How Much I Love Her

My Boyfriend or My Butler?

Author's P.O.V.



You ran away from them and heard Kwangmin's call. You take your last glance over your shoulder and saw Kwangmin collapsing onto the ground. You wanted to help him, but your tears just won't stop and you thought that he wouldn't need you anymore since his friends were around. You ran as fast as you could and then L. Joe blocked your way.

"Stop right there," he stopped you. "Se Kyung-ah. Don't leave like this."

"Can't you see, L. Joe? He doesn't want me here. Their manager doesn't want me for Kwangmin, I need to leave before he fires Kwangmin!" You yelled at him with your voice croaking.

"Are you a fool? You can just fire him! You have your father, he's the President! Why don't you do that instead?!" He asked you in a loud tone. "Are you this coward?"


"I'm sorry for being a coward," you wiped your tears and walked away.

"Let me bring you home." He said and you stopped walking. "This last time, trust me .I will bring you home." He came over you and held your hand.


Later, you arrived home and you told the maids and guards not to let anyone in if they are looking for you, except your father. You also told them not to mention anything to your father about the kidnapping.

You locked yourself in your room again and pulled off the ring Kwangmin gave you, the necklace he gave you and the bracelet Youngmin gave to you when he confessed to you. You placed them all on top of your drawer and then the TV.

"I'm such a coward...How can I let myself get slapped by your manager," you touched your right cheek where the manager slapped you. "It still really hurts. But even so ... I don't know what to do. Should I fire him? Should I tell my Dad? Is that even possible? What would be the reason? Because he slapped me? Even so... how can he act so high in front of me?" You sighed and looked at the TV . You were surprised when you saw your father being interviewed.

"I apologized for everyone, I know I lied to the whole nation," he began. "I am wrong. I was too selfish and thought it would be good for my daughter. But then again, I'm wrong. I'm sorry." He bowed his head resignedly and then looked at the camera again. "That's why... I wanted to pay to the people I had misunderstood. Jo Kwangmin and Jo Youngmin... I hope you two are watching." He lowered his eyes and motioned to his bodyguard to give him the brown envelope he was holding. Your father held it and opened it then showed it on screen. "Today, I found out that the Jo Twins' Auntie is a fraud. She had lied to be the owner of the house the Jo Twins' lived before their parents died. It is a precious house, the house their parents worked hard for, and it is under the name of Jo Kwangmin and Jo Youngmin. Which means... their Auntie Kim Yoon Sung has made a fake document that she owns the big house. Not just that, she stole and used all the money that was supposed to be for the Twins. " Everyone gasped in surprise, even you while you were watching.


A moment later, you went out of your room and waited for your father. You were very nervous. Shortly, your father arrived, you two looked at each other.

"Appa!" You called him. "I saw the news."

"You did?" He smiled. "That's good. Well, Kim Yoon Sung, her husband and sons are now kicked out from the Jo Twins house. Now it's up to the twins what to do next." He looked away and thought of something then he looked back at you. "And by the way, have you heard that Kwangmin was sent to the hospital again?"

"He was?" You lowered your eyes and clasped your cold hands together.

"Come. Let's go visit him." He suggested.

"No," you demanded. "I want to stay here!" You pressed your lips together. "I want to stay here!" You repeated and ran back inside your room.


Kwangmin woke up in his hospital bed. His band mates looking at him worriedly.

Kwangmin tried to sit up but Youngmin forced him to lie down. "Just lie down and rest. You lost too much blood." He told you.

"Where is she? Se Kyung?" He asked.

"She left..." Youngmin said. "But she'll come back."

"Did she say she'll come back?"

"Ah, about that... She didn't... I'm sorry, she just left." Youngmin replied.

Kwangmin looked away and clenched his fist. "I'm quitting the band."

"What?!" Jeongmin, Youngmin, Hyungseong, Donghyun, MinWoo asked in unison.

"I don't know if I have the right to say this. But I don't like how manager is acting to Se Kyung. How could she just slap her? Shouldn't he be fired?" Kwangmin asked angrily.

"Well..." Youngmin began, "We can't just fire him. We don't have the right because he formed us this band. Except... if Se Kyung or her father fire him, then he'll be fired... and we'll be too."

"What are you saying? We can look for other manager." Minwoo suggested.

Youngmin looked at Minwoo. "Managers audition?" He asked him and Minwoo nodded.

Youngmin smiled and then looked at Kwangmin again. "By the way, I have other news for you. It's about the house. Ajhumma(Auntie) already left."

"What do you mean?" Kwangmin asked.


At night, Kwangmin secretly discharged himself from the hospital and he was caught by the manager.

"Manager," he said.

"Where are you going?" The manager asked in a gravelly voice.

"Ahm, I'm going out." Kwangmin replied.

"Oh,no, you can't."


"I know where you want to go. President's Daughter ? That's a big NO. Can't you see yourself, Jo Kwangmin? You've become like this, suffering like this because of her!"

"I don't care. You don't care about me. You're not my father."

"What did you say?! I made this band! You wouldn't be this famous if not because of me!"

"Then I quit. I don't need fame. I need her. Not fame, not you." Kwangmin said and walked away.

"Tch." The manager was irritated as he whirled around to look at Kwangmin walking away. "YA! Come back here!!!!"


Kwangmin was waiting for you outside you house. He was standing silently ,just waiting for you. It started to rain so he went back into his car and wait for you there. But you never came out.

He decided to go back to his house when Youngmin called him.


He was now at home, already dried after getting soaked in the rain.

"Are you feeling okay?" Youngmin asked and gave him a cup of tea then sat beside him.

"I'm fine," he drank the tea and placed it down the table. "But what about Se Kyung? I think she hasn’t gotten over it. I think she's mad."

"Don't worry. I'll try talking to her for you."

Kwangmin didn't say anything.

"By the way, we get the house back now. Now, what next?"

"Where are they?"

"They are staying in a motel now."

"That's enough."

"Oh, okay." Youngmin said and sighed.

"The next thing I'm going to do is... I'm going to show everyone... How much I love her."

Youngmin's eyes widened. "Everyone?"

"Since I left the band already..." Kwangmin said and lowered his eyes. "Then I don't think there's something wrong with confessing to her in front of so many people."

Youngmin smiled and wiped his tears. Kwangmin didn't notice that Youngmin cried.

"Really?" Youngmin asked ,struggling to smile and be happy for his brother. "That's good. I guess, what I'll be doing next is quit too and... Maybe just look for a new manager just so I have something to do."

"Hyung..." Kwangmin began and looked at Youngmin, "Can you help me?"

"Huh?" Youngmin asked.

"Ahm, just in case I don't have a plan yet... And I'm afraid she will avoid me. She hasn't been coming out of her house so I don't know now...Maybe if we have a concert... If I didn't quit because of manager, I could do it in the concert. Invite her over."

Suddenly, the phone rang. Youngmin answered it.

"Hello?" He asked.

"It's me Donghyun." Donghyun said. "We have big news."

"Oh, Hyung. What is it?"

"Manager is fired!"


"And guess what, the President hired a new Manager for us!"

"WHAT?! How? How come that's so fast..." Youngmin looked puzzled and then looked at Kwangmin.

"I guess there will still be a concert! Oh, and by the way, Tell Kwangmin to come back okay? The concert is said to be 2 days later. The songs will be the same songs we practiced months ago, and the same songs we sung in our last concert."


The Next Morning, you woke up after dreaming the time you were in the cave with Kwangmin. You recalled your mother.

"She left me and my Appa." You told Kwangmin back in that cave. "I don't know why. She fell in love with another man, that's why, sometimes I hate her and every time I remember our happy times, I start forgetting I hate her."

"Oh..." Kwangmin said.

"She's a cool doctor. The best for me. I wanted to be like her. So once, when she accidentally hit herself with a guy which she thought was a toy, " you giggled, "She was sent to a hospital, but she was only hit on her knee. But she keeps on going back to the hospital, so one time it started bleeding, she told me to do it. So that I could learn and since I begged her. But... when Appa became President, she divorced him. She never came back. We just heard that she remarried. That's why... I don't want to be a doctor anymore. Thinking about it, I always remember her. But I don't want to... I used to lie that I have never seen my mother, not even in pictures. I lied that she's fashion designer and just remarried. I just said those things because I hate her. But like I said, sometimes I love her. We have that kind of love-hate long distance relationship."

After recalling what you told Kwangmin back in the cave, you decided to take a jogging and visit him for a while.

Shortly, you went out and you were startled to meet Youngmin outside.

"OMO!" You squealed. "Youngmin-ah! How come you're here?"

"Why did you just come out now?" He asked.

"Ahh... I wasn't in a mood for jogging." You faked a laugh.

"We're you thinking about visiting my brother?"

"What? No, No. Why would I?"

"What? You don't want to? Don't you know that he's still in coma right now?"

"What?" You were stunned when he said that. "Coma?"
"You really didn't know?" He asked you again.

"I should go to him!" You told him.

He began laughing. You looked puzzled.

"What? Why are you laughing in this situation?"

"I was joking. He was already discharged from the hospital." He said.

"What? Tch. How could you lie to me? I was really scared and worried---" He cut in.

"But I came here to tell you something else."

You sighed. "Fine, fine, fine. Go on, tell me."

"Thanks to your father, our manager was fired and he hired a new manager for us." He said.

"What? What did father do? He did what?"

"Surprise eh?"

"OMO! What if that manager thinks of doing revenge against me for getting fired?!"

"Trust me, he won't. But if he will, don't worry about it... Kwangmin and I will be by your side. Just don't you forget that."

You smiled then giggled.

"And also..." He went on. "I want to ask you out."

Your eyes widened. "What?"

"Just for a day. Please." He said.


"I miss you."

You two gazed into each other's eyes for almost a minute, but then you looked away.

"No." You told him. "I'm busy." You said and turned back.

"Oh... You are... Sorry..." He also turned back. "But can you think about it?"

You recalled all your happy memories with him and then when he was about to go back to his car, you held his hand.

"Fine. Just for a day." You told him.




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Tianaton #1
Chapter 39: 1 word! AWSOME!!! Its so cool story! I think u are a great author! ^_^
Blackjack27 #2
Chapter 39: I love this fanfic! You did a great job and I enjoyed reading the fanfic and I hope you continue to write great fanfics like this one! ^_^
iloveyoungminsomuch #3
Chapter 39: amazing this story is just beautiful
Chapter 39: I realy2 love this story , thank you writer for making this story ^^ jeongmal gamsahabnida !
inlikewithyou #5
this is my most favorite story and i love this =)))))))
Deh .. Saranghae writer ... Great job .. Many conflic and make its more fun .. I'm really touched ... But so sad for youngmin .. But still I love this .. Hope there would be more fanfic from u !!!!
Seriously ... Chap 18 make me cry ... So sad ..