Kiss under the sprinkler


The masterpiece bloodlust exploded as he gawked down where I remained seated- on the floor. I think my unsolicited gesture of kindness massacred the happy genes- if there was any- from his DNA. Crap!


I kept my head down, confused. Sure it was disgusting that I spit on his palm but he should really be thankful rather than mad. I disinfected his wounds which should count for something, right?


I felt the masterpiece moved. I think I should just take whatever is coming if that would make this beautiful of a bastard happy. Grrrrr… I really don’t want to get hit but it’s better than a stray bullet, I think.


I closed my eyes hoping it can at least lessen the impact of whatever the masterpiece decides to hit me with when I felt something pull me up by the arm. I opened my eyes and I saw my prince pulling me away from the masterpiece, and outside the suite. I turned around to see the masterpiece shooting some invisible flames at us while B1 and B2 watched as we ran away opened mouthed.


I was staring at my prince back as he ran pulling me behind him. I feel like a… girl rescued from a fire breathing dragon. I’ve never felt so… weak before.


“I’m sorry,” My prince apologized to me when we reached his car in the parking. “Its okay” I replied feeling a bit annoyed with my own emotion. I am sure my prince didn’t mean to belittle my strength.


“I didn’t mean to put you in that situation with Ji, I am sure you still hate him for that what he did with your bike” My prince said as he opened the car door for me. Huh?! Who’s Ji? I would have asked further but I was trying to sort out the overwhelming happiness I feel being by my prince side as he started the car’s engine.


He was driving silently while I gawked at him all throughout the drive. I don’t think there is anything wrong staring at my boyfriend. I snicker on my own. My prince finally turned to face me, he looked confused for a second as he looked at me but then decided to smile. “Thank you for doing this,” he finally spoke. Ah! I love hearing the sound of his voice, I thought as I kept my gaze glued to him dreamingly. I even felt some drool sneaking its way out of the corner of my mouth.


“If anything, I can explain to your prince what happened,” My prince continued. I was happily jumping around in my lovey-dovey fantasies when my hearing caught something faint that my prince said. I can explain to your prince what happened? I wonder what he needs to explain to himself.


I tilted my head marginally on the left hoping it can somehow jolt something inside my head to figure out what my prince is saying. I could ask but that would make me look stupid.

 My prince turned his focus on the road while I continue to scrutinize every detail of his face while still trying to uncover the meaning behind what he just said. But then I noticed… his expression. He looked… sad. Being with me make him sad? Arghhhh… this is worst than getting hit by a stray bullet. That masterpiece and his creed in life to live in misery is whats causing this… I wish I can just punch him but if I do I would probably get struck by lightning of something.


I took a deep breath before turning my head away from watching my prince face. I felt the prince looked at me but I don’t think I can look at him. I blame myself for making him sad… No! No! I blame that masterpiece. I am going to make a list of all the things I need to get back at the masterpiece for. When I find a way out of this debt I owe him –which is my life- I will definitely exact my revenge.


“Hey,” my prince called out to me. Huh? I looked at him. He smiled and got out of the car. My eyes followed him as he open the car door for me. I was surprise to realized I am already in front of my house. I wished the drive could have been longer. Where is the bloody long traffic when I need them?


“See you tomorrow,” my prince whispered beside me. I smiled and walked straight to my space… I feel like I am in the cloud until I closed the door behind me. Wait! Isn’t this the point where I get a goodnight kiss or something?


I hastily turned back, jerked my door opened and ran after my prince car as if my life depended on it.


I was waving my hand frantically while running “WaitttttTTTT” I yelled behind my prince roaring engine. He was not driving that fast when he was driving me home. What the hell happened? It looked like he was trying to escape from me… did he read my mind about kissing?


“I WILL HAVE THAT KISS!” I shouted on top of my lungs as he turned into a corner. Dang it!


I was kicking some rock on the street feeling like I lost some money with my back slumped as I head home.


In movies, guys usually comes back... halting the girl from behind and then kissing under the rain. I looked up, there are tons of star… ! It’s not going to rain. I cannot have even that.


“What are you looking at?”


I jilted when I hear someone said something from behind me. When I turned around... it was…


“I saw you running after my car,” My prince said with a smile plastered on his face.


I found myself frozen stiff with my eyeballs bulging from its socket. “Hey,” my prince called out.


I can see him in front of me like a mirage. Is my eyes playing trick on me? If it suddenly rain then I know I am dreaming. Then, I felt some water dripping on me… I looked up… No! It is not raining… it was the neighbor’s sprinkler.


I hastily took my prince hand and pulled him in the middle of my neighbor’s land under the sprinkler. He looked confused but he followed my lead.


I held him by the face with both hands and kissed him while the sprinkler continues to drip over our head.


I kissed him...


After our lip locked… I ran and waved my hands at him “See you tomorrow,” I yelled before totally turning my back on him.


I can feel my heart beating fast… there was a grin that stuck itself on my face. I am not even sure how I manage to get my home. All I know what that… I KISS MY PRINCE.






I just hope things eventually work out for all of us. I know asking her to pretend to be my girlfriend would probably get her in trouble with her boyfriend, I think his name was prince, but… I am short of time to find anyone.


I knew she hated Ji for the bike but I really didn’t expect her to spit on him. I would have laughed if it were any other day.


I immediately took her away because I knew Ji shows no mercy even to girls. China keeps appearing in my head even when I try so much not to think about her.


I wanted to drive my to hell… if that can fixed the thing I broke. I was busy bathing in my own miserable existence when I saw her, Seungri and Daesung calls monkey girl, running after my car. I still didn’t manage to get her name.


I drove back. It seemed she didn’t notice me honking at her. I stepped out of the car and asked her what’s up. She turned around startled and then froze. Suddenly, she pulled me under a sprinkler and she kissed me... didn’t she turn me down when I asked her to be my girlfriend because of her boyfriend prince? And yet she kissed me. This is quite confusing but… I thought it was sweet. But she have a boyfriend… am I stealing another man’s girlfriend, again? I should really die.

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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL