Encounter with the First Son


I do not think I believe in all that crap that the gypsy said in the carnival. But when I get to thinking about it, it all made sense.


The day I threw that shoe on the masterpiece was the day the old man died. When he went berserk in the nurse’s office because I stared over his body, the bone in my hand broke – even though it was the masterpiece that broke it. And when I threw a rock in his car – during the bike accident with Erik, turn out he was the owner of the car – I lost the old man’s bike. And because I seem to be pissing him off every time he see me, the bike was sent ablaze – again disregarding the fact that the masterpiece was the person who sent it on fire. I massacred his car … and a car almost hit me today, I could have died.


I jumped from my bed realizing the authenticity of the gypsy’s power. Everything seems to add up.


I feel annoyed; the masterpiece takes ‘getting pissed’ as something to pass time. I think he is the reason why there are so many bad things happening in this ‘borrowed’ life of mine. I am so pitiful. I tilt my head back looking up, staring at the ceiling as if I can see the stars shining beyond the roof covering the space I am in.


Aish! The only good that happened to me so far is having prince. But if that masterpiece gets mad again for one reason or another, I might lose prince too. ! I kept getting angry all on my own. That masterpiece is a big pain in the .


I was ready to let my body collapse on the bed when I startled myself. When will this’ paying back what I owe’ ends?


I slumped myself back in bed, twirling around.


I was still mulling over so many things, it feels like my brain is overheating when I hear a knocking on the door. I looked at the clock and it’s quarter to midnight.


I stood up and head for the door. I grab the doorknob and turn it open…


What the !!! *heart beating faster in shock*


I immediately slam the door shut, run back to my bed, and jump on to the cushion. I jerk the blanket and cover myself with it.


There was that knock on the door again. I stayed under the safety of my blanket ‘No!’ I yelled, hoping the person outside can hear what I am saying.





Daesung and Seungri met JiYong at the bar. They were in a private suite with one sided glass door on the second floor over viewing the people getting hype in the middle of the dance floor.


JiYong was staring blankly at the dance floor, with his brow furrowed.  Daesung and Seungri were glancing at each other while drinking their beer, observing JiYong. They jilted when JiYong took a deep sigh. The ticking of the grandfather’s clock inside the suite manage to overwhelm the music inside.


The door to their private suite creek open, and Taeyang suddenly peek himself inside before slowly advancing towards them.  He sat himself across JiYong who suddenly turned sullen. Taeyang raises his hand to order. ‘Cruiser and a mango juice’ Taeyang ordered.


The tension in the atmosphere imminent, Taeyang took a deep breath wondering where to start. He opens his mouth to shut them again.


Daesung and Seungri were reduced to being a mere spectator seated on the bar across the room, away from the possible danger of JiYong throwing tantrums.



********************AN HOUR BEFORE


I stared myself at the bathrooms mirror. I splash some water in my face, wondering if this is just a dream.


Taeyang knocked on my door quarter to midnight. It was really a shock. I thought he was going to break up with me and so I slam the door at his face. I remember motioning my hands at the masterpiece so rudely, the price for that might be prince.


I was going to pretend to be dead asleep –even though I just slam the door at him- when the prince spoke over the close door. I was too far away and didn’t get to hear what he was mumbling but his voice sound so sad. So I move closer, pinning my right ear on the door just so I can hear him better.


“mumble… mumble… so, would you mind if I introduce you as my girlfriend?” those were the few words I manage to hear. I jerk the door open so suddenly, ! I was too close and end up slamming the side door in my face AGAIN. Taeyang swiftly came in and held my face up, looking at me so worriedly. Taeyang face was so close, ah! I can hear some angels singing around my head. Taeyang shook my head, “Are you okay?” he asked. Huh?! I smiled trying to keep myself from drooling with my eyes dreamingly staring at him. Taeyang remove his hands from my face. It startled me and took his hand and put them right back where they belong, holding my face. Taeyang smile, ah! So cute.


“I know it is too sudden, but would you mind coming with me” Taeyang said with my hands keeping his hand on my face. I nod.


Taeyang and I just stood at my doorway for a moment, when Taeyang eyeballs suddenly move from left to right. “uhm, shouldn’t we get going?” he said, I nod again. He chuckled a bit before leading me to where his car is. There was a long *BEEEEPPPP* sound in my head, my brain must have stopped functioning for the time being. “I promise to bring her back safely” Taeyang shouted to … Bridgette? She was standing at the main house door, gawking at me. There was a timid smile across her face, but her eyes were burning mad. Is it just me? I blinked a couple of times wondering if my eyes are seeing things clearly but Bridgette abruptly turned around and stomped herself inside the house. I wonder what that was all about.


Your sister is very helpful; she told me where you were.” Taeyang said while driving. I nod while staring at him. He laughed… ah! Angel I thought.


“I am sorry for asking you to do this” Taeyang said staring straight ahead. Eh?! My brain started working again but He asked me to do something? What did he ask me to do?


Taeyang parked the car while I was still deep in my thoughts. “We are here. Are you ready?” Taeyang said. I looked around, I wonder where we are. I got out of the car before Taeyang can even open the car door for me. Taeyang held his hand out to me… I momentarily brush my hand on my walking short to get the dirt off. I took his hand and we were holding hand on our way to… where? A bar?


“Are we allowed here? We are under age?” I yelled, hoping Taeyang can hear me with the loud music. The girls in the bar are wearing outfits showing a lot of skin. I looked at myself, ah! I am on sleeping clothes. White shirt and a walking short… I am even wearing a slipper. “Where is the bathroom?” I asked Taeyang while we were walking up the stairs to the second floor. But before Taeyang can answer, I saw the bathroom just below the steps. “I will follow” I told him. He kept holding to my hand and then he lean close to me my ears “…On the private suite on the second floor, okay!” he shouted in my ears. I nod and then pull my hand from him and course my way through the bathroom on the first floor.




Taeyang was standing still, wondering if she understood. The suite has its own bathroom; he was trying to tell her that. Taeyang just comb his hair with his hand and went to where his friends are.



***************END OF HOUR FLASHBACK



I walked out of the bathroom and walk up the stairs. There were some men in black wearing shades even in the dark bar. They have one white earphone on one ear, and they keep talking to their wrist. I kept walking but two men kept blocking my way from going to where my prince is.


I end up trying to tackle my way inside but the men in black are really strong. I end up hitting a fuss, kicking and screaming.


The door opened, I blinked a couple of times. I think I’ve seen the kid somewhere before.


“What is going on?” The kid asks the men in black.  “Sir, this kid is trying to get in your room”


“Why?” the kid turn to me. I shrugged my shoulder, ends up patting him in the head. He is so cute like a puppy. He grabbed the hand I am using to pat on his head and snarled “What the hell do you think you are doing?” The kid’s face was turning red; I think there are smokes coming out on his nose and ears too.


A puppy growling is just the cutest thing. “There, there” I patted him again with my other hand.


The kid turn to his men in black and with his face fuming he told them “Kill her” then turns around and shut the door closed.


I manage to sneak my foot in between the doorway. The men in black were just watching as my cute puppy and I struggle at the door.




“What’s going on outside?” Seungri asked the butler who just came in with Taeyang’s Drinks. The sound of a rampaging monkey reeks inside the soundproof room when the butler open the door to comes in.


The butler just smiled at him while handing Taeyang his drinks. Daesung stood up and head for the door. It is not his character to gossip but it is better than the suffocating air inside the suite with Taeyang and JiYong keeping still as if waiting for the perfect opportunity to have a go with each other.


Daesung walked out just to came back exasperated “The monkey girl is having a fit outside the first son’s suite”. Seungri was surprise “How did the monkey girl get in?”. Daesung looked at Seungri with his eyes silently telling him Really? Thats what you are worried about?


Taeyang jolted from his seat and rush out. Daesung and Seungri’s eyes followed Taeyang who worriedly rush for the door. Then they glance at each other asking what was that?


JiYong didn’t budge from his seat but his eyes suddenly rolled to the door watching Taeyangs back as he ran outside of the suite.

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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL