My Boyfriend or My Butler?

Author's P.O.V.


"Lee Se Kyung...Where are you?" Kwangmin asked once again. "I really want to see you."

Youngmin walked beside Kwangmin and put his hand on his shoulder. "What are you planning to do?"

Kwangmin met Youngmin's gaze and put away the microphone. "You will let me right? I ... I want to tell everybody that I love her."

"What? That's your plan?" Youngmin was surprised.

"I... I..." Kwangmin lowered his eyes. "I am sure I love her. So, I don't care if they'll hate me."

Youngmin put down his hand and looked around the audiences. "Fine. It's your choice. Let's look for her then."

Kwangmin's eye widened when he saw you staring at him. "I think I found her."

Youngmin looked at Kwangmin and at the direction where Kwangmin was looking. He also saw you.

"Please forgive me, Hyung." Kwangmin whispered and placed the microphone on stage. He jumped out the stage and the audiences gave way. You were left standing in the middle as Kwangmin was heading to you.

He smiled when he saw you. His tears fell with joy when he saw you. He took a few steps towards you until your faces almost touch.

Once again, there was a brief silence. Everyone was too shocked by what was happening.

Kwangmin didn't mind.

"Come with me," he whispered to you and held your hand. He went on stage with you and faced all audiences. The band were also shocked, their manager was behind too, couldn't believe what was happening.

"Should we call the reporters?" a woman beside their new manager asked the manager.

"No," the manager replied. "Let's not do anything and just listen."

"But... are you sure?" the woman asked.

"I am." The manager assured and crossed his arms together.

"Listen everyone," Kwangmin began while holding your hand. "I want you to hear my confession. I hope you all understand." He cleared his throat and began talking as loud as he can so that the audiences could hear him without a microphone.

"I met this girl... a different girl that changed into a wonderful person. You might think I am too young to have this kind of feeling... but, this is love right? When you don't want to let go of that person, when you're ready to give up everything for her, she made me become like a man who knows a lot about love. That's right... I love her." Kwangmin said and raised your hand with his hand holding yours. “I Love Lee Se Kyung!!!”

Everyone gasped in surprise.

"Jo Kwangmin... loves Se Kyung!!!" He yelled and you tried to hide behind him and put your hand down but he was forcing you.

"Ya...Jo Kwangmin, this is embarrassing..." you whispered to him.

"I love Lee Se Kyung!!!" He repeated and at last, the audiences smiled and cheered. They clapped their hands and cheered loudly.

"I ... Jo Kwangmin loves Lee Se Kyung!!!" Kwangmin repeated with a wide smile on his face. You blushed and you were stunned.

Even though Kwangmin is taken, he's still so cute! one of the girls thought.

"Go ! Go! Go! Jo Kwangmin! Go!" Girls shouted.

When you look at Kwangmin ,you met his gaze and you felt like melting because of his eyes.

Suddenly, he hugged you.

"I love you, Se Kyung-ah..." he whispered. "Let me be the one to make you happy."

"Jo Kwangmin..." you whispered.

He pulled away from his hug and finally pressed his lips against yours.


"I wished you to be happy ... Lee Se Kyung. I'm glad... that you are now." Youngmin thought.

The audiences took pictures at you and Kwangmin kissing while somewhere, L. Joe was watching with sadness and happiness inside his smile.

"I'm going to  miss you, Se Kyung-ah... Be happy." He whispered and walked away.

After one minute, both of you pulled away from the kiss. Youngmin walked in the middle of you and Kwangmin and then hugged both of you. Jeongmin, Hyungseong, Donghyun and Minwoo also joined and the Boyfriend band and you had a group hug.




* * *

Reviewed by: ilovemilkycouple

the shop is here

Title: 4/5
The title really attracts the readers attention, it shows straight away that you are conflicting about who to choose.

Poster: 7/10
The posters pretty~ Just the spelling of written is wrong. Also the colours don't really match, but it still looks amazing :)

Description and Foreword: 10/10
Your Description and Foreword is by far the best one I've seen, no one else I've reviewed has received 10/10 for this. You included the characters personalities etc, and you also made the description interesting which grabs the readers attention! Good Job!

Writing Style: 9/10
You used a lot of description, when I read it, I imagined it in my head and you told like everything that I needed to know, It was easy to imagine.

Plot: 17/20
Alot of writers, write about choosing between people, but this time in your fanfic, Youngmin and Kwangmin are twins so you get them mixed up. Good job~ It was really descriptive :)

Flow: 8/10
Your fanfic has a very nice flow to it, you are very organized, I mean you even put the chapter links in the foreword, even I don't do that.

Grammar and Spelling: 11/15
There were quite a few spelling errors,  you got a bit confused with the tense, but overall it's good.

Error: "But honey ---" You daddy looked at you and held your arms as you two head to the kitchen. "Don't you have a boyfriend already?"
Correction: "But honey ---" your daddy looked at you and held your arms as you two headed to the kitchen. "Don't you have a boyfriend already?"
Why: Because spelling error, and tense is wrong.

Error: It has been your favorite romantic book and have read it a hundred times before. The other books that your father delivers for you are too boring so you just keep them in your drawer without touching them, now they are covered with dust.
Correction: It has been your favourite romantic book and you've read it a hundred times before. The other books that your father delivers for you are too boring so you just keep them in your drawer without touching them and now they are covered with dust.
Why: Spelling error, misuse of words.
(There's more but here's 2 examples)

Originality: 9/10
I could tell it was completely made up by you, as I said before, I've never seen another fanfic that gets twins mixed up!~ <3

Ending: -/5
There was no ending so no mark for it and it won't affect your score.

Overall Enjoyment: 4/5
I liked it ;) Especially because it's BOYFRIEND! <3 WOOOO ^^ But sad, when I first found out there was no more Boyfriend :( (At the start) LOL

Thanks for requesting from me ;) I enjoyed doing your review, oh and please put this in your fanfic~

Total: 84/100


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Tianaton #1
Chapter 39: 1 word! AWSOME!!! Its so cool story! I think u are a great author! ^_^
Blackjack27 #2
Chapter 39: I love this fanfic! You did a great job and I enjoyed reading the fanfic and I hope you continue to write great fanfics like this one! ^_^
iloveyoungminsomuch #3
Chapter 39: amazing this story is just beautiful
Chapter 39: I realy2 love this story , thank you writer for making this story ^^ jeongmal gamsahabnida !
inlikewithyou #5
this is my most favorite story and i love this =)))))))
Deh .. Saranghae writer ... Great job .. Many conflic and make its more fun .. I'm really touched ... But so sad for youngmin .. But still I love this .. Hope there would be more fanfic from u !!!!
Seriously ... Chap 18 make me cry ... So sad ..