MQ ACADEMY: The Four Kings


     Bridgette told me that I need to go school, for some reason the principal who I have not met before is calling me out … what did I do now? I mean, I was in a comma for one and half year, could I have made trouble during those times? Maybe, I became a zombie and cause some ruckus.


I was astonished when I got to MQ Academy, what the? The school is freaking huge. I paddle my way through the entrance but I was stopped by the security. “Facility should use the back gate” they arrogantly told me. “I am a student here” I told them using the same tone of arrogance, huh?! Eat ! They stared down at me and ask for some identification. I raise an eyebrow, “What identification?” I ask with confidence. The security called out another security to help him out, they look at me like I am some kind of a leper, so I looked at them like they are some child molester homo “Yuck!” I said with disgust. They suddenly looked annoyed, the first security slowly reaches for his baton … so I reach inside my bag I am going to take their names and report them to the authority, child abuse… racial discrimination. When I reached for my bag both the security guard stepped back and try to reach for their gun, my eyes sharpen, like a hawk.  The sound on those cowboy movies keep ringing in my head.  I was still scavenging my bag for a pen when the two security guard pulled their gun out and point them at me as they shouted “Raise your hand” I was going to but then both of them jumped me like I am some kind of criminal.


I ended up in the Principals office, all mugged as I vehemently refused to submit myself to those guard who hold a gun in my face. The two guards were severely reprimanded in my presence. The Principal words were brutal that I feel like pissing myself, she was one scary crazy lady. After dismissing the two security guards she suddenly turned to me and her smile was up to her ears, really crazy. She was deeply apologizing for the guards who treated me so harshly. I thought that the Principal is being weird. I always watched movies, and school like this usually discriminates against people like me… just an average citizen with no powerful connections.  Then she suddenly reached for my hand “if there is anything else that you need help with just let me know” The Principal told me that I could start attending the first year class although half of the school year is almost over since the chairman already made special arrangement for me.


When I got out of the Principals office, student rushing here and there is all over. Oh, god! Everywhere I looked there are plenty of pretty looking people, my eyes is about to pop out trying to catch up on whose the prettiest. Ah, I am getting dizzy! Then for some reason all their cell phones started ringing, ah my ears, then the students suddenly started to turn around left and right as if looking for something and then from somewhere far away, someone shouted and all the student ran towards its direction.


Everyone seems to be in a panic running, before I knew it my feet were running towards where the entire student is running to. There were already numbers of student crowding over something, most of them are holding unto some vegetables or drinks. Ah! Free food I pushed my way to the front; I have to get some of that free stuff. I was bewildered when I finally got to the front, there was a student cowering on the floor. Then one student throw a tomato, then some throw milk shake with the cup directly hitting his head. What the heck? Is this what they call bullying? Oh well, men needs to learn how to fight.


I was about to turn back and leave but the surges of student pushing me forward was just too much. Then the mob suddenly cheered and screamed that I feel like I am going to be deaf anytime soon. This school is just freaking weird, I thought. The overcrowded students are pushing and pulling, ah… this is suffocating I want to hit someone. Then sudden silence... I was trying to get a glimpse of what is going on in the front, but I manage to get stuck in the middle of the crowd.


I can see some head at the front and it looks to me like they are the mastermind of this ruckus. I wonder when the teacher will come and stop all this. “hear ya’ hear ya’, the four kings’ verdict … until you get your grade up you are now the target practice for all student! If anyone objects, state your claim now or forever hold your peace.” I heard it loud and clear but I still cannot see what is going on at the front. “I object!” a loud voice coming from behind me, I looked back and the voice came from a petite girl. The eye glass she is wearing cannot even hide her pretty but pale face. Even from where I was standing, I notice her trembling. The student parted, like how Moses parted the Red Sea, giving this eye glasses wearing pretty girl a pathway, ah now I can go to the front hehe, so like an ambulance chaser I walked just behind this pretty girl and I cannot help the grin from taking its form. It seems that it is really nice to be good looking; people just naturally let her pass. I was deep in my thoughts when I bumped unto her back, she stopped walking. I looked around and it was spacious, wow… the student formed a circle around this girl and the boy cowering on the floor, but still within such distance that I can freely move around. Then my jaw just dropped when I manage to see what is in front over the pretty girls shoulder. Four gorgeous men sitting like kings, I feel my heart thumping. I looked from one boy to another but my eyes just won’t fixed its gaze to just one of them. My mind is getting dizzy trying to decide who looks better than whom. In all my years of living, this is the first time to find myself in this kind of dilemma.


I was still dizzy from thinking too much, when I feel something coming towards me. I am proud to say that my instinct is sharper than others. I manage to avoid the two of what was thrown at me; unfortunately avoiding something liquid is still quite impossible. Although I caught the container, the shake inside it still manage to get to my face and my clothes. I think my evil aura just went ballistic… my eyes like a radar trying to find the possible suspect. My vision is like that of the terminator movie, analyzing data of each student one by one, their eye movement… the sound of their heartbeat… their breathing. My head is turning 180 degree trying to find who it was.


I was lost in my own imagination when the pretty girl in front of me kneeled down, pleading for the boy who was already laying dead before us, at least he looked dead to me. But my attention magnetized by something even greater, Whoa! The four boys in front are even more gorgeous in full view. I was just gawking at them when something flew over my face directly hitting the pretty girl in glasses. I looked around and realize that they have been throwing so many things at this girl who was silently kneeling and crying. My brain is still trying to catch up with the situation when one of the gorgeous boys sitting in the middle raises his hand, and with that one motion everyone turns still and become silent. Handsome and commanding… this school may not be so bad after all, I told myself with my hand rubbing my chin like one of those detectives investigating a crime scene. Then, I heard someone giggled for a moment, I looked up and the gorgeous boy just on the left was holding his mouth as if trying to suppress his laughter as he take a glimpse of me while the commanding boy at the middle was sharply staring at me as if he wanted to devour my very existence, I step back. The ill will coming from his eyes is too menacing that I find it… scary. I was startled by my own thoughts, Scared? Me? No way! I close my eyes, took a deep breath. I opened my eyes sharply stared back at this very handsome commanding prince, before my heart falter from his unimaginable perfection I took my shoes off and threw it like a baseball player on the handsome prince face… I don’t want to hurt that beautiful face of his but my pride will not let his evil glare unpunished.


The shoes directly hit the handsome prince face and for some reason all the student make an ‘Ah!’ sound almost in unison. The handsome prince just stood there as if unaffected, but I can see his malice growing even stronger. The evil emanating from his eyes is too great, even the hate I have for the world will not suffice to counter it but for some reason my head and my mouth is not coordinated and before I knew it I shouted “There is nothing to fear but fear itself” and my body turned back and ran away squishing through the number of student still in shocked of what just happened. Even I was in shocked but my body always moves in instinct and my instinct said run as fast as I could.


I was paddling my way out of the MQ Academy, I looked back and I see a mob of student catching up to me. They looked like villagers with pitch fork trying to catch and burn a witch, I laughed at the thought, I shook my head This is not the time for my fantasy, arghhh… this time I might actually get killed. Where are the teachers? Why are they not stopping this? Before I knew it I was out of the gate, I looked back and the student just stood there, inside the academy’s boundary. They are glaring at me as if wanting to kill me and yet they just stood there, inside the school. I tilt my head for a moment; put my hand on my chin with wrinkled forehead. I am putting on my thinking cap. I am not really much of a thinker, but this is getting me curious. Then one of the students waves his hand as if asking me to come back. I stared at him for a moment and let my tongue out, bleh! Who are you kidding?! Who would want to go back there? There is no reason for me to stick around.


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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL