The Beginning~

A SHINee Love Story




POV. = point of view

FF>>> = fast forward 


Leslie POV.


Today, I finally convinced my mom to let me meet my pen pal from Korea at the local airport tomorrow.  His name is Onew. I don’t really know much about him, but we’ve been talking for a year now. He told me he’s the leader of some band called SHINee and that it’s pretty popular over in Korea.


“Don’t forget to clean your room!” mom yelled from downstairs. “Yeah, uhuh.” I respond not sure she could hear me. I quickly turn on my laptop to see if Onew, my pen pal, is online yet. I logged in and found that his icon was off. I frowned to myself as I was about to log off again until I noticed he left me a message. I clicked and read it;

Dear Leslie,

I know I haven’t been talking to you much but it’s just that I’ve been busy.  SHINee has been through a lot lately. But don’t worry; I’m still going to be there tomorrow to see you. I hope you don’t mind if I bring the band members with me. They are begging for me to let them come with me! Hope you and your friends can come and meet us at the airport.

Keep on fighting!


I smiled.  He always told me to keep on fighting. But what did he mean by my friends coming…Damn. I forgot to tell my friends he’s coming! I snatched my phone out of my pocket and started dialing at the speed of light. First one I’m calling is Melissa.


Melissa POV.


I’m so bored! There’s nothing to do but stare at the ceiling! And since it’s summer vacation,  I guess that’s all I’ll be doing from now on since my parents are out of town for the month. Leaving my older brother to care for me. Why my brother?! He can’t even keep his goldfish alive for a week!


“AAHHH!!!” I jolted up from my bed to see that my phone was on maximum volume. I grabbed it from my night stand and looked at the caller I. D. It was Leslie. I flipped it over and without even saying hi, Leslie started to panic.

“Onew is coming and I need you and the group to meet me and him at the airport with his band members or else he won’t like me and I’ll set a bad first impression and-“

“Leslie! Calm down! Now take deep breaths.” I said like the counselor at our school that is a pain in the .

“There’s no time!” she yelled through the phone. “I have to think of what to say, what to we….OH MY GOSH! What am I going to wear?!” she exaggerated.

I sighed as I thought of it.  I don’t want to go meet the other band members. I know that Leslie has a crush on Onew, but I don’t want to get involved. I paced around my room and thought of a way to tell her this.

“Um…Meli…you still there?” Leslie asked annoyed.

“…Oh yeah. Listen Leslie. I don’t want to go.” I told her out of nowhere.

“What?” she said shocked. “Oh, come on! Please! I can’t do this without you!”

“Well…I don’t know…” I said unsure.

“Well, what if one of the members are cute or something?” she said in a tempting voice. She was taunting me. I knew she was playing with me.But that was a good point. I really need a boyfriend. 

“Ok fine I’ll go.” I said giving up. I hated the feeling I got when I did. I felt weak. Especially now that I did it just to meet some cute foreign guy.

“YAY!” she squealed. “Be there at 4 sharp. Oh, and don’t forget to tell the others!”  And with that, she hung up.

I sighed again as I started to text Elba, Lily, and Victoria.


Elba POV.


“Why? Why did you have to kill him Pablo?!” said a lady sobbing.

“…I killed him…because I love you.” Pablo said looking the lady directly in the eye before pulling her into a passionate kiss.

I laughed hysterically. “Oh Pablo.” I said laughing to myself and the T.V. I don’t know why I watch these cheesy soup operas. They’re a waste of time. Everyone knows that love stories like these don’t happen.  No guy is this romantic in real life! It’s just a stupid fantasy.


“Stupid cell phone.” I take the phone lying on the other side of the couch and flipped it open. It was a message from Melissa;

Heyy  Leslie wants us 2 go meet her Korean luver n his friends at the airport at 4

I laughed as I saw “Korean lover”.  I quickly texted back saying I would go. It’s not like I have anything else to do. And maybe this Onew guy is nice.  Or…maybe one of his friends are hot.


Victoria  POV.


“Victoria…Vicky …Vick …Vi“

“What the hell do you want?!” I screamed frustrated.

“Hi.” David grinned and ran to the kitchen.

“Oh, I’m going to get you! Stupid little brother!” I yelled running after him. Stupid little kid…

“You can’t catch me!” He teased.

I quickly ran out of breath and leaned against the kitchen fridge.

 RING RING RING!!! It was a text.

“Oh good thing I left my phone on the kitchen counter…” I said out of breath. I grabbed it and read the text fast.

“AW…” I complained after.  As much as I love Leslie, I don’t want to go.

“Victoria…Vicky …Vick …” David whispered.

“Shut up!” I growled back. Change my mind. I’m going.



Lily POV.


“Get a job!”

“Why would I?!”


I slammed my door shut as my parents continued arguing.  And it all started because of a stupid T.V. remote!


“I have got to change my ringtone. I can’t hear that every time I get a text!” I said.  I flipped open my phone and saw a text from Mel;


Leslie is meeting her luver 4 the 1sttime 2morrow at 4 n shes forcing me 2 go   u comin?


“Hhhmmm….” I thought about it. What would my Mom and Dad say?

“I’m telling you that I don’t need a job!” I could still hear it!

Sure  Ima go    I texted back with a smile.



Melissa POV.


What do you wear to impress cute Koreans?! I have no idea… Well, I’ll try my best… Now let’s see. I got it! I’ll wear my favorite black t-shirt that says “seriously?” with my green and black hoodie. Any kind of skinny jeans are okay, I guess. And finally, green converse and matching bracelet! Wow…I sound like such a girly girl.


“Worst ringtone…ever.” I mumbled to myself while flipping it open.

“Hey Meli. I’m already here with the whole group in front of your house so meet me outside! OMG! So excited!” she hung up.  Sigh… When will she ever learn? I quickly ran downstairs and slammed the door behind me.

“Finally!” Leslie exclaimed as she pulled me into a cab. Once I was inside, I saw the same bored and surprised expression on each of the girls. This is going to be a long day… 


Onew POV.


“Hurry up! I’m dying to meet the Americans.”Jong said. His face clearly lit up when he said “Americans”.

“Wow Jong. We just got to America and you’re already thinking about girls.” Key said with a grin.

“Dude, I can’t help it.” He returned the grin.

Minho, who was sitting on top of his luggage, shook his head. “Idiots.” He said to them looking down at his shoes. He bent down to get his bags and walked toward the front entrance.

“Minho! Wait up!” Taemin, the youngest, called after him. Taemin quickly got his luggage but stopped to look at me. “Aren’t you coming?”

“Yeah sure.  Just let me find my bags…” I say looking around me. Now let’s see… My suitcase is blue with white stripes… I take one step forward and BAM!  My head and body hits the cold, hard airport floor. The other guys burst out laughing. Even Minho, who came back. I could hear him chuckling in his deep voice.

“Whatever he does, its Onew sangtae!” they sang in unison.

“Shut it and help me up…” I groaned out in pain.  They did as I said and helped me to my feet. I rubbed my head and looked at what caused me to trip.  And of course… it was my blue striped suitcase.  Why was I born to be such a klutz?!

“Come on Onew. The girls must be here waiting for us.” Jong shook my shoulder making sure I was okay.  I nodded as we began to walk towards the main entrance. I can’t wait to meet Leslie in person. 



To Be Continued~


Yes, there's no SHINee yet. But they'll meet them  in the next chapter! SO just hold on. ^^

(Oh and at the very top there's a picture of how each girl looks like ^^)

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shinee3 #1
Loved it ur a grear writer!
cant wait 4 the sequel!!!<br />
cant wait for the sequel!! i wonder whats going to happen .. lol maybe ..<br />
<br />
-jonghyun and shin se kyung.<br />
<br />
OR<br />
<br />
- minho getting to close to other girls!<br />
<br />
can't wait !!!!!!!! <br />
oh no it endded :(
D: you ended it. <br />
loved it though!
HEY LOOK I SEE MY NAME ^O^ lol I'm late.
guatychick #7
WHAT!!!!!!!!! Next chapter is the last one. WHY? WHY?<br />
I hope there is a sequel<br />
Please make it
u better make a sequel!