

I was jumping and crawling through the bushes, grinning all on my own. Although I was not able to do much damage to the other cars, at least I’ve done enough to the king’s car. Thank god they have special parking area; it didn’t take time for me to find their cars.

I was thinking there would be four, and of course I have no intention to touch Prince Car, thank god there were only three cars stuck together. I am pretty sure my prince isn’t as stuck up as those three jerks to actually bring such extravagant cars to the academy.

I can see the back gate wide open, I just need to crawl a bit further and I am out.

My mission to get out of the academy was temporarily impeded by the existence of a pair of shoe existing before the ground I am crawling on. On that pair of shoe, stands a pair of leg… I touch them but they wouldn’t budge. I have no intention to look up and see who this pair of obstacle belongs to, it is better to crawl on its side. Faster! Before more pair of legs comes for the crawling me.

I can hear the owner of the leg chuckles, and then I felt my leg pulled from behind me. I tried to struggle, kicking my legs as if I was swimming. But I cannot force my way out of the persons grip. I let my face get buried in the ground I am crawling on. I stop moving and pretended to be dead. The person let go but might still be there and might drag me back if I move. I stay still counting to 100.

I crawled very slowly after counting 1-100… like a worm; very slowly… with my face still buried on the ground. I know the back gate is just straight ahead. No one tried to pull my leg back, the person must have left.

Hehe I laughed on my own and looked up. I was startled to see my prince sit-squatting right in front of me. He was smiling… I instinctively sat up. I was going to say something but my prince suddenly covered my mouth, hushing me. I was startled… his hand in my lips hehe

I can hear footsteps coming towards us. The other students are now frantically looking for the culprit.

My prince motioned his hand for me not to move. He sprung up and started stretching before turning around; his face suddenly turned grim when he looked at the other students coming towards the bushes ‘Your noise woke me. How are you going to compensate?’ he ask threateningly while cracking his knuckles. The other student bowed their heads apologetically, scratching their head before running away.

‘Let’s go’ my prince said when the coast is clear; he took my hand and pulled me up and we run out of the academy holding hands, I was staring at the back of my prince running in front of me. I was seeing cotton cadies like cloud and tons of flowers everywhere.


When I finally got to my senses, I was seated inside McDonalds. Huh? I looked around and I see my prince putting the tray of food down on the table before seating across me. Am I seeing thing? I am on a date with my prince! Wohoooo…

My prince put his hand under his chin and looked at me, ‘You must be hungry!’ he said with a cute smile across his face. Awwww!!! I didn’t realize that I took the burger and took a big bite on it while gawking at my prince awesome feature. My prince chuckled… ah! Music to my ears, but wait! Who is he laughing at? Is he laughing AT me? I suddenly stop eating and just froze. My prince thinks I am a clown that is just disheartening.

Suddenly, my prince leaned towards me, holding his hand out to my face. I flinched back; away from those fingers almost touching my skin… my prince sat back and said ‘You have something there’ motioning the side of his lips. ‘Eh’ I mumbled and use the back of my hand to wipe whatever it is that is in my mouth. Thank goodness I didn’t dirty my prince hand.

I looked down on the tray in front of me, and started munching on the fries.

‘Would you like to be my girlfriend?’ He suddenly said.

I scratch my left ear with my pinky; I think I am hearing things. I continue munching on the fries… I looked up and he was looking at me. ‘What?’ I said in the gentlest and girly-est way I can muster. ‘Is there something on my face again?’ I smile trying to flirt, while taking a sip on my coke.

‘I want to be your boyfriend’ he said leaning from across the table as if he wants to make sure I hear him this time. I froze, and the coke I am drinking naturally went up to my nostril and out of my nose in shock.

My prince immediately took a napkin and holds his hand out from across the table to wipe my nose. He was trying not to laugh but I can hear the sound of giggle coming from his sigh. But I don’t care if he is laughing at me… Prince just asks me to be his girlfriend. I cannot believe it… my fist instinctively hit the side of my cheeks with full force just to make sure I am not dreaming. My neck twists a bit when I receive the impact of my own punch. It hurts a ton; I twist my neck back to face my prince who is now frozen with his mouth slightly open staring at me.

When I looked at him, my prince composed himself and smile at me.

I slowly got out of my chair… and then ran out as fast as I could! I must not give him the chance to take his word back. ‘PRINCE is MY boyfriend’ I shouted outside McDonalds before running away completely out of his sight, laughing evilly on top of my lungs.


Taeyang eyes followed her as she frantically run away. He heard her saying ‘Prince is my boyfriend’ outside McDonalds. He was frozen in his seat. Who is prince? Did he just get rejected? He took a deep breath while he started to munch on the fries she left.

This is the first time he took the initiative to ask a girl to be his girlfriend… and he got rejected.

Quite unexpected, he thought she likes him. He felt exhausted just trying to understand what happen.


Seungri, Daesung and JiYong were watching the CCTV. There was a person wearing all black from head to toe, pointing a metal bat in the camera as if wanting to provoke them, before vigorously trashing their car.

Everyone knew it was the monkey girl… but everyone is keeping their mouth shut.




Student 789: Grounded. My parents took my keys away blaming me for the car. Jeez!!!

Student 852: You too huh?!

Student 963: I think everyone here is grounded for the car.

Student 951: We can’t even tell them about that monkey girl… because of that ‘Whatever happens in the academy stays in the academy thing’ grrrr

Student 634: If we snitch on her, we will get into more trouble. Our parents are so in keeping with that tradition

Student 741: Seriously, they are not even thinking about us… what if next time the monkey girl decided to hit us.

Student 598: funny?! One girl becomes the bully of the many… quite funny when you think about it.

Student 417:  ai! What the hell are our kings doing?

Student 635: WE need to return the favor… the monkey girl will go down.

Student 871: … I don’t think I can … who knows what that girl might do next.

Student 246: We have so much to lose? We have more valuable things? It is kind of scary… because I don’t think there is anything else that we can take away from her.

Student 254: It is hard to beat a man who has nothing to lose, hahaha

Student 951: What? We are just going to let this go?!

Student 663: NO way! There is no way I will let this go. Let’s think of some way to get back at her.




‘What are you so happy about?’ Erik notices me grinning all on my own. I looked at him with a big smile across my face. I was fidgeting when Erik whack the back of my head ‘You’re creeping me out’ he yelled while pretending to brush something disgusting off his skin. I ignored him and looked at the night sky dreamingly.

Erik was watching wide-eyed and he was startled when I laugh out loud ‘Ngiyahahahhahhahaha’ I cannot keep the happiness inside.

Erik slapped me… left and right while shaking me by the shoulder. I just kept laughing Ngiyahaahhahahhaha I knew Erik is probably doing the slapping thing to get even with what happen two nights ago, but I don’t care. I am too happy to be bothered by such trivial thing.





From:                    China [[email protected]]

Sent:                    Friday 11:30 PM

To:                          ‘Taeyang’

Subject:                               See You Soon


Getting on the plane going home, I cannot wait to see you.


I miss you!!!











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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL