Sleepover Party

My Boyfriend or My Butler?

Author's P.O.V.


The following day in French Class, you were so serious in listening to the teacher but when she asked you what's the French word for 'boyfriend' you didn't know the answer.

The teacher rolled her eyes and continued the lesson.

You were disappointed for yourself because you didn't know the answer and then without expecting it Kwangmin squeezed your hand. You turned to him and he turned to you too. He smiled warmly and winked an eye. You blinked and wondered why he was doing it.

"Youngmin-ah, what's wrong?"

"Just nothing. I just like doing this. Can we stay like this?"

You blushed and looked away. "You're so impossible right now."

"I know." He said and continued listening to the teacher.

You liked it so much that you two are holding hands.

* * *

After class, Victoria invited you and the Jo Twins to her sleepover party.

"I'd be really glad that you guys would come... it would be so fun." She said in a friendly tone.

You smiled. "I'm glad you invited us."

"So, you three are coming?”

You turned to the Jo Twins and then to Victoria. You nodded at her with a smile.

"I'll make sure there will be red wine and beers." Victoria giggled and waved her hand to you and the Jo Twins and then she walked away with a bunch of girlfriends.

You were so excited that finally you will be able to spend time with Victoria again together with Youngmin and Kwangmin.

Then you went inside the dressing room to change into your janitress uniform and start working again.

This time, Youngmin joined you and you both cleaned the same spot.

"Why are you cleaning here?" You asked him.

"Can't I?” He asked and continued moping the floor. You also continued moping the floor.

"No. Of course you can. I was just wondering why only you. “You giggled. “Sometimes I think you're Youngmin. But, I really wish Youngmin-shi joins us. It would be fun."

He looked away. "Yeah, me too."

You turned your back to mop the other directions and then Youngmin splashed water behind you.

"Ya! What are you--" you turned to him and splashed another water from his bucket again.

"Isn't this fun?" He giggled and you splashed water at him too.

You two played and laughed together until he accidentally hugs you so that you could stop splashing water at him.

"Okay, okay, I give up." He said and you two looked at each other. You two giggled.

"That was fun." You said and your smile faded realizing that Youngmin's arms were around your waist. "We should continue cleaning." You gently moved his arms and continued cleaning.

He secretly smiled behind you and cleaned too.

* * *

After eating dinner with everybody else, you went to your room to change into your pajamas and take your pillow and blanket with you.

You went into Victoria's room together with Kwangmin and Youngmin.

When you got there the music was on very loud and then Victoria let the three of you in and she closed the door behind.

"Don't worry, Principal won't be mad." Victoria said and led the three of you in a single couch and a long couch. You sat on the single couch and in the opposite couch, the Jo Twins sat there.  Victoria turned to her girlfriends who were dancing and playing truth or dare. There were actually lots of them but the only boys were Youngmin and Kwangmin.

Victoria placed 4 bottles of beer in the table in between you and the Jo Twins then she took a chair and placed them beside you and sit beside you.

"Should we play truth or dare too?" She asked.

"Eh? But, I don't want to." You said and looked away, embarrassed.

"Don't be a kill joy, Se Kyung-ah." She smiled and placed an empty bottle in front and spins them. The bottle pointed at you.

"Whoa. It's your first turn, Se Kyung-ah!" Youngmin exclaimed excitedly.

"Right," Victoria turned to you, "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." You said.

"Fine." Victoria turned to the Jo Twins. "I don't have a question for her, so how about you guys ask her?"

"I have a question." Kwangmin volunteered and gazed at you. "Do you like me?" He asked. You, Victoria and Youngmin were surprised by the question. Then you giggled.

"Why not? You’re my boyfriend." You told him.

Victoria secretly pouted and opened a bottle of beer, "This is boring, let's all just get drunk." She drank them all and you also did the same.

You watched as the Jo Twins drink their beer too and then asked for more. You also asked for more but you only finished 2 bottles while Kwangmin finished 4 bottles, Victoria 3 bottles and Youngmin 2 bottles.

You turned to Kwangmin. "Youngmin-ah, I didn't know you like beers so much."

"I didn't know it too until I found out our parents died." He said and then he hiccup. "And when we left the band."

Victoria giggled. "I heard that in the news just a few days ago. You two quit the band and nobody knows where you are."

Youngmin looked at you and you looked at him too and then Kwangmin. "I didn't know." You whispered to yourself.

Victoria stood up and almost stumbled on the floor but you were able to hold her arms, "Thanks." She said and walked near Kwangmin who’s also drunk. "Let's go, I have something to show you." She said and holds a grip of Kwangmin's arm.

"Ya! Victoria, what are you doing?" You asked.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything to him. I'll just give him a bucket so that he can puke there." She giggled and placed Kwangmin's arm around her neck. Kwangmin was closing his eyes but he was still conscious.

You believed Victoria. You watched them as they scurried inside another room which was also inside Victoria's room too. It didn't look like a bathroom but you have no idea what that room was for.

You turned to Youngmin and then took another bottle.

The next thing you knew Youngmin was still there in front of you, gazing at you.

"That's your 3rd bottle." He said.

"Yeah. How about you, Kwangmin-ah? How many bottles have you had tonight?"

He looked down, his bangs hiding his eyes. You noticed that he smirked. "I'm not Kwangmin." He whispered but you heard him.

"Of course you're Kwangmin. Youngmin and Victoria were---" He cut you off.

"I told you I'm not Kwangmin!!!" He yelled at you and you were shocked especially when he looked at you with angry eyes. Other girls heard too and watched the two of you but then continued playing and dancing on their own.

He then stood up and an empty bottle of beer dropped on the floor and it was broken into pieces. Youngmin ignored them and then he started walking away but then a girl with long curly hairs approached him.

"Hi," the girl greeted him and you turned to them. You stood up and stood behind Youngmin.

"What is it?" Youngmin asked the girl in a gravelly voice.

The girl handed him a basket of chocolates, "I got this ready for you, Oppa." She said with a cute smile.

"What for?" He glared at the girl.

"I am confessing my feelings for you." She said. "Since your brother is already taken, can I at least have you?"

"I'm sorry." the girl was shocked when Youngmin apologized. "I already love someone else."

"Eh?" The girl asked. "Who?"

"You'll see." He said and turned to you. You just looked at him and watched his tempting gaze at you.

He walked closer to you and touched your chin with his palms and then pressed his lips against yours.

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Tianaton #1
Chapter 39: 1 word! AWSOME!!! Its so cool story! I think u are a great author! ^_^
Blackjack27 #2
Chapter 39: I love this fanfic! You did a great job and I enjoyed reading the fanfic and I hope you continue to write great fanfics like this one! ^_^
iloveyoungminsomuch #3
Chapter 39: amazing this story is just beautiful
Chapter 39: I realy2 love this story , thank you writer for making this story ^^ jeongmal gamsahabnida !
inlikewithyou #5
this is my most favorite story and i love this =)))))))
Deh .. Saranghae writer ... Great job .. Many conflic and make its more fun .. I'm really touched ... But so sad for youngmin .. But still I love this .. Hope there would be more fanfic from u !!!!
Seriously ... Chap 18 make me cry ... So sad ..