I am still sleepy when I handed back my test papers. I cannot believe that my hand healed too fast, I mean I could have gotten away with not taking the exam. I could have pretended that it still injured but that damn Top keeps bugging me about the academy’s mock exam. I mean, I do not get it. And just to shut him up, I took the exam.


Top was running after me after school, ‘What?’ I looked back. He was still trying to catch his breath ‘How did you do?’ I am not sure what he was talking about, so I just look at him hoping that he would explain. But he just stared back with that expectant look across his face. I narrowed my eyes, trying to see if I can read his mind that way. After a few minutes of silence between us, he finally understood. I do not understand what he is talking about. ‘… about the exam!’ he suddenly snap at me. What the ? I immediately swing my bag at him, hitting his shoulder. ‘Don’t shout at me!’ I shouted without a thought. Then turn around and was about to walk away, when I suddenly felt a twig of guilt. I mean he did help me study and keeps buying me meals. I look back and he was already on his feet standing right behind me. I was startled for a second and kick him ‘Stop sneaking behind other people. I could have killed you!’ I said exaggeratingly. After composing myself, I pat his shoulder ‘Don’t be surprise when I get a better grade than you…’ I told him, and this grin just emerges from my face ‘Really?’ Top ask, not convince. ‘Want to bet on it?’ I said boastfully, and then I turn around and have my evil laugh Mwahahahahahha.




The result of the mock test will come out after three days. It is only the second day, but the eerie emanating from the students doubled. I just don’t get why the academy’s student keep rechecking their answer. As for me, I cannot wait to rub my test result in Top’s face; he seems to be looking down on me. He even memorizes the question, wrote it down and wants me to answer them again just to verify whether I passed the test. Why would I? He would be surprised. I never like to study but when I put my mind to it, there is nothing I cannot do. I was still mumbling to myself while coursing my way through the academy’s boxing gym. I hope it is not too late to register.


I opened the door, and look for a bit. Ah! The smells of guys sweat … Ewwww! How Nostalgic? The members do not seem to notice my existence so I decided to look around incognito. The sound of a boxing bell caught my attention. I turned around where the boxing ring is and the first thing I caught sight of was a muscled boxer falling down hard, it even made a gong sound. Freaking strong!!!  I keep thinking while staring at the back of the man who knocked the light out of the muscled guy. I cannot help the grin from emerging from my face. How many seconds did it take to knock out such a big guy? I mean, the bell just rang. I cannot help but tremble … I tightly close my fist hoping it will stop my body from shaking, ah! I missed brawling, but I am a change person. I will not get excited over such small little things.


I do not know what happen AGAIN, the next thing I knew, I was inside the boxing ring, my fist already in mid air itching to land on this boxer face. But it was too late to stop when my sanity finally caught up. It was the Masterpiece! It was like watching a slow motion movie. He just looked blankly, didn’t even attempt to block or dodge. I didn’t see anything but everything blurred out so suddenly.




I instantaneously jumped up when I opened my eyes, my head still spinning. I put my hand on my head, like it would somehow help in reducing the shaking of the place.

I was still in the boxing gym, but the club room is already empty. They didn’t even leave the lights on, I muttered. If it wasn’t for the light from the post outside, the club room would have been pitched black. They didn’t even bother to wake me.


I stood up… but it seems my head took quite a damage I ended falling back. Damn it! I wonder what happen. I decided to just lay there until my head manage to beat the pain. I felt something coming out from my nose, I tried to wipe it but it is not stopping. It was a bit sticky. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I realize it was my blood. What? I abruptly sat up. Then my right cheeks seems to suddenly hurt… I think someone punch me.






Student 101:  That crazy freshman tried to hit the king today’

Student 444:  Really? What happened?

Student 101:  He knocked her out in an instant!

Student 125: I think she is still there. We didn’t even touch her… the king might have our head if we tried to help her out.

Student 444:  She deserves it… how dare she try to hurt JiYong?

Student 412: That ! He flirts with taeyang and now trying to get JiYongs attention… arggghhhh I cannot wait for the mock exam to come out.

Student 101: I think you girls are just waiting for a reason to kick her out.

Student: 444: You got that right.

Student 625: Thought… I’ve been seeing her with Top.

Student 418: Who cares? The king already made it a rule… anyone who fail the exam do not have the right to be here

Student 101: Oh! Man, I kind of feel pity for her… the girls seems to just itching to have a go at her.


Clover : I am betting my car on her! I think she will pass.


Daesung type the words. He really didn’t intend to involve himself in the conversation, but he thought he at least owed it to her, after the incident in the nurses office, and JiYong end up hurting her. He was feeling really guilty about it even though JiYong and Seungri does not seem to mind at all.



The next morning, everyone was talking about the ‘king of clover’ logging in the academys chatroom. The girls are even more furious at the freshman who seems to have the king’s attention. One more day, and the result will come out. They keep grinning at each other as if they were all thinking the same thing. The men just shook their head.

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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL