Goodbye SHINee boys...

A SHINee Love Story

Leslie POV.


My eyes carefully fluttered open to reveal Onew’s face inches from mine who was sound asleep. I smiled a bit. He was so cute when he was sleeping. But wait…I slowly looked around and noticed that I was on Onew’s bed. How did I get here? After a moment of retracing my steps I remembered. Yesterday Onew asked me to come over so could spend the whole night together! I guess we fell asleep. I smiled again but suddenly stopped as I remembered something else. Onew invited me over…because he was leaving today…

“Ahh, good morning sunshine.” Onew sleepy voice chimed softly as he sat up and hugged my waist.”Did you sleep well?”

“Uh yeah. I did.” I said with a small smile. Onew frowned a bit at my tone.

“Is something wrong?”

“Oh nothing…Except for the fact that you’re leaving to Korea today.” I said running my fingers through his messy bed hair. Onew opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.

“Oh…I see…” He mumbled a few minutes later. He released me and stretched his arms out before getting up from the bed with a yawn. I gave him a confused look.


“I haven’t finished packing.” Was the only thing he said, giving me a small smile and then turning to his suitcase on the floor. I titled my head a bit.

“Onew…are you okay?” I asked him.

“I’m f-fine.” I heard him stutter in a low tone.”Really, I am.” I noticed his body shake slightly every once in a while. Was he crying? I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck which made him tense up.

“It’s okay to cry Onew.” I whispered in his ear. He chuckled and gave me a weak smile while a few tears ran down his cheeks.

“N-No. It’s not.” Onew sighed rubbing his eyes to get rid of the tears.”I wouldn’t want you to see me this way.”

“Onew…” He sighed again and turned around to face me. He had such a serious expression on his face.

“Look Leslie, I’m just sad because…well, I lo-“

“ONEW!” Jonghyun barged in with two suitcases in hand. Onew groaned and glared at Jonghyun, annoyance was written across his face.

“What is it Jong?”

“Hello?! Dude you overslept! We’re supposed to be there at the airport in thirty minutes!” Jonghyun exclaimed lifting up his suitcases to show him that he was ready to go. Onew’s eyes widened.

“Ughh! Okay I’ll be ready in…ten minutes!” Onew said before going to his suitcase and rummaging through it.

“Well then hurry up!” He said then left the room. I let out a sigh as I saw Onew desperately looking through his suitcase for his toothbrush. I knew this was going to be the start of a very long day…


30 minutes later>>>


“Thank you.” Onew said to woman behind the front desk. The boys and I walked over the departure zone…Is that what it’s called?  I don’t know. All I know is that when we get there, it will mean goodbye to the shiny boys.

“Hey guys! Wait up!” I heard a familiar voice call out to us. I turned around and gasped. All four of the girls come running towards us with smiles. I smiled back at them.

“Girls! You made it!”

“Of course! We wouldn’t miss our chance to say goodbye.” Vicky said placing her hand on her hip. Lily nodded eagerly with a small smile.

“Yeah…this is the last time we’re going to see them.” Elba mentioned. All the girls sadly nodded to that statement.


Nobody’s POV.

“Well we better make it quick…we have to leave in about five minutes.” Minho said glancing down at his watch.

“Aw…okay then. Key get over here so I can hug you.” Melissa pouted holding her arms out for him. Key smiled in return and wrapped his arms around her tightly. Melissa sighed as she placed her head on his chest.

“I’m going to really miss you Meli.” Key whispered into her ear softly. As he did, she felt tears slowly forming in her eyes.”I’ll make sure to call everyday and I’ll email you often and-“

“Please stop talking Key. You’re going to make me cry.” She muttered into his shirt. Key only chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

“You’ll miss me too right?”

“Of course I will.” Melissa replied looking up to meet his gaze, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. His eyes softened as he noticed it.

“No no, don’t cry.” Key reminded her as he kissed the tears away gently.”You don’t need to cry. I’ll see you next year remember?” She gave him a small nod and sniffled silently.”Besides…if you cry then I cry.”

“S-Sorry…” Meli stuttered and wiped away the rest of her tears with the sleeve of her shirt.”I know that the “Almighty Key” doesn’t like to cry…”

“No…it’s just that I don’t like to see you sad. It makes me feel terrible…” He said with sad eyes. Melissa knew that he was on the verge of tears too. Key leaned down to give her a slow and passionate kiss. They both pulled away with a small sigh.


“Come on Vicky. Wipe away those tears.” Jonghyun repeated as he calmly her hair in an attempt to stop his girlfriend from crying. Victoria sobbed once again before weakly nodding to him and giving him a large hug.

“I-I’ll miss y-you…” She barely managed to say.

“And believe me…I’ll miss you so much more.” Jong told her as he placed two fingers under her chin and lifted her face so that she could look him in the eye.”But you’ve got to stay strong for me. Okay?”

“O-Okay.” She replied staring into his dark brown eyes. Jong let out a sigh and kissed both of her cheeks.

“I love you…and never forget it.” Jonghyun said with a sad smile. Vicky tensed up at those three words again. She didn’t know what to feel. The last time she heard those words it came out of David’s mouth. And she already knew how that ended up.

“J-Jonghyun…are you s-sure?” She asked him.

“What? Of course I’m sure!” He exclaimed. He was absolutely shocked. Why would she ask such a question? But then it suddenly hit him. David. A low growl was heard from Jonghyun’s throat as he hugged her waist protectively.

“Don’t worry. I’m nothing like that guy.” Jong said leaning his forehead on her forehead.”I really do love you.”  His words sounded genuine and purely honest. Vicky relaxed herself and sighed, a small smile making its way onto her shaky lips.

“Well then…I l-love you too.” She said, growing a little more confident now. Jonghyun smiled cheerfully and hugged her tighter. He knew he would miss her the most, but he knew that it wouldn’t matter. He would be just fine if he remembered what she just said. She loved him back. That was all that mattered.


The girl rubbed the back of her neck anxiously as she stared up at the silent tall man in front of her. She honestly didn’t know what to say. She knew she loved him…she even told him! After a while she let out a depressed sigh.

“Minho…why are goodbyes so complicated?” She asked softly, looking up at him. Minho bit his lower lip as he contemplated this question.

“Hm…because sometimes you don’t want to say goodbye.”

”Yeah I guess you’re right…” She mumbled crossing her arms. He chuckled deeply and suddenly reached out his hand to her left cheek.

“Elba…I’ll miss you so much.” Minho said rubbing his thumb against her cheek. Elba‘s cheeks turned a rosy red.

“I’ll m-miss you too Min-“Two lips suddenly pressed against hers to silence her. She smiled a bit into the kiss. She knew Minho was one of those “action speaks louder than words” kind of guys. And she was perfectly okay with that. It meant that goodbyes were easier and that there wouldn’t be any tears. Just this. But she felt that this time…something needed to be said.


“Ssshhh.” He slowly placed a finger on her lips.”I just want to enjoy this moment.” She raised an eyebrow at him.

“You just want to enjoy?”


“In…silence?” She questioned curiously.


“So…no talking?” She asked, making sure that she understood him.

“Why? Is there something else we need to say?” Minho asked her as he rested his chin at the top of her head.

“Not really…”

“You already know that I love you and that I’ll miss you.” He whispered into her ear. She blushed lightly at that and nodded.”And…” He carefully placed her hand in his and lifted it up to his lips.”You’ll always have this ring to remember me by.” A rare smile appearing on his face. Elba returned the smile and glanced at the diamond heart ring on her finger. He was right. He always was. She looked up at those big chocolate eyes and without another word she suddenly crashed her lips to his and wrapped her arms around his neck. Minho smirked against her lips as he slid his arms comfortably around her waist.

Even though it was not what she wanted, she knew that her relationship with Minho was like a cheesy drama. It was like she was some sort of “princess” and Minho was her knight in shining armor. She never knew that this type of thing could actually happen to her. But even though her boyfriend was a cheesy romantic, she wouldn’t have it any other way.


They both glanced at Minho and Elba who were kissing rather passionately.

“Well that was…” The boy started to say.”…intense.” The girl chuckled and nodded in agreement.

“You can’t blame them Taemin. They won’t see each other for a year.”

“Yeah…” He sighed with a slight frown and stared at her with teary eyes.”I guess we won’t see each other for an entire year huh Lily?” Taemin whispered in a sad tone. Lily frowned just a bit. She didn’t like to see Taemin sad. It was like…the sun not shining. Wow that sounded really cheesy, she thought in her head. She suddenly wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace which left the maknae a bit flustered.


“Try not to be sad okay? It’s not right.” She said smiling up at him.”Your cute face wasn’t made to frown!” Taemin blushed beet red at her comment. Wow that was really straightforward, he thought. Lily was thinking the same thing. But that’s how she needed to be. This would be the last time they would see each other!

“P-Please take care of yourself n-noona…” He stuttered back at her, the blush in his cheeks never leaving.

“Take care of yourself too Taemin.” Lily nodded to him and smiled once again.”And don’t go looking at any other “noonas” over there alright?” Taemin chuckled and hugged her waist.

“Why would I? You’re the only noona for me.” This time Lily blushed.

“That’s good…” He smiled and kissed her cheek.

“I’ll always be thinking of you Lily! Hope you think of me too.” Taemin said with a cute smile. Lily couldn’t help but return the smile and giggle.

“Of course I will.”


“I guess this is goodbye.” Onew said with a sad smile. Leslie sighed and gave him a small nod.

“But you’re coming back next year! So that’s good.” She replied as if trying to cheer him up. But it somehow made it worse for her. She didn’t want him to leave. She loved him! And yet he hasn’t told her that he loved her… Onew nodded and hugged her tightly.

“I’ll be counting the days.” He whispered sweetly.

“And I’ll be cheering you on from here.” She smiled. Onew smiled at the thought. Every concert his girlfriend would be cheering him on. What more could he want? He truly loved her. Now if only he would gather up enough courage to tell her.

“Onew! We have to go now!” Jonghyun exclaimed. Onew turned to them and saw that they were already heading to their gate to board already. Onew frowned and turned to Leslie with a sigh.

“I guess I have to go…”

“Aw bye…” Leslie reached up to give him a small peck on the lips and smiled up at him.”Now go. You’re going to be late.” That and she was about to break down in tears. Onew forced a smile back at her and nodded.

“Bye.” He slowly turned away from her and started to walk away to catch up with the others. Stupid stupid, he thought. Why couldn’t he just tell her how he felt?!

“Wait Onew!” A hand suddenly took hold of his arm to hold him back. Onew turned his head with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes Leslie?” Leslie blushed light pink and immediately let go of his arm.

“Um I was just wondering…” She mumbled nervously.”You said something one day that I didn’t understand. It started with a “S” I think…” Onew’s eyes widened.


“Onew…you’re leader of a band…don’t you guys rehearse or something?”

“Oh YEAH!”I exclaimed laughing.”I actually forgot I was famous for a while.”

“Wow Onew.” She smiled. I pulled her into a hug and laughed.

“It’s just that…you make me feel normal.” I whisper. “…Saranghae.”



Was she talking about the moment he almost “confessed”?


“Yeah.” Leslie bit her bottom lip in thought.”Sa…sangtae? I think that was it.” Onew mentally sighed in relief.

“O-Oh…sangtae means condition.” He said.

“…Onew condition?” She asked slightly confused.

“Yep! It means that we’re both incredibly clumsy.” Onew stated with a cheeky grin. Leslie laughed cheerfully with a nod.

“Yeah I guess.”

“Okay now I have to go.” He placed a hand on her shoulder and kissed her cheek softly.”Bye.”

“Bye…” Onew walked away from her and caught up to the others. The girls waved and called out their goodbyes. As all the members continued to walk to their gate, they each let out a sigh.


Onew POV.

“I guess this is it.” Taemin said sighing.

“We won’t see them for a year.” Jonghyun groaned.

“At least they know how we feel.” Key pointed out.”Imagine how we would feel if they didn’t.”

“Awful.” Minho said looking down at the floor. I just stayed silent. I still haven’t told Leslie that I loved her. But it’s too late now…

“Welcome. May I see your tickets?” The lady at the desk asked.

“Yeah sure.” Key dug into his pocket and pulled out his ticket.”Here you are.” He said handing it to her.

“Thank you. You may now board the plane.” She said with a nod. My eyes widened.

“T-That’s it? We can get on already?”

“Yes sir.” This is it. I get on the plane and I won’t see Leslie for another year.

“I already miss Lily.” Taemin said giving his ticket in.

“You can call her when we get to Seoul.” Jong told him as he also gave the lady his ticket. But the thought wouldn’t leave my head. I couldn’t believe that I blew it! I could have told her how I felt!

“Hm…Onew? Your ticket?” Minho asked. I shook my head and turned away from them.

“Uh...I’ll be right back.”

“What?! Onew we’re leaving right now.” Jonghyun said. Without thinking I started to run. Where was I running to, I had no idea. All I knew was that I needed to find Leslie before I left.


“Get back here you babo!”

“We’re going to be late!” I ignored their yells as I tried to maneuver through a crowd of people going the opposite direction that I was going. This just makes things harder…I ran through security and guards swiftly but they still managed to notice me.

“Hey you!”

“We need to see some ID!” I groaned in frustration and ignored them while I continued to run. This is for you Leslie.


Leslie POV.

“Aw calm down Vicky. I bet he’ll call you when he’s there.” Melissa said patting Victoria’s back as she tried to console her. Victoria wiped a few tears away with her hand and gave her a small nod.

“I-I know but…”

“Just stay strong okay.” Lily said with a smile. Vicky blinked a few times then started to sob again. Probably because Jong had told her the exact same thing.

“Lily!” Both Melissa and Elba shot her a glared and Lily flinched.

“W-What?! Was it something I said?!” I let out a tired sigh and rolled my eyes. We decided to wait here until their plane had taken off already. But the girls were having a hard time trying to stay calm and not burst into tears.

“Um…Leslie?” I heard Lily whisper loudly.

“Yeah?” I turned my head to her. She was staring straight ahead.

“Is it just me…or is that Onew?” She said pointing. I raised my eyebrow and looked in the direction she was pointing at. My eyes widened. Onew was running towards us with two security guards shortly chasing after him.

“Hey it is Onew!” Elba said.

“Shouldn’t he be on the plane by now?” Melissa asked. I just stood there silently with my mouth hanging open slightly. Wow, is it just me or does this remind me of the first day we met? Major déjà vu…

“Onew?!” I finally manage to say.”What are you doing-“ His lips suddenly crashed into mine passionately in a kiss. Almost immediately, I returned it. He pulled away and stared at me with a determined look in his eyes.


“Leslie…I love you!” Onew exclaimed loudly and hugged me tightly against his chest.”I’ve always loved you! I’m sorry that I took so long to tell you but I just couldn’t leave knowing that you didn’t know! I felt so horrible and awful…such a terrible feeling.” He said. I noticed his body shake a bit like it did earlier this morning.


“I just couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t tell you! I would feel so guilty and-“ I cupped his face with both of my hands and gently pulled his lips to mine which made him immediately stop talking. Finally! He told me he loved me! AH I’M THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE ENTIRE WORLD AT THIS MOMENT! I heard the girls awe and squeal as both of us pulled away with a smile.

“So…I’m guessing you feel the same way?” Onew whispered softly with a grin. I giggled and nodded eagerly.

“Of course I do silly.” I whispered back, rubbing my nose with his.”I always have.”

“Aw and when were you expecting to tell me?” He asked with a small pout.

“Stop asking questions Onew! You’re going to be late!”

“Ah! You’re right!” Onew said with large eyes.”Bye!” He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled.”Oh and bye girls!” He yelled waving at them and then running off to his gate again.

“Bye Onew!” They all chimed cheerfully as they waved.

“Bye Onew.” I beamed and waved eagerly at him. This is it. The SHINee boys were leaving us. But I’m glad that I at least got to know Onew and the other members more. And to think that it all started with an e-mail…

The smile on my lips never left as I felt a couple of tears run slowly run down my cheeks. I love you Onew. I’m glad that you told me that you loved me too. It’s sad that I won’t see you for an entire year…but I’ll wait for you. We’ll all be waiting until our boys return.


♥~The End~♥ 

*sob* Well, there you have it! The end of the SHINee Love Story. Hope all you guys enjoyed it!!~ I love all my subcribers soooooo much <3

Now there's one more thing to discuss. Will I make a sequel? Welllllllll.....Yes. :) BUT not right away. I still have other stories to update on. ^^" But don't worry I will make a sequel soon.

So for now, GOODBYE!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!~~~ *does HUGE heart shape with arms*

Oh and I wanted to promote a roleplay that I'm currently in! If you want, go ahead and join! The more the better!! :D  

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shinee3 #1
Loved it ur a grear writer!
cant wait 4 the sequel!!!<br />
cant wait for the sequel!! i wonder whats going to happen .. lol maybe ..<br />
<br />
-jonghyun and shin se kyung.<br />
<br />
OR<br />
<br />
- minho getting to close to other girls!<br />
<br />
can't wait !!!!!!!! <br />
oh no it endded :(
D: you ended it. <br />
loved it though!
HEY LOOK I SEE MY NAME ^O^ lol I'm late.
guatychick #7
WHAT!!!!!!!!! Next chapter is the last one. WHY? WHY?<br />
I hope there is a sequel<br />
Please make it
u better make a sequel!