About What Happened

Dark Lake Academy

“Alright,” Suho said, “is everyone here?”

“Yeah,” Chen nodded, “so tell us what happened on your mission.”

“Everything started normal,” Suho explained, “and then we arrived at the target’s location.”

“Hyuk noticed the weird smell first,” Sori spoke up, “but I think we’d all had this…..this feeling since leaving the base that…..something wasn’t right.”

“We didn’t have any proof, though,” Leo pointed out, “so we couldn’t just turn back. We’d just be sent back or punished for abandoning the mission without just cause.”

“What was this smell?” Hongbin asked.

“No idea,” Hyuk scowled, “I’ve never smelt anything like it before.”

“Same,” Sori nodded in agreement, “it….it was like a hundred different smells all in one.”

“Leo suggested we turn back,” Baekhyun spoke up, “but I said we couldn’t, that a weird smell and bad feeling we’re going to be enough for the higher ups.”

“You weren’t wrong,” Kris sighed, recalling many mission he and Suho had gone on where they wanted to turn back and go home, “they would never except that as reasons to abandon a mission.”

“We kept going after that,” Sori picked up the explanation, “we kept an eye out for anything weird.”

“We weren’t disappointed,” Suho sighed, clearly angry and frustrated with what had happened.

“We were all on edge,” Hyuk cut in, “I mean, who wouldn’t be in that kind of situation.”

“Baekhyun noticed them first,” Leo said, speaking a little bit louder so that Hyuk would stop talking and they could continue with the story of what had happened on the mission.

“It was kind of dark,” Baekhyun said, “so I had a ball of light floating above us. Without that, I don’t think I would have seen anything.”

“What did you see?” Jihu said, concern clear.

“We didn’t seem them clearly at first,” Suho explained, “there were just people shaped shadows, slowly making their way to us.”

“We ran,” Sori said, “it didn’t make much time for us to realize that whatever those things were…..”

“They’d probably try to kill us,” Baekhyun sighed.

“Sori and Hyuk ended up in the front,” Leo spoke up once again, “since they could smell a way out, a way around those things.”

“Suho was at the back,” Baekhyun said, “and I was right in front of him. I mean, we’re the only ones who can attack at long range, so it made sense for us to be at the back so we could attack those things.”

“They never attacked,” Suho said, “they just followed us.”

“When the doors got into sight, Baekhyun attacked them,” Sori explained, “he sent a blast of light at them…….and that’s when we finally got a good look at them.”

“They…..they,” Hyuk struggled to find the right words.

“It looked like they’d just crawled out of their graves,” Baekhyun shivered, “their skin was rotting and……and you could see so much bone. And…..”

“Baekhyun,” Suho said, patting the fallen’s shoulder, “it’s alright, I think they get the idea.”

“Wait,” Sehun asked, “are you telling me that you came across the work of……of a necromancer? Walking corpses……that sounds like necro.”

“I’ll explain that in a moment,” Suho said, “just let us finish telling you about what happened.”

“Baekhyun’s blast hit,” Leo said, and a bunch of them were blasted to bits. That seemed to make the ones left mad.”

“This really big one came out of the shadows,” Hyuk said, “like, he was really big. Maybe he’d been a body builder before. Either way, he punched through the wall and started pulling out the support beams.”

“Clearly,” Sori said, “it was trying to bring the whole place down. Hyuk and I are sure that we heard others like him, busting down the walls as they tried to bring the roof down.”

“Suho started to go full dragon mode,” Baekhyun said, “and he was yelling for us to just run. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so freaked out.”

“You’ve never seen me on a mission before,” Suho smiled slightly, “when my partner or team is in danger of being killed.”

“Suho managed to push us out the door,” Sori said, lightly rubbing Suho’s shoulder, “and that’s when the roof came down.

“Part of it,” Suho corrected, “about half the roof stayed up, so we should assume that around half of those things survived.”

“Well,” Hyuk shrugged, “that half that came down still came down. And on your back.”

“If I’d been in my human form,” Suho sighed, not at all liking that he was telling the others thing, “It would have killed me.”

“But you were in your dragon form,” Kris said, trying his best to control his anger, “so you’re alright.”

“After Suho pulled himself out from under the roof,” Sori finished the explanation, “he changed into his human form and passed out. We rushed him back to the base and......yeah, that’s kind of it.”

“Who else knows about those things?” Jihu said, face a blank mask that told everyone just how serious things had become.

“Haruhi knows,” Sori said, “and so does the boss. I think we can trust him. He assured us that the mission didn’t come from him, it came from his superior agents.”

“What were those things?” N asked, looking between Suho and Jihu since they clearly knew. Heck, Kris probably knew too since he had the same look in his eye that they did.

“There was this…..experiment that the ISBIP did a few years ago,” Jihu sighed, moving to the front of the room to stand beside Suho, “back when I was still a young kid who’d just gotten a badge. They hired some necros with……..little to no morals when it came to the dead and set the science division to work on a new breed of soldiers.”

“Not following,” Ken said, earning nods of agreement from many of the others, “what do the necros have to do with this?”

“I can explain that,” Sehun moved around so he was facing everyone, “necros can see the dead and control them. But to really control them, they have to first shove the soul into a body. Once inside the body, the soul is at the mercy of the necro. They will do anything the necro tells them to do and they’re trapped inside the body until the necro let’s them free. Many ghosts have been trapped inside a rotting shell because the necro who put them there died or forgot or…..so just didn’t care about setting them free.”

“That’s horrible,” Hyuna gasped.

“The ISBIP wanted that kind of……of,” Jihu struggled for words, “they wanted fighters like that. Fighters who would just blindly keep fighting. So they looked to necros for help.”

“Why?” Xiumin asked, “Why on earth would they want anything like that?”

“At the time,” Jihu sighed, “there was a war brewing between some supernaturals and the illegal gangs. Not here, but in America. There had been a similar war a few years before in South America and the ISBIP wanted to prevent anything like that happening again. At least, that was the official reason, the thing they told all us kids. Showed us pictures of what had happened in South America, too. Just to make sure we realized how……necessary this all was.”

“The official statement is that the experiment was a failure,” Suho said, “that they couldn’t make the fighters that they wanted so they dropped everything.”

“Just for the record,” Kris spoke up, “there was a clash between the supernaturals and gangs in America. The ISBIP sent in agents like Haruhi and Jihu to put a stop to things. Some agents died, lot of gang members died, lot of supernaturals in general died.”

“It wasn’t pretty,” Jihu nodded.

“They did get the fighters that they wanted, though,” Suho sighed, “why they didn’t use them is beyond me, though.”

“How do you know?” Heesun asked.

“Our second mission together,” Suho said, pointing between himself and Kris, “we were working with a member of the science division. He….wasn’t the most stable of people and about half way through the mission he told us everything. How he and his friends pulled it off, made these undead fighters who would keep fighting so long as there was a body to fight in. And then one of the bosses took away their achievement, locked it up in some storage facility and told them to never talk about it. He was……he was so mad about it, about how he’d been denied his place in history.”

“We didn’t believe him at first,” Kris said, “I mean, would any of you believe him? Either way, when we got back, we told Jihu about everything and….the look on his face.”

“By that point I was high up enough to get answers,” Jihu said, “and it turns out that the scientists and necros did pull it off. But a few of the ISBIP heads decided that…..that it wasn’t right. So they locked the fighters up in a storage facility that only a handful of agents know about and told everyone that the experiment failed.”

“That begs the question,” Jessica said, “who let them out of storage?”

A/N: ah, the dark past of the ISBIP. Such a wonderful thing, no? and I’m sure many of you wanted some more Sori and Ravi time after the last chapter, but……sorry? ya know, i'm not that crazy about this chapter's title, yet it does sum up this chapter pretty well so.......idk

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minyoungunnie #1
Chapter 134: I'm speechless...
I got the hunger games feels at the end.
When they were dying off one by one.
And I was silent screaming at my phone half the time.
Taeyeon & Lina didn't even get to fight back!
My feeeeeeeels.
Take responsibility!
Chapter 5: Wow..u did a good job..evem adding a map on topnof that
Chapter 134: I don't know how long I waited for this story to be completed AND MY WAIT IS WORTH IT
I know that I'm gonna love this story the first time I read the foreword, so I subscribed and waited till its finished
And I'm so happy with the plot (but I was actually hoping for Nori but it's okay)
Thumbs up!
Chapter 134: ...damn. It's finally over, isn't it? Well, it's not really over, considering there's going to be a sequel and the cliffhanger, but..
Well anyway, it's been a wonderful journey reading this story. So much has happened and I can't really believe this story is now finished, haha.
Karenkitty1092 #5
Chapter 134: The ending was amazing and I can`t wait for the sequel.
Chapter 134: Omg this ending is good. I'm sad it's over but I can't wait for the sequel author-nim.
Chapter 134: Looks like the beans have been spilled about the sequel, lol. Exciting cliffhanger. I hope everyone will be ok. What happened to Leo? Who is that mysterious man? Can Dark Lake recover from the serious loss? Don’t miss the sequel, coming soon to Asian Fanfics.
Chapter 134: And thanks a lot authornim for creating this awesome story!!!
Chapter 134: Omg who is the last mysterious person????
Chapter 133: Ravi did it! He did it! I is proud of him. It's finally almost over