Campus Tour

Dark Lake Academy

N slowly walked with Minji to his dorm room. She’d explained all about supernaturals being able to read each other’s auras and being able to tell who was human and who wasn’t. She’d also explained that he had nothing, so she couldn’t tell what he was. Honestly, that probably scared him more; not knowing what he was.

Additionally, there was a bit of denial wrapped up in all of this. Maybe he was just sick or something. Maybe he had, like, a brain tumor or something like that preventing Minji for seeing his aura.

To add to his fear, she’d told him that the weird guy he kept seeing was a ghost and they he would be able to see other ghosts in time. N wasn’t good with scary things like ghosts, never had been, and now Minji was telling him that he’d have to deal with them for the rest of his life. And it was more than just seeing them, he had to help them with their unfinished business or they’d keep showing up

“Don’t look so down,” Minji told him, trying to make him feel better, “there are worse gifts to have in this world. And you aren’t alone. Oh Sehun shares the same gift, had it all his life. I have the gift as well. You can talk to us if you ever need help.”

“Thank you,” N nodded before entering the massive dormitory. Upon finding his room, he was beyond thankful to see Leo sitting in the common area of the dorm room.

“How’d it go?” Leo asked.

“They don’t know what I am,” N sighed, laying down on the couch beside his friend, “but apparently I can see dead people. That weird guy that keeps following me around? He’s really a ghost who wants me to help him crossover.”

“Not to in, but talk to Sehun,” Kris suggested, entering the room from his bedroom, “he’s the best necromancer at the school.” Truth be told, Sehun was the only necro at the school. but N didn’t need to know just how rare his gift was just yet. Somehow, Kris didn’t think this information would help the other boy.

“Oh,” N flashed a hesitant smile at the much taller boy, “I didn’t realize there was anyone else here. I’m Cha Hakyeon, but please call me N.”

“No harm done,” Kris shrugged, “I’m Wu Yifan, but call me Kris. I’m a dragon.”

“Cool,” N smiled slightly. Being a dragon sounded a lot cooler than being a…….whatever N was.

“You can on the same bus as Luhan, our fourth roommate,” Kris pointed towards a door with a sign saying Luhan, “he’s a fae, or fairy if you prefer. He prefers fae, though. Most do.”

“Alright,” N nodded. Luhan was the guy who’d sat at the very back, right?

“If you don’t need me anymore,” Kris said, making is way to the door, “I’m going to head out. If any new kids knock, just tell them me and Luhan are out and you’re new, too.”

“Can we come with you?” Leo asked. He kind of wanted to stay in his room alone, trying to get a grip on what he’d found out about himself, and he knew N probably didn’t want to leave his room either, but if they didn’t get a tour of the school in now, they might end up getting lost tomorrow when they needed to get to class. Getting lost wasn’t exactly high on the priority list for either boy.

“Sure,” Kris shrugged, “we can meet up with Suho, another dragon, and we’ll show you around.” Suho’s better at this stuff then me anyway. Kris didn’t really have the skills needed to show new kids around, to answer their ten billion questions, so he let Suho take the lead. Kris was more suited for combat anyway.


“And this is the flight area,” Suho smiled, pointing at the large field before them that was several red and white chalk lines marking it, “not that you two need to worry about that, neither of you fly.”

“Do you?” N asked, looking Suho over and if expecting the find wings hidden under the boy’s shirt. Suho was a dragon, shouldn’t he gave wings?

“Fly?” Suho smiled, “yeah, but only when we call out our wings. Right Kris? Hey, you should show them!”

“Why not?” Kris shrugged, pulling off his shirt before letting large, crimson wings sprout from his back. Stretching them a bit, rolling his shoulders before taking a running leap into the air. Beating his wings, Kris soon found himself high in the air, his favorite place to be in the world. He was free up here, no one could mess with him here the way they could on the ground.

“How was that?” Kris asked landing back on the ground much too soon for his like and letting his wings shrink until they were gone.

“Amazing,” N grinned despite himself, “how long did you know you were a dragon?”

“All my life,” Kris replied, frowning. Suho apparently knew the reason why Kris sounded so upset, so he quickly cut in and pulled N and Leo away from the older.

“I’ve known all my life, too,” he smiled, “my parents did their best to teach me all they knew about being a dragon.”

“Hyungs!” all four turned to find two boys running towards them. Both boys looked normal at first, but then N noticed the wings – massive, white-as-snow wings – and realized just how not-normal they were.

“Baekhyun,” Suho smiled, “Chanyeol, how are you?”

“Have you seen Lina noona?” the taller of the pair asked, looking a bit panicked, “we can’t find her anywhere.”

“She’s probably with Sori,” Kris shrugged, “don’t worry about her so much, she can take care of herself.”

“I can help it,” the tall boy sighed, “its Lina, I just naturally worry about her.”

“Why don’t we help you find her,” Suho suggested before turning ti Leo and N, “can you two find your way back alright?”

“Yes,” N nodded, “but is there any way we can help?”

“Yeah,” the shorter boy smiled, “we’re looking for Kim Lina. If you can just ask around and see if anyone has seen her that would be great. If you find her, then bring her with you to find us. I’m Byun Baekhyun, by the way. And this is Park Chanyeol. We’re fallen.”

“Alright,” N nodded, “I’m Cha Hakyeon and this is Jung Taekwoon. But just call us N and Leo.”

“Nightmare,” Leo pointed to himself. The silent teen paused, amazed at how good it felt to address himself as a nightmare. Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked at N, expecting him to offer up what he was before Kris explained that no one knew what N was yet.

“Oh!” Baekhyun cocked his head to the side, “so you’re the guy everyone was talking about.”

“Everyone’s talking about me?” N seemed to pale a little.

“Of course they are,” Chanyeol grinned, “it’s not every day some kid with no aura shows up. You and the ISBIP being here are the hot topics of the day.”

“Why is the ISBIP here?” everyone turned to see Sori making her way over, four girls following after. Leo recognize two as Sooyoung and Taeyeon from earlier, but he had no idea who the other two were.

“Lina!” Chanyeol yelled, rushing over to hug one of the girls who had a pair of black wings extending from her shoulders.

“Chanyeol,” she blinked in confusion, “you were looking for me?”

“I told you to wait for me and Baekhyun at your dorm,” he frowned, “why didn’t you wait for me?”

“You’re way to overprotective,” the unknown girl standing beside Lina frowned, “are you her brother or her boyfriend.” Baekhyun just laughed as Chanyeol blushed brightly.

“I don’t know who the two new kids are,” Baekhyun said, turning to Leo and N, “but the girl Chanyeol hugged is Lina, his adopted sister, and the girl beside her is Lee Heesun. I think you already met Sori. Lina’s fallen, like me and Channie.  Heesun is a werewolf. You already know what Sori is, right?” N and Leo nodded.

“God,” Kris sighed, watching as Chanyeol went back to being an overprotective brother, “you’d think he’d learn to stop that overprotective stuff. Lina’s a grown woman, she can look after herself.”

“I know what he feels,” N sighed, thinking of Leo, Ken, Ravi, Hongbin, and Hyuk – the five boys he thought of as brothers. Even if they could look after themselves, he was still super protective of them. Chanyeol must view Lina the same way.

“He’s the younger?” Leo asked, earning nods from Kris and Suho. He could relate to Chanyeol, too then.

“Come on,” Suho smiled at them, “let’s finish our tour.”

“I’ll come with you,” Baekhyun offered, “Channie’s going to be busy for a while so I’ll have nothing else to do.”

The rest of the tour went smoothly and N and Leo learned a lot about their new school as well as the boys providing the tour. As dragons, Kris and Suho could both fly, produce wings, turn into an actual dragon, and manipulate fire and water – Kris handled fire while Suho took care of water. Additionally, both were very strong. Baekhyun could also fly and had wings, but his wings didn’t grow at whim, they were always there and had been since he was seven. Baekhyun was also capable of a bit of magic.

“Just some simple light spells,” the cheerful boy smiled, “nothing that special.”

N would love to disagree with that.


“This place is pretty unbelievable, huh?” N smiled slightly and Leo nodded.

The pair sat in the common area of their dorm, looking over their schedules and trying to figure out when they’d be able to see Ken, Ravi, Hongbin, and Hyuk. Kris had joined them earlier, telling them which of his friends would be with the younger four and could look after them. It was comforting to know there would be someone there to watch their friends’ backs when they couldn’t

“Go to sleep,” Kris called from his room, “class starts at 8am and it’s almost midnight.”

“Night,” N called back, getting up and heading to his room, “Goodnight, Leo.”

“Night,” Leo nodded, retreating to his own room.

While Leo quickly fell asleep, pulled into the dreams of the sleeping students in other rooms, N lay awake going over everything he had learned that day. He still couldn’t quite wrap his head around the fact that he wasn’t human. A part of him did believe it, a part of him wanted to belong here because he sure as heck didn’t feel like he belonged in the human world where everyone treated him like crap because he didn’t have parents.

At the same time, it was just so unbelievable and his brain kept telling him that it wasn’t possible. But then again, his brain also said people didn’t have wings yet Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Lina had wings and Kris ad grown a pair right in front of his eyes. His brain said people couldn’t turn into unicorn yet Sori had done that right before his eyes.

For now, N decided, he would give into that feeling of belonging. It felt nice.

A/N: since I don’t have a life beyond my writing (apparently) and for anyone interested: I’ve made up a floor plan of the dorm rooms and a map of the school grounds *points down*


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minyoungunnie #1
Chapter 134: I'm speechless...
I got the hunger games feels at the end.
When they were dying off one by one.
And I was silent screaming at my phone half the time.
Taeyeon & Lina didn't even get to fight back!
My feeeeeeeels.
Take responsibility!
Chapter 5: Wow..u did a good job..evem adding a map on topnof that
Chapter 134: I don't know how long I waited for this story to be completed AND MY WAIT IS WORTH IT
I know that I'm gonna love this story the first time I read the foreword, so I subscribed and waited till its finished
And I'm so happy with the plot (but I was actually hoping for Nori but it's okay)
Thumbs up!
Chapter 134: ...damn. It's finally over, isn't it? Well, it's not really over, considering there's going to be a sequel and the cliffhanger, but..
Well anyway, it's been a wonderful journey reading this story. So much has happened and I can't really believe this story is now finished, haha.
Karenkitty1092 #5
Chapter 134: The ending was amazing and I can`t wait for the sequel.
Chapter 134: Omg this ending is good. I'm sad it's over but I can't wait for the sequel author-nim.
Chapter 134: Looks like the beans have been spilled about the sequel, lol. Exciting cliffhanger. I hope everyone will be ok. What happened to Leo? Who is that mysterious man? Can Dark Lake recover from the serious loss? Don’t miss the sequel, coming soon to Asian Fanfics.
Chapter 134: And thanks a lot authornim for creating this awesome story!!!
Chapter 134: Omg who is the last mysterious person????
Chapter 133: Ravi did it! He did it! I is proud of him. It's finally almost over