Old man's bike



Top came to pick me up. He has been nagging about how I have been taking this bullying lightly.

But I am not taking this bullying lightly. I always make sure to come to school with first aid in my bag. I cannot rely on the clinic; if I go there chances are I will get ambush. I put some magazines under my uniform every morning so it would not hurt as much if I get hit. I always do stretching before coming to school to prepare for a whole day of running. So, I am not sure what made Top think I am taking everything lightly.

‘You are the first person who enjoys bullying this much’ Top mumble as he turned to park.

I didn’t pay much attention to what he was saying. I jumped out of his car the moment he breaks to a stop. ‘Hey’ Top called out. I just wave my hand and didn’t look back.

I felt goose bumps as I walk in the academy’s hallway. For some reason everyone seems to be ignoring me today. I wonder whether they decided to put a stop in this bullying. Tsk, just when I am having fun.

Then, I notice the guys I beat up during ‘The Storage’ incident. I started coursing my way towards them; they seem to not want to meet my eyes. When I was a few step away, they started running like their life depended on it. I found myself chasing after them.

I manage to catch one of them by jumping him from behind, he dropped on the ground. I twist his body to face me by grabbing him by the collar with two hands ‘Why the hell are you running away?’ I yelled at him while shaking him in frenzy. He was covering his face with his arms, ‘… because you were chasing us’ he said hesitantly.  I let him go and stood up. I wonder why I was chasing them, I started walking away.

I was seated in class wondering nothing has happened so far. BO-O’RING!

I was looking out the window and didn’t notice the secret glances the students are making to each other.

‘Ah!’ I exclaimed. The students in class jilted and turned their eyes on me. I suddenly notice how they have been eyeing me. I glared at them ‘What?’ I yelled. They all turn their eyes off me and started focusing in class. Jeez! I wonder what these people are up to now. What was I thinking earlier? Ah! The reason why I was running after the storage guys earlier, I just wanted to ask if there would be any more free food. [Smirking evilly >>> Pretending to seriously listening to the lesson >>> cannot keep the evil smirk from surfacing thinking of free food>>> giggling on her own for no reason]


Student chatting via mobile

Student 333:  That finally lost it

Student 965: This is the day she is going down.

Student 214: … after getting beaten by her… kind of scary what will happen.

Student 968: The king has already moved. She will know what real pain is.

Student 004 : I think you guys exaggerates too much.

TOP: What is this all about?

Student logs out from the chat room, leaving only Top online.

Top was in class but he cannot concentrate. The student population seems to be quiet. He knew that the Kings is never empathetic towards a student that defies them in every way. Considering how the King of spade –Kwon Ji Yong – actually has his eyes on her, the students will definitely not be sitting quietly like this. What are they up to?  Top kept wondering.



The day finally ended peacefully. I kind of missed those running around somehow.

I was on my way out when the students started rushing in the courtyard. Ah! I think they found a new student to torture, pity.

I followed the crowd just to see the other forms of bullying this people are capable of.

Even with the number of students gathering around the courtyard, I was able to get a great view of the red motorbike in the middle of the yard like they intended for me to see.

I froze momentarily with my heart beating fast, hoping. Is it the old man’s bike?  I took a step to verify whether this was the old man’s memento. I step back when I notice the four kings walking towards the bike with the students giving them way, parting like the red sea. I better be careful… if it is the old man’s bike, I better not let them know. Who knows what they will do with it?

Then the masterpiece stared directly at me then smirk… I suddenly found myself rushing to get to the middle of the courtyard like I just confirmed it was the old man’s bike.

Everything was happening in slow motion in my eyes. The masterpiece raises his hand without taking his eyes off me; he sneered, then flicks his fingers. Some male student instantaneously appeared from behind him and poured something on the bike. The masterpiece lit up a match and then threw it in front of him. Before I realize what that liquid they poured over the bike is… it went ablaze.

I was running my fastest but I still didn’t make it in time. I stood there frozen, I watched as the hope that kept my heart from breaking when I lost the bike be devoured in flames. All this by the flick of the masterpiece fingertips.

Don’t cry… Don’t cry… I ordered myself as I gritted my teeth; I don’t want to give them that satisfaction. My hand tightly closed to a fist by my side. I cannot see anything anymore aside from that red flame.

I was pulled from behind, away from the flame… then the bike ‘BOOM’, I jilted in surprise. The bike exploded right before my eyes. Suddenly, the pain becomes too much. ‘Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh’ I wailed like a child, standing in front of the blazing flame. The sound of my cry echoed… but I don’t care anymore. The person who pulled me away from the fire turns me around, hold my head  in his chest hugging me… I continue crying, the pain inside my heart is not going away.



I am not sure how long I was crying my heart out in this persons chest. When I notice the surrounding, it was already dark. My legs already hurt, probably for standing too long. And the person’s polo shirt is drench with my snout. I looked up and I saw Top towering over me, I can feel him trembling. ‘Are you okay now?’ he asked. ‘Yeah’ I said moving myself away from him, he sighed. ‘Okay, I’m gonna hit you know’ he said while aiming his fist at my face. I was able to evade it, ‘What the?’ I ask. He was trembling while taking off his white polo shirt. So, that is the reason why he was trembling... because of the mucus.

‘Clean freak!’ I murmured while walking behind him holding his polo shirt. He turned his head around abruptly. I step back a little and covered my mouth. Then he continue walking to his car, he still open the car door for me.


Student 891: Is it just me who felt really bad about what happened earlier at school.

Student 668: I really thought it would be funny… until she cried. I… arghhh… I am not sure what I felt. I just felt so sorry for her.

Student 415: I cried when she cried… it’s just crazy.

Student 321: T.T It never felt this bad before…

Student 963: Booo… she deserved it. I thought she was pathetic… and Top came to her. I hate her more

Student 456: Even the kings seems to have been disturbed by it

Student 864: Of course the kings will be disturbed. That pathetic loser was wailing so loud… jeez. I hope I could have put a sock in that mouth.

Student 852: Guess what? I just heard… China’s coming back.

Student 789: That ! After playing with Taeyang and Ji Yong. Grrrr…

Student 428: Oh my god! That one hateful girl

Student 583: hahhaha but you girls will probably be kissing her just the same when she gets back

Student 582: Got that right dude lol.

Student 591: Guys are moron!

Suddenly the chat room becomes ‘Girls vs Boys’


‘I knew it was a bad idea’ Daesung said while watching Seungri take his turn in shooting pool.

‘… we were bullying that girl… why again?’ Taeyang ask. Seungri just ask him to come, since they are the four kings not three kings. He did and he was surprised to realize that the girl targeted by the kings is the girl that has caught his interest.

‘She got zero in the mock test’ Seungri answered as he took his shot and missed.

‘What? but you get at least 20 -25 points for writing the student number’ Taeyang ask in surprised, thinking they intended to bully her in the first place and must have manipulated the test score.

‘We know what you are thinking’ Seungri said while taking his seat as Daesung stood up to take his shot. ‘We didn’t do anything… that girl was just plain stupid’ Seungri said while gulping on his beer.

‘That monkey girl failed to read the instruction’ Daesung added.

‘Monkey girl?’ Taeyang was confused. 'Why is she called the monkey girl?'

Seungri and Daesung showed Taeyang the CCTV when they first met her. They recorded it… it seems really funny. They also showed him all the other CCTV footage of the monkey girl being chased by mob of students.

Taeyang smiled while watching. He cannot help but like this monkey girl. ‘She is awesome’ Taeyang mumbles to himself. Daesung and Seungri who was sitting behind him took meaningful glances at each other.

‘By the way… where is Ji’ Taeyang suddenly turn around to ask Daesung and Seungri.

Daesung and Seungri shrugged their shoulder.



The bell rang.

The students headed for their class still chattering about the girl who will be coming back in their Kings lives. It is as if the incident of the exploding bike and the monkey girl crying is too insignificant to be remembered.

The monkey girl was nowhere. It seems they were finally able to get rid of her.

The student cannot wait for the last bell to ring. It is weekend and they have made so many plans.

Finally, the day ends…

Then all the students at the parking area stood frozen at the entrance. Their jaw dropping.

Their cars were ‘attacked’ - dented hood, door, fender; broken window, broken rear; flat tires.

Then they all jerk back when something exploded. It was the king’s car tires.

‘What the hell?’ Seungri shouted while running for his brand new Royce.

Ji Yong was standing still with both hands is his pocket, gritting his teeth. Daesung scratch his hair, silently thanking his dad for taking his keys for driving drunk last night.

Taeyang walked away… taking a deep breath. His mom will definitely assume he got into some car accident with this.

Then, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a shadow running around the bushes. It was heading for the back gate



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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL