The Second Encounter


                      I was surprise when Bridgette barge into my space as I was preparing to go to school, and she was gawking at me. I looked back with the same eye she is giving me. Bridgette seems to be hesitating, which is good. I have to escape before she starts yammering. Bridgette keeps following me as I hurry to get out of the house and to school, I was a bit interested to know why she keep sighing behind me but asking a question might start a conversation with her, and I’d rather pass. I was on my way out the door but Bridgette keep eyeing me, like she is waiting for something. What the heck?


                I didn’t think that the ape king would actually be waiting outside. Then, I remember him muttering about going to school together a while back. I am not sure what he is up to but I cannot trust an enemy, no matter how good looking they’ve become. He waves his hands when he saw me and opens the passenger seat in his car. I glared at him ‘What?’ I shouted while walking towards him. Top looked at me then looked at something behind me. I was startled when I looked back, I didn’t realize that Bridgette is still in my trail. “Bridgette!” I exclaimed, she smiled at Top without looking at me and held her hand out “Hi, I’m Bridgette” she said. Top smiled and shook her hand “Top” he said. I was looking back and forth from Bridgette to Top and back again. Both of them have that stupid charming smile on … too bright. I turned around and about to leave but then Top grab me “Hey, we are going to school together” he said. He was not even asking. As if! I just sharpen my glare, but the moron stared back. He was still holding my arm but I will focus on winning this staring battle. I will not lose… not to the ape king… not to anyone!


                My eyes is starting to hurt but the ape king is holding out longer than I thought, time for plan B.

I kicked his knee as hard as I could and he ends up looking down. “Wohooo! I won…” I blurted. Bridgette helped Top to stand up and I continue on my way. “Where have you been?” Erik jump out of nowhere. I was taken aback… why is everyone trying to scare me today? “Oi!” Erik called out to me. I looked at him and saw the bruise on his face then I remember what happen yesterday. I just laugh for a moment then ran as fast as I could. This running around early morning is becoming a natural event, I thought. I looked back and Erik was not following me… he is not running after me? I stop and waited … walking to and fro. It took at least 8 minutes and half before Erik caught up to me. He was just walking.


                I waited for Erik to reach me. I’m not sure what is going on with the but he sure knows how to make me worry. “What?” I immediately ask. He also said “What?” my hand immediately moves to whack him in the head.


                As expected, I did not get to school on time. No matter what I do that stupid Erik did not spill what happen yesterday after I left. I am trying to focus on the lesson, but that tiny guilt keep appearing in my head. I was about to knock myself out on my desk again when I remember my glasses. I just fixed it with some tape. So I just scratch and shake my head hoping that the guilt I am feeling will fall off. “Miss Co’lam, do you need to go the nurse’s office?” the professor asks. I looked at her confused … she was looking at me like she was worried. “huh?” “You… ah, your be-…” it seems the professor was trying to figure out what word to use. “You’re behaving strangely!” one of my classmates said, as if annoyed. I looked at the side and saw this girl glaring at me like a criminal. “I am not sure what your deal is, but we all wish to learn here but you keep distracting the entire class!” she said reprimanding. My jaw dropped… WTF?!


                My visions are getting darker and I just kept running… fire exit! I kick the door open, inhale … exhale… I ran the narrow stairs of the fire exit and stop when I feel like I am about to blow. I stood over the rails of the veranda of the fire exit over viewing this damn freaking academy. I inhaled deeply and let out a roar, I was so freaking pissed. Why do I have to take such an insult from a wimpy girl? Grrrrrr…


I stayed standing over the rails with my arms across my chest, pondering on what to do. I didn’t notice the number of student gathering below the ground. I am not sure what floor I was on, but I cannot hear what those morons are spouting. They look like little ants from where I am standing, I laughed with the thought that I am the king and they are nothing but insignificant fools born to serve me, then my evil laugh “Mwahahhahahhahhaha”


                ’If you are going to jump, just do it!’ I was startled by the voice behind me that I almost lost balance when I rush to look who dares to speak such a thing to me. There was some ruckus below when I slightly sway and it seems the mob of spectators below just increase, bunch of dummies! Are they thinking that I am going jump? But, my priority lies in confronting this moron behind me… I almost choke as I turn around. He was the magnificent being who took my breath away outside Mc ‘Donalds and, I remember him… he was sitting next to that other godly being I threw my shoe to the first time I came to the academy. I was drooling as this prince step down the stairs, his eyes barely open; I must have woken him up from his slumber. I can just stand there staring at him … he stop at the middle and slowly open an eye and then close them again. He lean his body on the wall, “you woke me up” he said groggily. I just want to hug him and kiss him and … I shook my head, what the hell am I thinking? I was still lost in my thought when he sat down with his head still leaning on the wall; I guess he fell asleep again. My body reacted on its own; I jump back down from the rail, sat behind him and tried to move his head over my shoulder, my shoulder is softer than the wall he is leaning to.


The moment I touch his head he spoke “What do you think you are doing?” his eyes still shut. I was so startled that I end up pushing his head away. He immediately woke up when his head slam at the wall, I guess I push too hard … he grab his head with both hand and looks like he was in pain. I wanted to help but I hear noises coming from below, I was still dilly dallying on what to do but then I saw blood dripping on the floor. Oh god!


                The next thing I knew I was running away … out of the exit stair and into the main building. I really want to help him but I am more concern about getting in trouble. And if I remember it correctly, he is one of the kings that run the school. But what if he dies due to blood lost? I don’t want him to die. I was over thinking while I was running that I fail to see what was in front of me, I bump into a wall? … I was push back and fell flat on my . When I look up, it was not a wall; it was the guy who received my wrath with a shoe. I was on the defense thinking he might recognize me, but he looked down for a moment with those beautiful eyes of his and then walk passed me like I was too insignificant for him to be bothered with.


                I don’t even know how I ended up in Top’s car; I can hear Top and Bridgette’s laughter even with my eyes close. Their laughter is making me more nauseous. What happen this morning that they end up being this chummy? I took a deep sigh. Here I am burdened with so much guilt about that guy in the fire exit while they laugh with no care in the world; their laughter is getting on my nerve. I keep my eyes shut while cursing this day… getting pissed all alone. Bridgette phone suddenly rang … Bridgette suddenly exclaimed like it’s the end of the world; I was startled a bit but I didn’t dare open my eyes. Seeing Bridgette and Top’s  face might just pissed me even more. I am actually mad at myself but I needed to redirect all this emotions to others, otherwise I might actually lose myself. After hanging up, Bridgette turned to Top “Oh my god, Taeyang was attacked in the fire exit… he was sent to the emergency!” the exasperated tone in Bridgette’s voice didn’t bother me at all, what made me jilt from my seat is that she was talking about attack in the fire exit. When I suddenly open my eyes, I met Top’s eye from the rear view mirror as if he knew. I feel like he was actually trying to catch my reaction. When our eyes met, I immediately close my eyes and collapsed my entire weight on the backseat, like it will change anything. I just heard him chuckled, “what?” Bridgette asks, “It’s nothing” Top said dismissingly. Bridgette then started to mumble on and on about a suicidal girl in the fire exit who was about to jump off the 05th floor but then Taeyang tried to save her but the girl attacked him instead. I am not sure how the story turned out like that.


                I was turning upside down on my bed, I cannot sleep. Bridgette said that he was in the MQ Med. I have to know whether the prince is okay. I got up and took my bicycle out, I took a deep sigh. If only I didn’t lose my father’s bike. I really hate myself for losing it… I know I have to find it, but the most important thing right now is to get to MQ Med and verify whether the prince has suffered any serious injuries.


                I arrive at MQ Med quarter to 3 or something in the morning. I didn’t know it would be that far, but I am glad that I was able to make it there. I was planning to slip through the door without anyone noticing but for some bizarre reason there are tons of MQ academy student just outside and the securities are not letting anyone in. They were all there to visit Prince – as I call him. So, he is really popular, I looked around and there are even some who are crying … did prince die? I can feel the cold sweat in my body, did I kill him?


                In the end, I went home feeling more worried. I didn’t get to see Prince or to know whether he was okay. The anxiety I have is building up. It seems that the god of mischief decided to stick its on my back, one unfortunate event after another. Dang it!


                I didn’t get a wink of sleep, so I thought. When I opened my eyes the sun was already high up. If it wasn’t for the hot afternoon weather I would have not woken up. I jumped out of my bed and immediately look for the time. It’s past 12 in the afternoon. Erik, that bastard! He always nags me every morning but just when I needed him to wake me up he didn’t show up. Ah! What bad luck?


                I ran out of the house. I can still make it for the afternoon class, and even if I can’t, it doesn’t really matter. What I want is to find out is what happen to Prince. I can ask Bridgette, but she might get a sniff of what happen. I cannot have a witness in case Prince died.


                I was already at the academy’s gate trying to catch my breath, ah! I paddle my way to school… it is really tiring. I kind of feel lonely and twitch of guilt in my heart when I remember the bike the old man left me. I am such a moron, if I can have another chance … just another chance… I will cherish what the old man left me. I never really believe in god but since I lost the old man’s bike, I have been praying every time I can remember with all my heart. But, it seems god does hate me, he keeps ignoring my prayer. I didn’t realize that I was lost in my own thoughts again until the security who was standing in front of me shook me so hard I thought my brain was going to fall off my ears. I immediately covered my ears like that would actually happen, better to be sure. I think my brain isn’t that big to begin with, and will fit right out of my ears if given the chance.

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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL