I was slowly paddling my way home; tired … I am such an idiot. Saturday is one of my favorite days of the week… the other one is Sunday. How can I forget? I am sorry Saturday… I am still deep in my thoughts when I suddenly hit an old woman, her tarot cards suddenly flew across my face, and one of them stick on my forehead. I took it and was about to turn it to see what was on it, when the old woman snatches it from my hand. As she look into the tarot card her eyes widened, so was mine… there was a big mole hanging at the tip of her nose, creepy. “Tsk tsk” she said, “The god of fortune has abandoned you” she seriously told me while her face is coming closer and closer to my face. I instantaneously moved away, I cannot bear the sight of the mole that seems to be getting bigger and bigger by the second.

                I was slowly trying to start paddling to get away from her, but she was holding the rim of my bike.  ‘You lost something important…’ she said with an eerie voice. I was not paying much attention to the nonsense that she’s blabbering. I was ready to get away but then she said ‘You can get it back’, and then she turns around and started picking all her stuff. I just stood there wondering. But if there is a way I can get the old man’s bike…


                I helped the old woman with her things, ‘Tell me!’ I told her. She just stared at me and smiles, like I would know what that means. “Tell me!”I ask her again but she walks away with her stuff. I followed her, pushing my bike instead of riding it. But the old woman continues walking. The hell I was so annoyed, and then I blurted “what will it take for you to tell me?” I didn’t think it will work but the old lady stop walking, slowly turn around. It was like those scary movies when the persons head walking in front turns 360 degrees … freaking scary, at least that how it looks to me. The old woman walk towards me, I was thinking she might be asking for my soul or something. She put her hand on my shoulder, “$1000.00…” she said shaking me.


                I cannot believe that I gave the old lady the money I have, $158.75 to be exact. It is not much but then, it was my blood and sweat. It was my hard earned money. How can I let myself be scammed like that? ‘What is owed must be paid … teeth for teeth … a life for a life’ she said. What the hell?


                The aggravation continues on the next day. Erik just laughed when I told him what happen. I was on the cash register doing my part time job, and I cannot stop myself from gritting my teeth. Thank goodness there are not much people coming in. I am really not in the mood to work, but I have to. I cannot rely on the step mother, after what happen. I don’t want to ask the queen for anything, I think I have done enough damage. She was not use to working, but she is now working to support the entire family.


                After my shift, Erik and I went and hang around the billiard hall. I am trying to win back the money I lost to the old woman. Damn that old woman! I lost the old man’s bike … then I might have killed prince … and then I lost my hard earned money. Arghhhh… Is there no end to these misfortunes? With the last shot I took, it went it … and I won against the old timers. Erik and I exclaimed, we won, I mean, I won. Stress on the ‘I', Erik did nothing but to hit on the other girls playing pool while munching on my cracker, bastard. I guess I am lucky in some ways. I lose some money, and then I gain some.  With the money I have in my pocket, I sleep like a baby ready to face my punishment for what happen to prince. When school starts… I have to face my crime.


                My feet felt heavy as I walked out of Top’s car, he seems to have assigned himself as my personal chauffer. He said he has to make up for almost killing me that night. I would have asked for money instead but I was not in the mood for negotiation. I have to report what I have done to the dean. I was already outside the dean’s office, barely noticing Top who has been behind me all this while. I took a deep breath, and then sigh. My hand reached for the door, just one push and I will be at her majesty’s mercy (the dean). But I chickened out and abruptly turned back, I bumped into Top’s chest who was as startled as I was, probably more. The monkey ape hasn’t change, he is still as scaredy-cat as ever. “What the hell?” I snarled at him, and then walk fast past him while rubbing my nose. I think my nose took the impact of me bumping to Top’s chest.


                Some force made me turn around, and there he was, Top, still on my trail. What the hell is wrong with that guy? I stop and shouted, “Stop following me you ert!” He froze for a moment, I think everyone in the hallway who heard me stopped and looked our way. Top combed his soft beautiful hair with his hand and then laughed, like an idiot. Ptsk, I grumble and then continue to walk away. I hate that guy.


                I was busy over thinking things while Mr. Math Prof was busy giving his lecture about algebraic formula and the entire class busy doing their own studying. The math prof is so lame that even the very diligent fellow student of mine is not paying attention to him. What am I going do? I keep thinking. Should I tell the truth? Or just wait. I mean, if I am going to surrender myself I should at least get to eat everything I want, like last supper... after pondering about the food I want to eat, I abruptly stood up and walk out of class, not like the math prof will notice me missing since he is busy talking to the board.


                I was already a couple of class room away from my own class, when a sudden rewind of what happened played through my mind. There I was busy thinking of how I should have at least one last supper before going to prison, and didn’t notice how the class suddenly went absolutely silent. I rub my ears thinking I must have gone deaf, but the food I need to eat takes priority. When I finally realize the things I want to eat, I stood up abruptly slamming my two hands on the table that made a loud sound. Ah, so that is the reason why my palm hurts. As I was walking out of the room, the corner of my eyes caught something shiny… but my mind was preoccupied at the time to notice. I halted from walking and ran back. I took a deep breath before walking back in. It was awfully quiet that the sound of my feet walking to my seat sound so loud.




Taeyang was startled when one of the students hit her desk, abruptly stood up and walks out of the class as he was trying to find the culprit who dared to hurt him. No one knew who the student in the fire exit was, but the academy’s chat room is gossiping about a crazy freshman.


He just wanted to check who this crazy freshman is, and if he find even a scintilla of proof that it was the crazy freshman who smash his head in the wall… he won’t leave without getting his revenge. He was shocked to know that the crazy freshman the students were talking about is a girl.


The question he is asking now is, whether: him asking whether the person who hit him is in the class and her walking out is enough proof to establish her culpability. He was already on his way out, when a head suddenly pops in and out of the door at the back of the class. So, he just stood there wondering what the hell is that crazy girl thinking? Then, she jumped inside… frozen stiff. She was staring towards her own seat. Then moved, like a robot… her face was burning red. And then she sat and stared blankly forward. Taeyang didn’t know where she got the pen she was holding but she was suddenly writing something down after looking at the board. And then will nod her head while looking at the formula the math prof wrote a while back, as if she understood. Her existence seems to have pick his interest.






The class was finally over, but my head is still spinning. My prince is okay, I am so glad. I am not sure why he was in my class but I am really happy to know that he is not dead. I was grinning all by myself without a care in the world. My fellow classmates are starting to leave one by one but I was still on my seat, being happy all by myself. I should have said something to him, I think he at least deserve an apology from me. I abruptly stood up but end up being push back to my seat, I didn’t notice the group of girls that started to crowd over me while I was deep in my own thoughts. I looked at them, wondering what they want. They just stared back with their eyes twitching like they were trying to give me a secret message. ‘What?’ I blurted out. They are wasting my time. I could have been in front of Prince apologizing, and he can be telling me it is okay because he fell in love with me the first time he saw me. I was already drooling when I was halted back to reality by a finger poking on my forehead. I remember the girls that seem to need my attention. ‘What?’ I ask again. I mean, how many times do I have to ask this question? It didn’t even seem that they were from my class too. Suddenly, they parted way to let another girl walk in. She walks towards me and stared down at me. I just stared back. I am not sure what she wants, but she was pretty. ‘What?’ I ask again, the third time. This is the last time I am going to ask, I told myself. It is starting to get annoying.


I left the class irritated. How can those morons think so highly of themselves? I tried so hard to be a lady, but they just tick me off. I was there minding my own business, and they dare tell me to stay the hell away from Taeyang. Who the hell is Taeyang? Though, I think I heard that name before. I tried to tell them I have no idea what they are talking about but they keep pushing me back to my seat whenever I tried to stand up. I mean, what should a frail girl like me do against 15 mean looking girls? So, I stood up; took my chair, and started swinging away. It is no longer my fault if they do not know how to duck? I even twisted my wrist, grrrrr… those girls. I went straight to the nurse’s office to get some pain killer. If the pain is still there by tomorrow, those girls would have to pay.


I was at the door outside the clinics office but it was locked. I knock but there was no answer. I was about to leave when I hear some noise inside and saw some shadow moving about. So, they were trying to trick me. They must have planned everything, they knew I am going to hurt myself and will need to go to the nurse’s office. They must have wanted me to suffer the pain for today, as if. So, I kicked the door open, I do have a very powerful kick. I walk abruptly towards the curtain where the shadow was, and jerk it open. I am not sure what I was thinking to find, all I know is I was angry that everyone seems to be ganging up on me… but, what the hell?


I stood there frozen. My brain is trying to make out what is happening. I looked at the boy who seems to be sleeping on the bed. His polo shirt ed showing the entirety of his upper body. My mind suddenly reached a deadlock, and my eyes wonder on its own. I was already drooling when the boy moans. Ah! Even that, sounds music to my ears. I noticed his pant was ped, a red boxer short is showing inside. I know I should look away … but my eyes just won’t turn its gaze away from such masterpiece. The boy suddenly opens his eyes; he was still half asleep when he sat up. He was holding his head… he looked at me groggily. I just stood there gawking. He suddenly looks at himself and saw his half body.


I didn’t know what happen, but the next thing I knew I was forced back to the wall; the back of my head made a loud sound as it slam into it. He was holding me by the neck with my feet barely touching the ground. The bastard is trying to choke me just because I looked at his half body. Is it my fault? Why would he flaunt his body like that if he doesn’t want to be look at? I was using both my hand to try to remove his hold on my neck, but this brat is really strong and my wrist hurts a bit. I am about to lose all the air I have in my lungs. I force myself to look at him; I want to get a good look of the person I am going to haunt forever once I die. I was surprise to see those long lashes; that perfect nose; ah…and those red lips. I think it would really taste sweet. Even in this state of anger, the perfectness of this person is just revolting to my senses.


What the hell was I thinking? I slam my head on the wall to wake myself up. This bastard is trying to kill me! I manage to kick him in the knee but his tight grip on my neck didn’t even loosen. Is this the price I have to pay for being a peeping tom? Then I remember, ‘YOU!’ I exclaimed. This was the person I throw my shoes to, one of the four kings? Maybe, I am really going to be killed. But then, I hear some footsteps. Ah, witnesses! Just in the nick of time.

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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL