

Everyone was eyeing me when I got to the academy. I am not sure what the looks they are giving me are for. They kept smirking like they know something I don’t. Normally, I would get pissed by this weakling treating me so rudely but I'm kind, what can I say. I dont think I have the heart to get mad, at leat not today.. not for any reason...

“I forgot your cake,” Top told me while we were walking together. I told him to bring me some left over from the party.

I snapped my neck around to face him. What the hell? I did not stop reminding him about it and yet he still forgot! I can feel the anger just seething at the pit of my gut. Top just laughed, the bastard is not taking me seriously.

“Oh! Taeyang,” Top suddenly shouted. I immediately turned my head where Top was directing his greeting at... but there was no one there. When I turned to show Top what happened to people who makes a fool of me he was gone. I saw him running away while waving his hands at me.” Ahhhhh,” I gasped. Top got away.

The food in the cafeteria are way expensive, I really don’t think I can afford the luxury to eat there. I didn’t bring anything because I expect Top to feed me as he always does. But he forgot... of all the days I didn’t expect him to bring food this is the only time I did expect and he let me down. I grumbled alone as I walked along the academy’s hallway, ignoring the student population who kept shooting me a look as if they wanted a fight... and then would murmur on each other’s ears, “WHAT?!”I sneered at them. The bunch of whackos ran away as soon as they saw me hissed.

Argh! Top just ruined my perfect day.

I was going to class when B1 suddenly showed up in front of me, he looked exasperated. “I’ve been looking for you,” he said in between breath. I raised a brow, “Why?” I asked. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me behind him. I struggled but B1 is stronger that I give him credit for.

We end up in a very crowded cafeteria. I think the entire academy’s students skipped class and were there, gossiping about something. When they noticed me from the door, there was sudden silence. I wonder what is up with that. The student’s parted way as if telling me to pass and walk towards the centre of the cafeteria. Why would I ever want to be trapped in the middle of their attacked? Remembering the four eyed girl during my first visit in the academy.

I didn’t move from where I stood and B1 seemed to be too tired to make me. He sat himself in one of the cafeteria’s chair, fanning himself ignoring me.

I was wondering why I was forced to come when I saw the masterpiece standing in front of a projected monitor, at the centre of the crowd, his back against me. He was watching a movie? No, it was a video of the party. I am not sure why the video keep replaying with my prince and the princess kissing... with me forcing them to. Argh! I forgot about that, the masterpiece might really kill me this time.

Even though my better judgment tells me not to move to the centre, I still did. I am not sure whether it is stupidity on my part or what. But there is no other way; I needed to tell the masterpiece...

“Hey,” I greeted him giving him a slight pat in the shoulder as if we are THAT close. His eyes looked grim that I forgot what I was going to say, he do looked frightening with his jaw clenched and hands inside his jean pocket. Who knows what he is hiding in there, maybe a knife or a gun.

I swallowed dryly, my pupil taking secret glances at him while he kept standing still like he was frozen. I tried to lean my head a little on his side chest out of curiosity, making sure there is no physical contact. I wanted to verify whether his heart is still beating... but I cannot hear anything.

Tug-tug-tug Tug-tug-tug, oh, there it is... his heart beat, I hear it, I thought when I realized I have my ear pressed on his chest. No wonder I heard the heart beat loud and clear, I pitifully told myself. I slowly pull myself away hoping he didn’t notice otherwise I needed to prepare myself for a world of pain. I remember the time he broke my arm just for staring at his body... I wonder how many bones he will break this time.

I turned around hoping I can still run away but the student that now surrounds us closed the pathway. I found myself trapped in the middle without any weapon to defend myself with.

I hastily turned back and accidentally bumped into the masterpiece wall like back. Damn! Déjà vu

I stood still hiding in his back, hoping he would think I am not there. I sighed... what can I do to make it up to him? I did have good intentions, doesn’t that even count? I kept muttering behind him.

The video suddenly stop playing before the monitor out. I noticed how the masterpiece shoulder jilted a bit.

When I turned around, my prince was already standing in the cafeteria doorway... he was standing there with the princess.

“Why are they together?” The students started murmuring. “They must have gotten back together,” they started to speculate.

I was suddenly nervous, how could these buffoons talk so loudly... they might not be feeling it as they stood a bit farther away but I was just behind him. I am constantly stabbed by that evil aura that he is perilously emitting, seriously if he don’t stop he, will be devour by it and that’s bad for me... because our fate is interconnected T.T

I sum up the courage to move myself in front of the Masterpiece who look so lost. His brows are narrowed together and there was blood dripping off his lip, he must have gritted his teeth that much.

I poked my forefinger in his head just between his eyes were his eyebrows seems to be clashing together and slightly pushed him. He blinked... and for a moment his eyes seemed confused as he moved his eyes on me.

“Hey,” the princess greeted him. I was startled, When did she get so close?

 The masterpiece collected himself. He nod at her and glared at me before walking away, until he tried to. He steps stopped when he saw my prince standing in the cafeteria’s doorway. Then, he turned around and walk back to us - to me. He took a folded piece of paper from his pocket.

He unfolded the paper and then slammed it in my forehead. I literally thought my neck is going to snap back with the unrestrained force that he use to stick the sheet on my face. And then he left without a word... even ignoring my prince at the door. B1 immediately followed after him.

I took the paper he slammed on my face and check what it was all about.

Circles like some dart target was drawn in it with my face in the middle, I wonder what it means. Well, it is not like they can do any more damage... at least not to me. Sheesh! He is really a sore loser...

The moment the masterpiece left, the entire student who seemed ready for bloodbath dispersed. My prince walked towards me, or maybe us. The princess was still standing by my side; I wonder why she didn’t run after the masterpiece.

“Hey,” my prince greeted me with that innocent smile plastered on his face. He took discreet glance at the princess like I wouldn't notice and  then he sighed before taking my hand and pulling me away.

I looked back and saw the princess looking pitiful as she watched us leave. She was standing in the middle of the cafeteria all alone. Where is Top to hover all over the princess when it is more crucial?


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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL