

The six of them stood there, just barely looking at each other. There are eyes that seem to constantly avoid each other as if that would ignite something unimaginable - Taeyang and China's.

Seungri fake coughed to get the attention of Taeyang. “What are you doing leaving your girlfriend behind?” he said in reprimand.

Top’s forehead creased while Taeyang eyes suddenly looked alarmed having taken a glimpse of Top’s reaction. “What?” Seungri asked when Taeyang kept his mouth shut without attempting to rectify his wrong. Taeyang coughed trying to clear his throat. How can he explain everything? Top is monkey grirl's prince, Taeyang thought.

What the hell is Taeyang doing? Is he going to pretend to be single in front of China? Seungri suspected while eyeing Taeyang who refused to look at him.

Chine chuckled breaking Seungri’s trail of thoughts. “She’s right there,” China mentioned while glancing at Bridgette who had her arms arch around Taeyang’s arm.

“What?” Seungri glared at the arms that were interlocked against each other. His mouth slightly ajar, there he was pulling the monkey girl with her and Taeyang is with another girl... but he cannot blame Taeyang. Between monkey girl and that pretty... he would definitely choose that pretty girl too.

Seungri’s suddenly remembered the monkey girl was just beside her. She must have heard everything. He hesitantly turned his head towards her while slowly letting go of arm. The monkey girl might go berserk with Taeyang betrayal, Seungri feared. He really doesn’t want to be in the middle of that crazy.

But our heroine barely heard a word that was spoken. Although her eyes where in front of her staring at her prince, her attention was somewhere else.

“AhhhhHHHHHH!” the monkey girl suddenly shouted. Everyone flinched by the sound of her loud scream of anguished. Seungri thought that she was going to attacked Taeyang but she ended up bolting away FAST.


Gibber, gabber... whatever! Seungri was talking about something... they all sound too gibberish to me. Even though I am feasting at the sight of my prince standing in front of me, I cannot help my eyes from straying towards where I left my plates full of my hard work.

My peripheral vision has developed to its full potential; I can see what on the side even without moving my pupil, SUPERPOWER! I thank all the exams I have to take during grade school, those times that I worked my to cheat off Erik and Jun.

While I was caught up babbling in my own thought, I noticed a shadow coming to where I left my plates. I saw the shadow taking something from the table. “AhhhhHHHHHH,” I screamed my head off and ran to where my precious plates were, hoping my siren-like-scream would distract the thief trying to steal my food.

It took only a couple of seconds and I found myself standing in front of the food thief who towered over me. He was putting something in his mouth while his eyes scornfully glared down at me.

My hand immediately moved to snatch the bread he stole from my plate but the thief was fast; he managed to grab my wrist with his free hand as took a hold of the bread already halfway in his mouth. I struggled to get my hand back with the bread but he was not letting go... both of my hand and the bread.

It took me quite a while to realize who the thief towering over the meek me is. The abominable masterpiece!

I suddenly felt my nostrils opening and closing, why is this bastard trying to take everything away from me? I mumbled silently while still fighting against this very powerful and one heck-of-a cutie foe. I shook my head, what the hell am I thinking? Enemy Enemy Enemy! I rebuke my inner flower boy gaga self.

I am not sure how long we stood there, neither I nor the masterpiece wanted to concede. He was grabbing me by the wrist when the memory of how he broke my bone streamed back in my empty head. I suddenly found strength to fight him off... but even that was not enough. The F’çker is way stronger... tsk! There is only one thing I can do... I hissed at him and let go of the bread, he can have it.

He stared down at me and kept his grip on my wrist even though I have waved the white flag in his faceI.

“What are you doing?”B1 sprung from my side which startled me. That’s when the masterpiece let go.

I turned my head to face B1, “This masterpiece took my bread,” I grumbled loudly and kicked B1 just below the knee.

“What?” B1 sneered; he cringed on one knee while brushing the other leg that I kicked.

“I told you to watch my plate,” I yelled when I noticed the masterpiece taking another piece of something out of my plate. “That’s mine!” I shouted but the masterpiece gobbled the tiny cupcake in one bite. Grrrr... Just because he save my life he thinks he owns everything that’s mine!

“There is unlimited food, you can get some more you know,” B1 advised while voluntarily placing another cupcake on my plate in place of the one the masterpiece ate. B1 is so kind, I thought. I was ready to take my plate away from the thieving masterpiece but I stood frozen in shocked when the as’wipe masterpiece hastily snatched the cupcake that B1 put on my plate as if intentionally trying to agitate me. I can feel my face burning in rage... I was going to attack him but B1 immediately put another cupcake on my plate that placates my fury. But then the masterpiece abruptly took it away AGAIN... and my murderous soul screamed for blood... B1 put another cupcake on my plate that immediately cooled me down. I am not sure how long B1 kept filling my plate and how long the masterpiece kept taking it away when B1 finally asked “What the hell Ji?” B1 asked, “My arm is already numb,” B1 complained. The masterpiece tried to say something but his mouth is full of cupcake.

I, on the other hand, am dizzy from the emotional up and down turmoil that comes within a second interval from each other.

“Where am I?” I asked in confusion. I felt a hand brushed over my hand, I turned around and saw Top with the princess. “What are you doing?”Top asked with his hand still on my head like I am some stool to lean on.

I ward his hands off over my head.

“Hey,” the princess greeted looking at the masterpiece. The masterpiece with his mouth still full just nod and then moved his eyes away from her. I am not sure what it is... but there seems to be something heavy in the air. I think the masterpiece has a crush on the princess. If that is the case, if the masterpiece gets the princess... he will be happy. And if he is happy then I get to pay what I owe. Then, all I have to do is to get them together... hehe. I am sooOOO smart. Project CUPID!!! wohoooo




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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL