you had a glaring contest.

"I see you've already met our son Jonghyun. I'm sorry,  he can be quite a pain sometimes." Mrs. Kim said with a smile. Jonghyun pouted and said, "Mom, I'm not a pain." She giggled and waved her hand, dismissing the fact.

"This is our daughter, Haneul. I hope that the two of you will get along very well." Mr. Kim said as he gestured toward the girl in front of you. She looked like an angel. She was absolutely beautiful in person. "Hello Heeyoung-ssi. My name is Haneul. I hope we can be good friends in the future." She said with a bright smile. You returned the smile. "Yes, I hope so too." You replied.

Looking at Haneul and Jonghyun, you could definetly see the similarites between them. Except Haneul didn't look like a dinosaur like Jonghyun. You snickered to yourself.

"Well, you must be starving. How about we have dinner now and we can talk and get to know one another." Mr. Kim said. And with a snap of his fingers, the cooks brought out all the food.


Done with another chapter! this one is kinda long lol ^_^

i hope you enjoy the story so far. the action-y part will come later in the story so please look forward to it! ^.^

please leave a comment too! Thank you for reading :-)

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SeoulSweetheart #1
Chapter 7: Wahhhhh this is so hard to read cause U-KISS are my all time favourite group in the entire world and it that they are the antagonists >< sigh oh well it's a really interesting story! Nice work ^^
Haneul0907 #2
Chapter 42: Sweet story hihi
Chapter 3: Oh I love this :)
anyeong new reader :)
reading this story for the 12th time<3 Can't get enough of it:)
This story was very enjoyable to read. Thank you for sharing, and I'll be moving onto the sequel now :D
WhatName606 #6
<3 It's adorable!
-ily_4ever #7
I love this story I read thi story in one night!! :]
shineebling #8
i <3 this storyy~~~ MUST.READ.SEQUEL.
Wow I read your whole story in one go!! It was sooo good :D
LovableTaemint #10
LOLZ!!! Chapter 3!! Siwon as the BUTLER and DONghae as the DRIVER!! MAde me laugh hard out and i'm at school!!! XD