Series of eventful misunderstandings


I was still frozen stiff with my mind baffled with this surging awful sensation at the pit of my gut when I heard Top’s voice from outside my door. “Fugly! Open up,” he was shouting outside. That how dares he insult me so loudly. I jerk the door opened and once again the door fiercely made its immense power known through my face. !

I heard Top laughing his lungs outs while stepping to get a better look at my face. “Does it hurt?” he worriedly asked in between insulting giggles. Top reached for my forehead which took the impact while still laughing. I grumble a bit but let him take a look when my eyes stray from the two people standing behind Top. My prince and Bridgette was there eyeing me.

I hastily pulled Top inside my space and slammed the door in my prince and Bridgette’s faces. I found myself breathing heavily as if I ran some marathon.

“What’s wrong with you?” Top asked curiously while reaching for the door.

“What are you trying to do?” I asked Top threateningly as he attempted to open the door that I locked closed.

Top looked at me suspiciously while slowly turning the doorknob as if he was observing my reaction. I growled while slowly taking my stance to jump him if he tried opening my damn door.

I was ready to just beat the crap out of Top when I saw the box he has been holding on to since a moment ago. “What’s that?” I excitedly asked, hoping its food.

Top threw the big box in the air… I turned to catch it just to realized what he intended to do. He opened the door and let my prince and Bridgette in.

I sat quietly hugging the box Top threw at me with both arms, my eyes refusing to look at either my prince or Bridgette. They looked so good together that I want to punch myself… I don’t even know where all this frustration is coming from.

“Why don’t you change into that?” Tops said. I abruptly shot Top a glare how dare he order me around? Top immediately cowers back and used his hands to cover himself when he thought I was going to attack him. I grumbled a little…

I heard top snickered, “You’re more tamed today.” I just grumbled a bit and ignored Top… I am still uncomfortable having my prince and Bridgette sitting across me. I’ve never felt so… lacking.

“Are you not going to change?” Top said again.

“Why?” I asked. Why is so wrong with my- Erik’s- jersey shirt? I can feel an itch in my throat like if I said anything more my voice is going to croak. What is this annoying feeling?

I stood up and went to the bathroom bringing the box that Top threw at me. I want to get away from the sight of my prince and Bridgette. Why is the image of my prince running after Bridgette playing in my head? And what the hell is up with my chest? It’s like being prick by some needles relentlessly.

I sighed heavily as I shut the bathroom door behind me. I just stood there wondering, what is this emotion hanging by my throat?



Daesung said that Taeyang already have a girlfriend, I didn’t think it would be Bridgette. The world is really so small.

That fugly seems to be causing ruckus for the two lovebirds. Tsk, why can’t fugly take a hint that these two wants a moment together since they just started going out.

“You guys should get going, I’ll just bring fugly to the party,” I told Taeyang. Bridgette seemed excited but I am not sure why Taeyang is hesitating.

“Are you sure it would alright?” Taeyang asked me. I nodded. I mean I can handle fugly… Taeyang should really be more aware of his girlfriend Bridgette.

“Then… tell her… I’ll see her at the party,” Taeayng said heavily before leaving.

I wonder when Taeyang and fugly became so close that he would actually be concern for her. Wasn’t it just recently that the four kings bullied her? I think fugly is still their target and the four kings hasn’t renounce the order.


Is her name fugly?

She opened the door for Top and yet slammed the door in my face again. She is getting annoying. I think I finally understand why she is being targeted by Jiyong. That girl just seemed to rub people in the most irritating way possible…

Top and fugly seemed to be really closed. He even said that he will just bring her to the party. He even bought her a dress. I remember Top protecting her during the bike explosion incident… Is he in fact her boyfriend?

I don’t want to pry and I was hesitant to leave fugly behind… but if Top is in fact her boyfriend she called prince then I have no right to be there.


After mulling over what to do with the emotional turmoil running amuck inside my chest, I decided to open the box Top gave me. I am not sure why he kept asking me to change…


I was horrified by the black dress inside the box. What the Mo*&^% F#$@r? I stormed out the bathroom and fiercely threw the box in Top’s startled face.


“What?” he snarled after dodging the box.


“What the hell is that?” I yelled at him.


“You need to dress up for the party!” Top yelled back.


“What party?”I asked curiously.


“….” Top opened his mouth and then closed them again. He looked at me as if he cannot believe what he is hearing.


He sighed, breathe in and breathe out, as if to calm himself down.


“I gave you the invitation this morning,” he said calmly.


“What invitation?” I abruptly asked without thinking. When I finished my own question, I remembered the invitation he left this morning. Oh! Was the only thing I said while being gawked at by Top.


“Well… shouldn’t you change?” Top asked impatiently. I growled at him, why should I wear a dress? I was going to make a fuss, I have no intention to go. I’d rather watch DVD’s all night than be at some fancy party, pweh! When I noticed… my prince was gone and Bridgette wasn’t there. Did they left without me? Are they together now?


Suddenly, my throat dried up. A tear rolled down my cheeks. Top looked alarmed, “Okay!” he said in surrender, “You don’t have to wear the damn dress.”

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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL