What is owed must be paid


China walked out of the airport, looking for someone. Hoping she can find the person who she has been missing to see but she didn’t see him. She saw Top waiving at her from far away instead, ‘long time no see sis’ Top hugged his cousin.


Top pat Chinas head, ‘Are you that disappointed to see me?’ he said while driving. China smiled bitterly, ‘It’s not that’ she explained. Top smiled teasingly ‘You were hoping that Taeyang would come’. China nod without looking at Top and just continuously stare outside the window, sighing in disappointment throughout the drive home.



Taeyang was staring outside his room’s window, holding his phone. She is back… he sighed.

His phone receives a new message.

From: Top

Sent: Sunday, xxxxx, 2014 10:01 AM
To: ‘Taeyang’; ‘JiYong’; ‘Seungri’; ‘Daesung’
Cc: ‘MQ Academy Students’
Subject: Welcome Party


There will be a welcome party for China next Saturday. Everyone is invited.



Daesung sighed when he received the message. This is going to be a disaster, he thought. Then he receive a message from Seungri

From: Seungri

Sent: Sunday, xxxxx, 2014 10:10 AM
To: Daesung
Subject: FW: Welcome Party


This is going to be a disaster!


Daesung laughed when he read Seungri’s message. They thought the same thing. The only girl that can make JiYong crazy is back.


From: Daesung

Sent: Sunday, xxxxx, 2014 10:10 AM
To: Seungri
Subject: RE: FW: Welcome Party


Let’s just hope Taeyang keep his promise not to make a move. Aish! Why do they end up liking the same girl?

Maybe, we should try to get Taeyang to like a different girl. China will probably give up and get back together with Ji.


From: Seungri

Sent: Sunday, xxxxx, 2014 10:10 AM
To: Daesung
Subject: RE: FW: Welcome Party

Aren’t we being too unfair to Taeyang?


From: Daesung

Sent: Sunday, xxxxx, 2014 10:10 AM
To: Seungri
Subject: RE: FW: Welcome Party


It is easier to make Taeyang waver than Ji. During this time, there is only one girl he wanted. Taeyang on the other hand keeps dating other girls.


From: Seungri

Sent: Sunday, xxxxx, 2014 10:10 AM
To: Daesung
Subject: RE: FW: Welcome Party


I think he wanted to show Ji his sincerity to keeps his hands off China.

If Taeyang is already determined to give up on China, we should help. Why don’t we get him and the monkey girl together? LOL


From: Daesung

Sent: Sunday, xxxxx, 2014 10:10 AM
To: Seungri
Subject: RE: FW: Welcome Party

The monkey girl and Taeyang, lol.

But seriously, do you know anyone who Taeyang can like…


I was in 24/7 mopping the floor. Eli gave glancing at me like I am some crazy person. I really don’t care… I have a boyfriend, I am so excited. I cannot keep myself from grinning. Just the thought that Prince is now my boyfriend feels so great.

I kept staring at the store glass door, hallucinating. Taeyang would suddenly come in, smiling at me… holding something in his hand … I am so happy he brought me fried chicken!

Just then the door open and I waited anticipating who will come in. Slowly stepping in was … Erik! That jerk ruined everything.

I abruptly march toward him and push him out trying to close the glass door. ‘What the hell is wrong with you?’ Erik keeps trying to go inside the store. ‘I need to buy something stupid’ he keeps shouting inserting himself in the middle of the doorway so I won’t be able to close it.

‘You two stop bickering inside the store’ Eli said reprimanding us.

I let Erik pass ‘Stupid’ he mumbles. I was going to whack the back of Erik’s head but Eli was still eyeing us. I think he will fire me if I continue goofing off.

He was just sitting near the window while whirling himself on the stool. ‘Ah! I am so bored’ He exclaimed. ‘Boss, let’s go in the carnival’ he ask nicely.

I knew the guy just wants to drag me somewhere. ‘Boss, let’s go to the carnival’ he kept repeating. I really hate going to those places since I keep losing money. I just cannot seem to stop myself from spending money for the rides and games.

But in the end, I gave in to the temptation. After my shift ended we ended up going there.

Erik and I were fooling around while coursing our way to the carnival. I lightly push him and he ended up tumbling in the middle of the road. The screech of a speeding car while honking at Erik was deafening. I found myself running where Erik was. I jumped in between the car and Erik like I can actually stop the car. I can still feel the impact of the front rear lightly bumping on my knee before it comes to an abrupt stop. I fell on my with my knees trembling.

We were both sitting on the road frozen stiff. I think we are starting to become expert in escaping death.

The car door opened and like in a slow motion movie, the driver’s feet came out first then his entire body. He walked towards us; he was wearing a dark shade. I was wide eyed when I realizes who the driver was, he was clenching his jaw as he was looking down at us.

Erik stood up first, I would have run away but my knees are trembling from another life and death experience. I should really make a list of how many times I escape death; I was busy in my own thought.

‘It’s you… I am sorry about this. It’s our fault’ Erik explained to him.

The masterpiece nod while gawking at me angrily. I think if Erik was not there he would have not step on the break and just let his car hit me.

Erik helped me up, ‘Boss also thank you’ Erik told the masterpiece on my behalf. I didn’t say anything, since I still remember massacring his car. Although they cannot really prove it because I was wearing a mask and I was NOT in the academy at the time of the commission of the crime, at least no one saw me except my boyfriend that is. HEHEHHEHE I suddenly found myself snorkeling laughter. Erik and the masterpiece looked at each other as if confused.

‘You should leave her in a mental institute’ the masterpiece said before going back to his car and driving away. I was left gaping; I was not able to have the last word since I was day dreaming. But… how dare he? I motion both my arms UP YOURS! Inhaling the dust left by his running tires.

Erik pushed me by the shoulder back to the pedestrian. ‘Idiot, you are just too ungrateful’ Erik said reprimanding me. ‘What?’ I said in an outburst. Why am I getting reprimanded by Erik? I didn’t do anything, I even tried to sacrifice myself and he cannot even thank me, but he thanks the masterpiece? Seriously! I smell something fishy. Are they like broke-back Mountain thingy going on here? I was talking to myself but as usual I was actually mouthing the word.

Erik hit the back of my head. ‘Idiot… didn’t I tell you? That was the guy that saves you’

‘What?’ I ask again in confusion.

‘When you almost died… the person who hit you ran away. He was passing by and he stopped and helps me carry you to the hospital. Even though you are getting all your dirty blood in his expensive car he didn’t seem to mind.’ Erik explained while we were walking.

I was just listening… ! Of all the people I can owe my life too, why do I have to owe that hateful bastard? And then I gave Erik a low kick at the back of his leg.  ‘What?’ Erik cringes on his knee while yelling at me.

‘Why didn’t you tell me sooner?’ I ask, I don’t think anything would change if Erik had told me before, I would definitely still hate that masterpiece, but I needed a reason to hit Erik since he is pissing me off.

‘I told you… remember at the store I kept yelling that’s the guy’ Erik angrily explained like it was my fault.

We end up brawling while finding our way to the carnival.


Erik and I decided to split so we can cover all the rides. It was like we are one person in two body, hehe.

I was on my last ride and I saw Erik waiving his hand from below.

I got out and he immediately pulled me in some Tent. ‘C’mon!’ he said, ‘I heard she is one of the best. Maybe she can help you find your bike’, Erik said.

Ah! I forgot about the bike. Damn those kings!!! There is no way I will acknowledge that guy as my life savior, boooo! I was talking to myself. ‘What are you mumbling about?’ Erik asks while pushing me inside.

I was going to tell Erik about what happen but I don’t think I will be able to tell him without wailing. I just kept my mouth shut for the time being.

When we finally reach the inside of the tent there was this gypsy seated in the middle of the room, then there was smoke. A crystal ball on top of a table suddenly appeared in front of us. The gypsy motioned for us to come closer. There was that thick smoke again, and then a chair behind us appears. Wow! She is good… at least whatever trick they are doing is good enough for me.

I open my mouth to start asking question, but then the gypsy hush me. ‘There is something… I can see something… you owe someone’ she said in a very eerie voice. What? That surprises me, just when I thought that I will not acknowledge the masterpiece. ‘If you wish to get back what has been lost, what is owed must be paid’ she continued. What? Is this gypsy telling me I have to give the masterpiece my life? Since that is what I owed. Wait didn’t the old lady with the big mole also told me that, what is owed must be paid. I continually thought. I was busy trying to remember what are the other things the old lady told me and I failed to notice the meaningful glances the gypsy and Erik has been exchanging.

‘So… say if I owe something… I must give back the same thing?’ I asked, thinking if I owe my life should I also give my life back, so that means I need to die too.

The gypsy look at Erik, and Erik was motioning something, but I was too busy wondering what is going to happen to me.

‘Yes!’ the gypsy said. ‘Then, do I have to die?’ I burst out.

The gypsy was bit startled when I gawk at her… waiting for her answer. ‘Ah… if you pay the person and that make him happy then it’s okay’ she said.

‘Wait… if I don’t pay what is owed, what will happen?’ I asked hoping I don’t have to pay what I owed to the masterpiece because I seriously hate him.

The gypsy looked at Erik and Erik motion his hand slitting his throat.

‘Then you will… get hurt’ she said hesitantly, ‘and it will earn interest… so you better pay as soon as you can’ the gypsy continued.

‘So, I just have to keep the person I owe happy? Are you saying if he is not happy I will get hurt and it will double?’ I seriously ask.

The gypsy seems confused now, and she just nodded.

I understand now… I thought to myself.


Erik was following me with a big smile in his face. ‘Boss’ he said in the middle of my thought. I looked at him waiting for whatever he is going to say to me. ‘Your payday is coming up huh?’ he asked happily. ‘Yeah’ I answered. Erik nod his head for some reason and then as if startled, ‘Ah! Didn’t the gypsy say you must pay what you owe? Didn’t you owe me money?’

‘Stupid!’ I told Erik, ‘The gypsy was not talking about that. They always talk in mystery; you have to be smart to understand what they are REALLY saying. You have to read between the lines’ I told him mockingly. Aish! Erik is such an idiot, I thought.



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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL