I am not sure what in god’s name I am doing frantically searching the airport for someone I wished to vanish so I can keep my prince to myself but I have to somehow stop her... otherwise I’d die... probably. The masterpiece heartbreak would probably kill me, LITERALLY. Why do I have to owe my life to that pathetic loser?

I was sweating from head to toe... where the heck I am? I am not even sure where the exit is. Even if I want to stop and just go home, I can’t. Arghhh... my worry is no longer finding China but actually finding the exit.

Why the guards are running after me with their K-9's? I also don’t know and I will not stop just to find out.




I was dreaming about my prince when Bridgette barge in my space early in the morning and told me I have a visitor inside the house.

Argh, I am going to beat the crap of whoever is it that dares to wake me up early in the morning. “Change please,” Bridgette insisted.

When I got inside the house, I found Bridgette and the princess laughing like they were the closest of friends. Of course, one pretty after another... they must have lots of things in common.

When the princess noticed me at the door, she immediately stood up and held her hand out to me. “We’ve not properly been introduced, I’m China,” she said wearing a friendly smile across her dazzling face. I brushed my hand on the shirt I am wearing before shaking her hand. I smiled ... I was lost for words, she is so pretty.

“Stop drooling!” Bridgette snapped at me as if embarrassed.

Ever since we came from the party, Bridgette has been giving me the cold shoulder. I really wonder whether she swapped body with her demonic little sister that I haven’t seen for a while now.

“Can we talk,” China asked in her soft gentle voice.

I vehemently nod. China looked at Bridgette and smiled at her, “I just need to speak with your sister privately. I hope you don’t mind,”

Bridgette just nodded in understanding and left but not before eyeing me and then... the beautiful Bridgette smirked deviously. I gaped in shocked! I was going to stopped her and shout WHO ARE YOU? But the princess suddenly spoke... “We should sit down,”

I obediently obliged to the princess request.

She looked directly into my eyes and then took a deep breath.



China told me everything... she cried halfway but she didn’t let her tears stop her from telling me how she loves my prince and how my prince loves her back. I am not sure how long I remained seated after China left. I was in total shocked.

Bridgette waltzes with her arms folded over her chest, “Now you know... it is not your place to be by Taeyang’s side,” she said seriously.

I was in shocked that I didn’t even hear a word that she said... I cannot believe it... THE MASTERPIECE CAN LOVE?! Whoa!!! That’s a freaking shocker.

I think Bridgette realized how I might not really be paying attention to her so she came to where I sat frozen and shook me by the shoulder.

“Huh?!” I finally came to...

I finally found my trump card against the masterpiece, wahahhahhahha. I laughed my lungs out as I walked out of the house and into my space.

I continue to laugh until I got to my space and slumped over my bed. I am not sure why but as soon as my body made contact with the cushion, tears just naturally leaked out. What?! My prince was inlove with her as she was inlove with my prince, BULL!

I don’t think I will be able to sleep having been confounded by the princess confession.


--- 1 -2- 5- 10 seconds passed...  ZZZzzzzzz *** snore *** snore***


My eyes flew opened when I heard someone knocking at my door as if they want to break them apart. What the ?  I wipe the drool dripping from my mouth, why can’t I sleep in peace. Seriously, weekends are supposed to be spent leisurely...  but people are bringing havoc to mine. What is it this time?

I angrily opened my door and as if my brain has not been through enough, the door hit me in the face again just to prove its power over me. Argh!  I kicked the door in frustration.

I am not sure how many kicks it took for me to feel even with my door when I remembered that there is another person who is entitled to the wrath brewing inside my gut.

I turned my head and found B1 and B2 standing outside my door, their mouth slightly ajar. “What?” I angrily yelled at them.

They both step back as if scared that I am going to jumped them. I would have too if I have remaining energy left from fighting against my stupid door. I mean, what the hell is the thing against me?

“Are you done with your monologue?” B1 asked.

I looked at him and was going to shut my door in their faces but B2 was quick on his feet. He seemed to have read my mind and between the cracks – there was a loud sound as he took the impact of my strength as I slam the door with him in the middle.

I am not sure where the door hit him but he looked really pained. B2 seemed to have noticed the grin I have lurking around my lips and hastily composed, pretending not to be hurt – who is he trying to convince when the colour of his face is already turning violet, I thought LOUDLY as I laugh mockingly in his face.

B2 just eyed me like I am putting salt in his wounds but hey, blame Karma.

B1 finally pushed the door opened and come inside my space uninvited. “What?” I defensively asked.

“Can you come with us?” he asked with a hint of plea in his voice. I wonder what these morons have done now. I smirked and folded my arm over my chest with my arrogantly hanging in the air.

“Then bow down to me peasant!” I told them. B1 and b2 looked at each other as if they cannot believe what just come out of my mouth... either that or they are silently wondering if I’m crazy but whatever. They cannot make me do anything unless they actually bow to me and kiss my feet.  I schemed in my head.

“Ji might kill himself if you don’t come,” B1 finally said like that would convince me. Wait, isn’t Ji what they call the masterpiece?

I find murderous aura exploded inside me as I grabbed B1’s collar, “Where the is he?” I said in clenched teeth.

If he dies, I die... how dare he kill me without permission! That ... I kept thinking while anxiously kicking left and right in the backseat of B2’s car. “Can this car go any faster?” I impatiently told B2 who was driving.

“This is the fastest we can go... otherwise, we might end up going to the other side before Ji ,” B2 joked.  I kicked the back of B2’s seat. “Ahhhh!!!”   I yelled in frustration while slumping my body over the back seat like a child having a tantrum.

B1 and B2 kept exchanging glances, I noticed. “Are you two lovers or what?” I asked while lying at back seat. “What?!” they both snarled at the same time. “Pffft!” I cannot help making that sound. They are too closed and too defensive, I am sure there is something between them. I entertain the thoughts. If I am not worried about dying any moment depending on the bastard’s mood swings, I would have really taunted B1 and B2.


We ended up in an old factory. “Where are we?” I asked, it feels like I am in a dead planet or something. The place reeks of ghost.

“There,” B1 and B2 ignored my question and pointed at a water tower. How dare them ignore me? I wanted to make a fuss about it but my attention was suddenly caught by a man standing at the edge of the water tower, three storey high. The man was swaying... if the wind blew a little stronger he is going to fall.

My eyes widen when I finally realize who the idiot trying to kill himself is. The masterpiece! Arghhh, now I have to do the right thing and save him.

I ran as fast as I could to get at the bottom of the water tower not taking my eyes off the masterpiece staring into nothing. Tsk! Just because of a girl the proud masterpiece now looked like a lost idiot, I thought until I violently face bump into one column of the water tower. I fell backwards...  this is not my day! I said while everything started to turn hazy.

As I was falling back on the ground my eyes wandered up... and he was there, smoking. Our eyes met... and then he smirked arrogantly.  

Grrrrr, I want to suddenly re-arrange his face but he was up there. I vigorously blew air in his direction hoping that it would be enough to push him from where he is standing tall but felt my head hit the ground CRAP! I felt dizzy.

As a last attempt to win over the bastard, I punch my fist in his direction and passionately gave a thumbs-down.

I saw B1 and B2 just standing over my head, these dummies didn’t even attempt to cushion my fall. I will kill them was my last thought before my consciousness gave in.



I woke up feeling all the blood has gone to my head. Everything looked blurry and... up-side-down? My eyes flew opened, my head turned left and right and below? Above? What the hell?  I found myself hanging up-side-down with my feet tied to a rope hanging from above the water tower.

I tried to reach up for the rope... but I am no Jackie Chan. I cannot bend my body upwards at least not to that extent. I let myself hang there, swaying left and right. Maybe someday my corpse will be found in this water tower.... “I AM GOING TO i’N HAUNT YOUUUUUU!” I shouted on top of my lungs.

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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL