The Encounter : Prince


Junes’s Journal

I treated my friends at McDonalds today. I feel really bad thinking how I won’t be seeing them again.  I wanted to say our goodbyes properly but Boss went really insane today. Every time I think about it, I just burst laughing.

I seriously thought that she is as upset that the four of us would go on our separate ways. I thought she must be sad because she usually order at least three cheeseburgers especially if she does not have to pay for it… but when she ate that burger in four bites while staring into space, I realized I might be over thinking things. Boss is as gluttonous as ever. Then, she went all crazy trying to snatch Erik’s burger! It was so funny to see my friends wrestle over it; I stood up when I saw the guard coming to kick them out. I still have tears in my eyes from laughing. I am really going to miss this…

I bought another burger for boss, but when I came out I saw boss proposing to this ugly dude in the street. It was annoying… it was extra annoying when the ugly dude’s eyes followed boss when she ran away wailing. (Boss does not really cry with tears … she cry with , hahaha)


June is treating us since he will be leaving for the states by the coming week. I can feel my stomach tightening with the thought of separating from my monkey friends. I don’t think I can eat properly.

AJ stared at me, I think he realized something is wrong “What’s wrong?” he exclaimed. “You’re only ordering one cheese burger and a large fries? Are you sure?” he asked in disbelief.

“Please, don’t tell her to be a glutton! I’m on a budget,” June whispered loudly.

I took a bite of the cheese burger but I had a hard time swallowing. I am really upset that June is migrating to the states. Who would treat me in the future? The future looked bleak. I was in the middle of imagining a life without my provider when I bit my fingers. What the heck?!My burger is gone.

When I looked up, Erik, who was sitting across me, is taking bite on a cheeseburger. Thief! “Give me back my cheese burger!!!” I exclaimed while stretching my hand to snatch my cheeseburger away from the monkey thief.

Erik looked startled and yet managed to ward my hands off from MY cheeseburger. AJ, who was sitting on my left, kept me seated.

“What the ?!” Erik snarled while forcefully taking a bite off my cheeseburger that sets even more fuel to my boiling rage.

“That’s my cheese burger you as’wipe!” I shouted as I squirm my way out of AJs grip. June who sat beside Erik looked confused but with all the shouting I made, June finally realized the cause of my grievance. June laughed out loud and momentarily, my anger was pacified by worry. “Hey… are you okay?” I asked. AJ, Erik and I watched as June struggled from laughter. He practically choked with all the relentless chuckling.

When my pupil temporarily strayed from June, I saw Erik. He was happily munching on MY cheeseburger. I will soon have my REVENGE! Just you wait bastard. Every bite… every crumble… I will make you pay. I was plotting my revenge in my head and didn’t realize that I actually mouthed the words out while gawking at Erik. Erik stared back at me and took a big bite out of MY cheeseburger as if to challenge me further. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

Instantaneously, my very agile body moved. I jumped him from the other side of the table. June laughed even harder as Erik and I struggled on the floor, brawling over MY cheeseburger. AJ tried to stop the fight but I accidentally hit his precious face. AJ end up joining the fierce battle.

We were kicked out and ended up squatting at the corner outside McDonalds. AJ, Erik and I looked like crap yet I was overjoyed. I got MY cheeseburger back. Erik looked at me with contempt,

“That’s MY cheeseburger” he said. I hit him in the head trying to knock some sense into him.

AJ looked at me, also in contempt. He blamed me for what happened. “Because of a freaking cheeseburger!!!” he exclaimed raising his two hands in the air like he is surrendering to my insanity. I grumbled for a moment before taking a bite of MY cheeseburger.

Erik opened his mouth to raise an objection to my claim but closed his mouth as if he was too tired to start a nonsensical debacle against the mighty being that is I. “Justice prevails!” I heroically said while shoving the remaining cheeseburger in my mouth. I was getting ready to laugh when the big piece of the burger got stuck in my throat. I kicked AJ and Erik to help me, I can’t even mouth the words, water… water… but the two morons ignored me. Where the heck is June? It seems he is my only friend.

I ran towards McDonald where I saw June at the counter but Mr. Fat’zo, the security that literally kicked us out was at the front door. I knocked at the glass window hoping that June would see me choking my off. I am going to die damn it but no one seems to care.

I knocked at the glass wall with my left hand while I kept my right hand on my neck to show the predicament that I am in. Mr. Fat’zo merely glared at me, this damn pig. I let my entire weight lean unto the glass wall to emphasize my impending death and slowly… very slowly slid down my entire weight to the ground.

The piece of bread that was stuck in my throat seems to have melted or something but I stayed lying on the dirty ground pretending to be dead in order to exact my revenge on those bastard I so called friends!

Someone lightly kicked me by the side. I would have jump up and beat the crap of the bastard but I have to stick to my act until those morons regret losing me. I just kept my eyes closed but I can feel someone breathing over my face, It must be that stupid Erik, if he tries anything funny he will really regret it, I thought I clenched my fist as I feel something coming towards me. A hand gripped me by the nose. What the ? They may be checking if I was dead. Even if they close my nose I can still breathe through my mouth. But a hand covered my mouth, hmp! Bastard, I can hold my breath. Finally, the air I have stuck in my lungs are all used. I abruptly opened my eyes and pushed Erik away.


I opened my eyes and was stunned by these beautiful eyes staring straight back at me. But, it was too late to stop my body from pushing the person I thought was Erik and, too late to stop my mouth from rampaging “Bastard!”

Things were happening in slow motion in my head. He slowly sprawled back right next to me. I scrutinized his face and there is not a single flaw of error. Even his startled face as his hit the ground is that of perfection. I don’t even want to blink because he might vanish.

He stared at me for a moment then chuckled before standing up. I immediately stood up and grabbed his two hands. “Be Mine,” I exclaimed.

My prince looked stunned for a moment. He opened his mouth but before he can utter a word “Taeyan!” someone called out. My prince turned his head where the voice was coming from. I followed his gaze. I thought Bridgette was very pretty but the girl who called out to my prince has a beauty that even the word beauty would not be able to justify. My limited vision suddenly expanded and I found myself in the middle of spectators. The three stooges –Erik, AJ and June- were among the crowd. Even when they try to cover their faces with their shirt I still recognized those backstabbing sunovaes.

I glared at the them while mouthing the word “You are all dead,” I was still muttering some threatening words when someone jerked the prince hands from my grasp. I immediately turned to see who dared to do such a thing and found myself in the presence of a beautiful princess. She anchored her arms around my prince’s arm while staring down on me with a smirk across those red lips.

I ogled over my prince face and then I turned my eyes on the princess, back and forth. I took several heavy breath, they looked so perfect together damn it I thought. MY feet started to run away shoving aside a number of spectators crowding over us. After I got out of the crowd I let out a loud cry “Huwahhhhhhh’ and continue to run away. I heard one of the spectators say “this must be one of those hidden camera show.”

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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL