We're Alright

Dark Lake Academy

“Is everyone alright?” Jihu asked, clutching his phone so tightly he was sure it was going to shatter.

“We’re fine,” Sori replied, “well, we’re alive.”

“Who’s hurt?” Jihu growled, “What the hell happened?”

“We don’t really know,” Sori said, lying a little since she didn’t feel save telling Jihu the truth over the phone, “we got to where our target was supposed to be and…..someone attacked us.”

“Who attacked you?” Jihu questioned, “And how is everyone?”

“It was dark,” Sori explained, “we couldn’t really see anyone. All we know is that there were a lot of people who attacked us.”

“And how is everyone,” Jihu asked, realizing that Sori wasn’t telling him something.

If she was keeping quiet about some key details, there had to be a good reason for it. Most likely she didn’t feel safe telling him about what had really happened because of where she was. That had to mean that there was a ISBIP connection to what had attacked the group, more than just ‘it was an ISBIP mission.’

“Part of the roof fell in on Suho,” Sori explained, “but he was in his dragon form, so it’s just some simple bruising.”

“And the others? Not to mention yourself?”

“Baekhyun hurt his wrist a little,” Sori explained, “but nothing too major. Hyuk and Leo are find, just a little tired.”

“And you?” Jihu frowned, “you haven’t said how you are?”

“I’m fine,” Sori assured him, “I was in front with Hyuk and Leo, so we weren’t hit by anything. Baekhyun only got hurt trying to carry Suho.”

“Good,” Jihu sighed, “you’re all alright. Thank goodness.”

“Don’t get upset,” Sori told him, “don’t blame yourself.”

“I’m not,” Jihu said, trying to deny that he was blaming himself even though it was pointless.

“Yes you are,” Sori frowned, “I know you, Jihu. You’re blaming yourself for letting us go, even though you knew the whole thing sounded like trouble.”

“I should have told the boss no,” the werewolf sighed, “then none of this would have happened.”

“It wouldn’t have worked and you know it,” Suho’s voice rang out over the phone. Jihu assumed that the dragon had been there the whole time, listing in.

“He’s right,” Sori said in the background, “you couldn’t stop this from happening, Jihu. not without getting into trouble.”

“But I’m the adult,” Jihu scowled, “it’s my job to keep you kids safe.”

“We’re both adults,” Suho frowned,” we can look after ourselves just fine.”

“You’re hurt,” Jihu gave a hallow laugh, “I think that proves that you aren’t quite to that point where you don’t need me anymore.”

“Is everyone at the school?” Sori asked, voice much clearer now. Jihu guessed that she’d taken the phone back.

“Yes,” Jihu nodded, “everyone is here. They’ll be happy to hear that you’re on your way back. You are on your way back, right?”

“We’re heading out tonight,” Sori nodded, “Haruhi is sending us with a group of agents your requested.”

“Anyone know when you’re heading out?”

“No,” Sori told him, “Haruhi and the boss thought that after the attack it might be best to keep something like that quiet. Even the agents on the bus aren’t going to know we’re going with them until we’re getting off the bus.”

“Good idea,” Jihu nodded, suddenly noticing that Ravi was peeking around the corner, “when will you be arriving?”

“Some time in the morning,” Sori sighed, “Haruhi said that she’d call you with the time……about half an hour before we arrive.”

“Not much time to get a welcome party set up,” Jihu laughed, “but I’ll manage.”

“Just keep things quiet,” Suho said, taking the phone from Sori once more, “the less people around, the better.”

“Right,” Jihu nodded, “it will just be me, Kris, and Ravi then.”

“Ravi?” Suho questioned.

“Ravi?” Sori asked, taking the phone back, “what about Ravi?”

“He’s right here,” Jihu said, waving for Ravi to come out and join him, “it would be stupid trying to keep him away.”

“Are they alright?” Ravi asked once he was standing beside the agent, “when are they getting back?”

“I’ll call you when I know,” Jihu said, “but would you like to talk to Sori?”

“If it’s not too much trouble,” Ravi nodded, taking the phone when it was offered.

“Hey,” Sori said once Ravi had the phone to his ear, “how are you?”

“Better now that I know you’re safe,” Ravi admitted, “How was the mission?”

“It was a mission,” Sori shrugged, “nothing to write home about.”

“Everyone else is alright?” Ravi asked, “no one got hurt?”

“Everyone is fine,” Sori lied, but she knew Ravi could tell.

“You sure?” Ravi questioned, wondering why she wouldn’t tell him.

“I’ll tell you all about the mission when I get home, alright?” Sori said, “Well, I’ll tell you what I’m allowed to tell you.”

“Ok,” Ravi nodded. He wasn’t sure why she didn’t want to tell him right then, but he was sure Sori would explain everything once they could talk face to face.

“Why were you with Jihu?” Sori asked, “Why aren’t you with the others? I’d have thought you’d be catching up with the others.”

“I was worried about you,” Ravi said, “I mean, we all where, but I’m the one who noticed Jihu leaving and I’m the only one who followed. Kris said that he probably just had official business to take care of, but……”

“You were worried,” Sori smiled slightly, “that’s sweet.”

“I’m really happy that you’re alright,” Ravi said, “I…..I wish that you were here right now. Or that I was with you.”

“I’ll be back soon,” Sori promised him, “I should be back by tomorrow morning.”

“Good,” Ravi smiled, “I’ll be waiting.”

“I know,” Sori said, “so until then try and enjoy being back at Dark Lake, alright? Talk to the others, ask them how their time away was.”

“I will,” Ravi nodded.

“I have to go,” Sori said, “Haruhi just arrived, apparently we have a debriefing to go to about the mission. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow,” Ravi said before the line went dead.

“She’ll be home soon,” Jihu told him, “don’t worry.”

“Can’t help it,” Ravi frowned, “what happened on their mission? Are they really alright?”

“Something attacked them,” Jihu explained, “but they’re all alright. They’ll explain everything once they’re back.”

“Why couldn’t they do it now?” Ravi asked, “Was the phone bugged or something?”

“Not the phone,” Jihu frowned, “but the room? Maybe. Something about the mission must have made them feel like they can’t trust the ISBIP.”

Ravi scowled, not liking that they had another group to add to their enemy list.

A/N: so happy I finished writing this chapter. The first time I started, the file got corrupted so I had to start again. Actually, I think this version turned out much better. Oh, but that's not my only problem 'cuz my laptop also died yesterday (thankfully i got everything off it or i'd be really boned). Yeah, it's fun being authornim right now. Either way, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, regardless of the problems I had getting it out.

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minyoungunnie #1
Chapter 134: I'm speechless...
I got the hunger games feels at the end.
When they were dying off one by one.
And I was silent screaming at my phone half the time.
Taeyeon & Lina didn't even get to fight back!
My feeeeeeeels.
Take responsibility!
Chapter 5: Wow..u did a good job..evem adding a map on topnof that
Chapter 134: I don't know how long I waited for this story to be completed AND MY WAIT IS WORTH IT
I know that I'm gonna love this story the first time I read the foreword, so I subscribed and waited till its finished
And I'm so happy with the plot (but I was actually hoping for Nori but it's okay)
Thumbs up!
Chapter 134: ...damn. It's finally over, isn't it? Well, it's not really over, considering there's going to be a sequel and the cliffhanger, but..
Well anyway, it's been a wonderful journey reading this story. So much has happened and I can't really believe this story is now finished, haha.
Karenkitty1092 #5
Chapter 134: The ending was amazing and I can`t wait for the sequel.
Chapter 134: Omg this ending is good. I'm sad it's over but I can't wait for the sequel author-nim.
Chapter 134: Looks like the beans have been spilled about the sequel, lol. Exciting cliffhanger. I hope everyone will be ok. What happened to Leo? Who is that mysterious man? Can Dark Lake recover from the serious loss? Don’t miss the sequel, coming soon to Asian Fanfics.
Chapter 134: And thanks a lot authornim for creating this awesome story!!!
Chapter 134: Omg who is the last mysterious person????
Chapter 133: Ravi did it! He did it! I is proud of him. It's finally almost over