Its all about TOP


Top grumbled as he focused his anger on the road. He kept hitting the wheel in front of him every time he gets a chance while mumbling some curse before casting a malevolent stare towards my direction.

I am not sure what he is so mad about. I came with him even though I really hate parties. I even change clothes. I did everything he asked and the mongrel is still unhappy.

“Arggghhhh!” Top yelled in frustration. He abruptly stepped on the break that I found my head forcefully introducing itself unto the dashboard that stationary place itself right in front of me. *blag*

I calmly removed my head from the painful encounter with the dashboard by sitting up straight and calmly asked Top in the gentlest way I can muster “What is wrong?” I smiled humbly while feeling something dripping down the middle of forehead, down to my nose.

Top shot me a sharp looked like he wanted to hit me but his expression immediately changed as he noticed the blood dripping from my face. “Why did you not wear the seatbelt?” he worriedly asked like it was my fault. He panicky reached for his pocket for his handkerchief. Top looked uneasy as he watched the blood continued to leaked despite his effort to wipe them off.

“Hold this,” he ordered before hastily stepping on the gas. It was so sudden that the side of my head crashed with the car’s window with a virulent gong. Top was alarmed by the sound my head made against his window. He stepped on the break AGAIN on an instinct. My balance was off and I ended up showing the dashboard whose boss, AGAIN, with my face bouncing up and down towards it- one two.

I kept still leaning my head on the dashboard. I watched silently while blood dripped down to the car floor. Top was in a sudden frenzy while dialing his phone. Bastard!

“Are you okay? I told you to wear the seat belt,” he restlessly said. Again, making it sound like it is my fault for not wearing the seat belt.

I slowly leaned up to give him a piece of my mind. . “Don’t move, I am calling for an ambulance,” Top snarled worriedly.

I slowly took a hold of the seat belt on my side. I stared Top the jinx in the eye. He looked straight back at me, his phone still in his ears. I recklessly pulled the seat belt while reaching for Tops neck. I managed to wrap the damn thing around Top’s neck. “Just because you lend me your suit doesn’t mean that I will let you get away with this!” I screamed my gut out as I tried to strangle him to his last breath.

A police officer knocked at Top’s door and saw everything.

The police officer immediately took his gun and pointed it inside the car, “Freeze!” he shouted.

We ended up in the police station, DETAINED.

After explaining that we were friends and merely fooling around, the officer still took us in custody for violating some traffic law. It turned out stopping in the middle of the road on a green light is a NO, NO. And, they even suspect Top of drunk driving considering what he is wearing...

Top’s lawyer came and straightened everything out.

“Thanks attorney,” Top said to the lawyer who eyed him from head to toe. Top pulled down the hem of the skimpy black dress he is wearing, embarrassed.

The lawyer didn’t say anything and just shook his head before leaving.

“Let’s go!” Top said angrily as if it was my fault he was in that situation.



“You don’t have to wear the damn thing!”Top said heavily.

“So, why are you still here?” I asked eyeing him suspiciously.

“You’re not coming?”He asked in surprised.

“No thank you, I’d rather watch DVD’s all night,” I mumbled.

“Okay, I am leaving then. There are tons of good foods you can eat there,” he said as he turned his back on me.

“Wait,” I said jumping from there sofa where I slumped myself in.

“What?” Top asked innocently.

“I change my mind,” I said with a grin across my face while thinking of the food I can eat there. And the best part is, they are free. I probably can even bring some take outs. hehehe

“What are you imagining now?” Top noticed my evil intent to take out food. I just grumbld “Let’s go!”I said.

“You’re wearing that?” he asked.

“Yes!” I said proudly.

“Why don’t you just wear this dress?” Top said while shoving me the same box that I threw in his head.

“Why can’t I just wear this?” I said to Top, Top eyed me from head to toe and took heavy sigh.

“It’s more of a formal party... not casual I am going to play ball somewhere party,” he explained.



I end up wearing Top’s suit, we played cards and I won. No matter how big it is, it’s better than wearing the damn black dress.

I took a peek at Top wearing the black skimpy dress. I laughed... Top looked my way and sighed in surrender.

“I cannot believe you made me wear this crap,” he said.

“Well, I won over you and I did offer some of my clothes,” I replied with a smirk across my face.

“First, you cheated,” Top said mockingly, “Second, I’d rather die than wear your clothes... I am sure laundry is not in your vocabulary,” Top said with disgust.

This neat freak jerk face “Are we there yet?”I scoffed impatiently.

“If you didn’t pull that prank in the middle of the road we would have been there ages ago,” Top complained.

He thinks it was a prank? Moron. I snorted with the thought that he didn’t know... I am ninja assassin.

“What are you mumbling about?” Top asked suspiciously.

“SHUT UP and DRIVE SLAVE!” I shouted at him crossing my arms across my chest.

Top chuckled, “You’re crazy!”

“Oh! By the way... whose party is it?” I finally asked. It’s been playing on my mind but the question kept slipping from my memory.

“My cousin... she came back from the state,” Top explained exhaustingly.

“Did she bring any chocolates?”I asked eagerly with my eyes flickering for a positive response. Top just chuckled.

Grrrr, I am serious and this jerk face is taking me for a fool. I whacked him in the head while he is driving, “Hey,” he complained while keeping his eyes on the road.

“By the way, don’t you think you should give Bridgette and Taeyang some space,” Top commented. I am not even sure where Top got that invisible knife to stab my heart with.

I turned my eyes on the window. I don’t want to think about those two who looked so perfect together.

“WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” I suddenly wailed.

Top step on the break, “What’s wrong?” he asked full of concern. “I told you we should go to the hospital for the bump on your head,” he continuously spoke.

Top immediately turned his car around “We’re going to the hospital to get your forehead treated,” he said anxiously. He looked at himself and then changed his mind, “maybe just find a clinic with no people,” he continued.


“Seriously, you are like a kid,” Top said as I opened the lollipop the doctor who put a patch on my forehead gave.


“You’re a disaster waiting to happen,” Top kept talking to himself. I just ignored him... then like a bolt of lightning, it hit me. I’ve bled so much today which only means one thing...

The masterpiece must be swimming in a sea full of anger and hate somewhere, that bastard! I hope he drowns. Grrrr but if he drowns then I might really end up dead. Arghhhh

“Whoa! What happened? You looked like you want to attack me,” Top said. I didn’t even notice that I was glaring at him full of killing intent. “We are here!”Top exclaimed as if that should surprise me.

“SHUT UP SLAVE!”I yelled. Top covered my mouth with his hands like he don’t want anyone to see us. I squirmed my way out of his hold “Shhhhhh,” he whispered in my ears. Yuck! I aggressively pushed him away and wipe my ears. I can still feel his breath on my ears, ulgh!

“What?” I snarled at him.

“Don’t be so loud,” Top reprimanded. Top took stealthy steps away from the front door and into the back gate.

“Top?”a girl hesitantly called out.

Top froze and refused to turn around and face the girl. I guess he doesn’t anyone to see him in that black skimpy dress, such a waste not to show off those long legs.

“TOP!” I shouted, “They are calling for you!” I yelled from behind him.

I saw Top clenched his jaw and his hand fisted by the side. I thought he was going to turn around to confront me... but he suddenly dashed away without looking back. Coward! hehe


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Chapter 42: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mosseille #2
I love those two series too! And in fact, Ive just finished rewatching the whole 27 episodes of MG1 within 2 days yesterday! <3 <3
hopefully this story fits my palate well ;p
Chapter 40: WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
BigBang-rose #4
Chapter 27: Omd whyy did u make soda come out her nose ...have you no mercy ;-;
BigBang-rose #5
Chapter 27: Omd no table manners (my number one pet peeve :''( ) I just died other than that is one of the best I've read so far
BigBang-rose #6
Chapter 14: Omd (o my dragon) how ...what...why
She's killing me ....... she better not hurt my Daesung or Top or I might just lose my mind
Chapter 37: She is starting to frustrate me!! LOL