Mysterious Emotion


Top came by during lunch to bring me food to gobble on and to invite me somewhere.


“I’m sorry my man but I cannot be with another man now-a-days,” I meaningfully said while munching on the alio oglio pasta he brought.


Top’s brow furrowed while watching me eat. I tapped him by the shoulder while unable to forefend the hysterical laughter. “wahahhahhahahhaha,” I laughed boisterously. It was loud enough to cause my space to shake. Tiny bits of crumbs of the food I am eating spun out uncontrollably from my open mouth. Top immediately backed away while his hands covered his ears.


“There is no reason to get hysterical,” Top mumbled.


I looked Top in the eyes with smirk clinging at the corner of my lips. I was going to tell him that I have now a boyfriend when Top’s phone rang.


“Hey,” Top answered his phone before springing up to his feet and going out the door. He waved his hand motioning that he needed to go. “Yes! I am coming back right away,” Top said to the person on the phone.


I watched as Top’s back vanished from my sight while I the pasta inside my mouth like they were noodles. I turned around and realized that Top left an invitation for me with my name written in bold as if he thinks I would be stupid enough not to know it was meant for me. I really think that dude is underestimating me.




I was loitering in front of the television scratching my full belly while burping as loud as I could when Bridgette lurched inside my space with her arms crossed over her chest.


“What?” I worriedly asked, she act like there's  fire somewhere.


“Were you invited?” Bridgette snarled. My forehead creased in confusion… I am not sure what is going on with Bridgette. I’ve never seen this side of her before… it was like she was possessed by her demonic little sister.


“Barbie?” I asked hesitatingly. Bridgette stomped on her feet as if a child protesting about something.


“What?” I asked again. I am not even sure what she was asking about.


“The invitation! I am pretty sure you receive one from Top,” she said accusingly as if I am going to deny it.


“What invitation?”I asked curiously. It’s not that I am denying it… but… I forgot.


“Take me with you!” Bridgette ordered. I am at my wits end to giving Bridgette a whack in the head. What the hell is going on with her?


Bridgette bit her lip and tears were suddenly forming in her eyes. What the? “FINE!” I shouted just to stop the water theatrics.


Bridgette smiled widely and left my space. And I was left thinking… I think I did see an invitation left by top, I wonder where the hell I put it. I am not even sure what the invitation was for.


I end up falling asleep with all the thinking over the sofa where I am sitting on when I heard someone honking incessantly outside. What the Mo*%$#@?!


I jolted my body up to give the person making such a loud ruckus outside a piece of my mind. I halted the door opened… and the doors corner hit me in the face AGAIN. What the hell does this door have against my face?  I wonder while angrily kicking the door opened.


When I looked up, he was there. My prince with his forehead creased staring at me… his smile was full of question.


“Hi,” he greeted. I feel my face burning red remembering what I did last night… or maybe it was a dream.


“Did I kiss you last night?” I innocently asked. I want to make sure. I would look like an idiot if I get embarrassed over something that never happened.


Taeyang smiled shyly while brushing the back of his hair with his eyes evading my snooping gaze. Aw! My prince is just too cute.


We just stood there for god knows how long… but I enjoyed every moment of it. I really like looking at his face. It’s even better when he looked so flushed.


I think I want another kiss I thought when he suddenly fake cough. I suddenly got distracted.


“Uhm… you see there is a party. A classmate came back so we are celebrating,” he said with his eyes still evading mine. Hehe


“Okay,” I said. How cute? He is asking my permission if he can go to a party.


“Are you going to wear that?” he asked while pointing at my clothes full of smudges and ripped here and there.


Wahhhh! I forgot that I am on my lazy-I-am-not-going-anywhere clothes. My arms unconsciously moved in a flash slamming the door in my prince face. I stood frozen before the closed door, horrified. How did I let my prince see me in such an embarrassing clothes?


I hear him knocked… I think I even hear faint giggle outside but before I concern myself with that, I needed to change my shirt.


I immediately ran back to open the door after changing my ripped shirt to a Nike jersey I secretly borrowed from Erik.


When I opened the door, I was startled to see Bridgette talking happily to my prince with her hand touching his arm. Ah! They actually look good together… like a real prince and princess of fairy tales book.


My prince immediately turned his attention to me standing in the middle of my space’s doorway. “Are you okay?” he worriedly asked with that adorable smile across his face. Bridgette also turned to me with her eyes scowling at me. I really don’t know what she is so mad about. Then I notice her all dolled up, “Where are you going?” I asked Bridgette. She flinched as if the questioned embarrassed her.


“You told me to go with you to the party,” Bridgette said with a croak in her voice while stealing a glance at my prince. I gawk at her hoping I can find the answer to the question that is currently overwhelming the brain cell I haven’t put to work in a long time.


Bridgette looked sullen and dropped her eye on the floor as if she is going to cry.


“Come with us,” my prince invited Bridgette. Bridgette immediately cheered up and held my prince hand “Thank you!” she said. I just look blankly at them. I wonder where the heck are they going… and why didn’t prince invite me?  I narrowed my eyes while staring at my prince.


My prince suddenly became uncomfortable. He was looking at me then looking at Bridgette as if he doesn’t know what to do. I glared at prince hoping I can hypnotize him to inviting me too. ASK ME TO COME WITH YOU… ASK ME TO COME WITH YOU.


I can see Bridgette grinning at the corner of my eyes while my prince keeps evading my powerful glare.


“Why don’t you go? I’ll just stay behind, I have lots of things to do anyway,” Bridgette smiled half heartedly with her shoulder lumping over her body before turning around and walking away.


I was concentrating on hypnotizing my prince to invite me too and barely understood what Bridgette is so grim about until my prince ran after Bridgette.


“Hey,” my prince called out to the walking away Bridgette and stopping her by the arm. That totally broke my concentration. I felt like being shot in the face by a rock bigger than my head. I unconsciously slammed the door shut and  remained frozen stiff standing in front of my shut door, again. But the image of my prince and Bridgette… why am I still seeing it? I already shut the door.  


I heard Bridgette knocking at the door, "hey, open up," she said gently. But I don’t want to face them… I don’t want to see it… that perfect image of my prince that belonged only to a beautiful princess. What is this awful feeling?




Seungri said that monkey girl is definitely invited which actually surprised me. I guess she is close with Top after all.


I went to her place to pick her up… since she is my girlfriend… or maybe not. I don’t really know, I’ve never met any girl more confusing than her. I am still struggling to finding out her name.


I came by her place and she was wearing… I am not sure how to put it. The exact word would be a beggar shirt. Most… in fact ALL the girls that I've gone out with always put on their best clothes in front of me. So, I really got to wonder what the kiss was for last night. I mean, she doesn’t even seem to care if I see her in those clothes. Does she really like me?


Her step sister Bridgette came and waited with me. She seemed excited to go to China’s party but it seemed the monkey girl, the name I am going to call her for now until I find out her name, has no intention of taking her along. Does she have some insecurity against her step sister? I wonder. Though, I can see why.


I unconsciously invited Bridgette.


It was too late when I realize that monkey girl is a girl too… she can also get jealous. She gawk at me without blinking but I cannot suddenly un-invite her step sister, that would be rude and unmanly of me. Besides, I am not sure what she is to me or what I am to her. Is she my girlfriend now? Or, is she just helping me by pretending to be my girlfriend like what I asked her to do last night in front of JiYong. But she did kiss me… I am so confused.


 Bridgette suddenly said that she won’t be going. She walked away… I really thought I shouldn’t but thinking of how excited she was a moment ago really doomed me. I ran after her to apologize… I know monkey girl wouldn’t mind if I talk to her.


… Then, I heard her slammed the door closed.


I am really confused… what did I get myself into?




**** SUMMARY For those who are confused ****

Taeyang thought that Prince is monkey girl’s boyfriend. WHY? Because when he asked her to be his girlfriend, she ran away without answering him while shouting Prince is my Boyfriend. Why did she run away? Because she is an idiot. She thought if she stayed long Taeyang (her prince) would take back asking her to be his girlfriend.

When China came back, Taeyang needs someone to be his girlfriend. The person who came to mind is monkey girl. He was at her door explaining that he needs her to pretend to be his girlfriend. She didn’t here that PRETEND only part. Why? She was far away from the door.

To her HE is HER BF.

To him SHE is under status UNKNOWN.

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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL