Jealousy and a trip to the toy store.

A SHINee Love Story

“Come on, guys!” Leslie and Lily dragged us both out of the cab and to the entrance. As we entered, I noticed that there were barely people there…which was a very good thing.  Jong did the whole yawn thing and put his arm around Victoria and walked off somewhere. I think they mentioned going to Aeropostale or something. 

“Can we go to Hot Topic?” Melissa turned to ask Key. He smiled.


“Behave Key!” Taemin hollered as they started walking off. I heard Melissa and Key laugh.  After many debates…Taemin and Lily finally decided to go to Claire’s…I guess Lily wanted to go. Minho and Elba came with us to the food court…oh joy.  It’s not that I don’t like them or anything…I just want to have some time alone with Leslie.  I want to spend all the time I can right now with her.

“Oh look!” Leslie said pointing. “They make the best tofu there.”  I turned and saw a colorful sign that said “Vegan Lovers”.  We both walked to the counter and saw a blonde girl writing something on a notepad.  She had her hair pulled to a careless ponytail and chewed her gum loudly.

“Um…excuse me.” I said tapping the counter. She looked up and gave me a flirtatious smile.

“Oh, hello. Welcome to Vegan Lovers.” She batted her eyelashes. “Aren’t you SHINee’s Onew?” I took a glance at Leslie…and I instantly regretted it. She was giving the girl an intense death glare and observed her carefully.

“Um, yeah.” I said awkwardly.

“Wow! Like OMG!” she shook my hand. “It’s an honor to have you here.”

“Um…thank you. Now can I order?”

“Oh, absolutely!” she giggled and twisted her hair.  I could feel Leslie roll her eyes. Wow…how can she not know that there’s a girl standing right next to me?!

“Well, I’d like two orders of your finest tofu.”

“Oh okay!” she says giggling again.  She recorded the order in at the cash register and would once in a while look up at me and smile. Oh great… “You know…” she grabbed my hand from across the counter. “…You could have it for free if you want.” She winked and chewed her gum like the cow that she is. Leslie glared at her…and then at me.

“No thank you. But me and my girlfriend-“I slid my arm around Leslie,”-appreciate it. That won’t be necessary.” Leslie gave her a smug smile. The girl, who finally acknowledged that she was there, glared back at Leslie and looked down at her notepad.

“Okay then…it’s $16.99.” she mumbled. I quickly gave her the exact money and we waited for our order to be ready. She didn’t come back after that…so some other guy came with our order ready.

“There you go. Enjoy and thank you for coming to Vegan Lovers.” He gave us our food and smiled.

“Thanks.” We spotted an empty table and sat down to eat.

“I can’t believe that little slu-“

“Vocabulary.” I interrupted before she could say anything else. She shrugged and silently ate more of her tofu.

“Sorry…just a little jealous.”

“It’s okay. The good thing is that I stood up for OUR relationship. Now open.” I said as I got more tofu. She opened and fed her some of my tofu.

“And did you see her face? Hilarious!” she cracked up and fed me some of her tofu.

“Um…where’s Minho?” I asked her. She looked around the food court and shrugged.

“And where’s Elba?” I shrugged too and ate. “Sigh…where are they?”

“Together, forever.” I said in a sing song voice. She giggled and nodded in agreement.



Elba POV.


“Where should we go?” I asked Minho as we walked through the empty mall. He shrugged and held my hand. I blushed a little and continued.

“Where do you want to go?”

“How about the toy store?” he says looking straight ahead.

“Yeah, that sounds cool. Okay, the toy store it is!”  I announce and he chuckles.

“It’s right here.” He points to a colorful store with a few kids in it. Many of them were entertained with the shiny things there that they probably couldn’t even dream of having. Somehow…it reminded me of Taemin. But only one of them stood out from the rest.  It was a little girl…

“Mommy…” she sobbed. She had her hair in a cute ponytail and had the most beautiful brown eyes. Her clothes were simple and pretty. She must have been about 6 years old.

“…Mommy!” she whimpers again and cries into her hands. She ran to the doll section and sat down on the floor still crying. I felt bad for the little girl and looked back at Minho. He looked sad, too… he sighed and as he let go of my hand and I left walking towards the girl.  As I came up to her, she still cried…

“Hi there…” I say nicely. She looks up at me with brown, frightened eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“I-I….”she cried a little by just saying that. I sat down next to her and tried again.

“Can you tell me your name?”

“…M-melody…” she sniffled.

“Oh, that’s a pretty name.” I give her a comforting smile. She smiles back and tried to talk again.




“Now what’s wrong?” I ask again.

“I-I’m…lost.” She whispers. Minho walks slowly towards us.

“Hey little girl.” He smiles.

“How did you get lost?” I say hugging her slightly.

“…My mom went to buy clothes for me…and I came to look at dolls…” she looks around her. She stares at one of the dolls. The doll isn’t anything special…just a doll with blonde hair and blue eyes…it looked like one of those ragdolls…but it was a pretty one. Minho looks in her same direction and notices. A warm smile grows on his face and he leans down to speak to her.

“Do you…want one?”

“Oh, no no…” She shakes her head in an adorable way. “My mom…can’t buy it.  She says…she doesn’t have enough.” Minho chuckles and gets the doll from the shelf. 

“I’ll buy it for you.” He says with another warm smile. Her eyes sparkled and she hugged him tightly.  Minho is really tall…really tall. So the girl looked like she was hugging his legs.  He chuckled again and patted her gently on the head. Minho quickly bought the doll and gave it to Melody.

“Thank you very much!” she said hugging the doll closely to her.  We both laughed and led the girl outside where a woman stood waiting. As she saw us, her eyes lit up.

“M-melody?” Melody looked at her and gasped.

“Mommy!” she smiled and ran towards her. The woman had the same beautiful eyes. She smiled and held her arms open.

“Melody! Oh thank god nothing happened to you!” She hugged her protectively as she ran her fingers through Melody’s hair. She looked at the doll in her hands and frowned.

“Honey…you know I don’t have-

“It’s okay, mommy!” she giggled and smiled at us. “They bought it for me.” The mother looked at us and smiled, too.

“Thank you.” She said gratefully. Minho nodded and I shook her hand.

“You have a lovely daughter.” I said to her.

“Thank you. Now we should get going…come along, Melody.” She took her hand and walked away. Melody glanced back at us and smiled brightly.

“Thank you!”

“You’re welcome!” I replied and then she was gone.  I sat down on a nearby bench and Minho followed.

“You’re really good with kids.” He says suddenly. I shrugged and leaned my head against his shoulder.

“You too. I liked that girl…and her name.” I sigh and he chuckles softly.

“Melody…It’s a pretty name…” he mumbles. I look up at him and see sadness in his eyes. He had the same type of brown eyes...but somehow they were different.

“Minho…is something wrong?” I ask him. He sighs and shakes his head. He my cheek and kisses me without a word. I could feel the sadness in his kiss…like he doesn’t want it to end… 

To Be Continued~


Hello~ *bows* ^^ you get the feeling that something bad is going to happen? Like "trouble in paradise"? I'm totally spoiling it.

Anyways~, let me know what you guys think!! :D

Oh by the way if you didn't know...

-Aeropostale (sagdfahsd I love shopping there. :D They have nice clothes)

-Hot Topic (Kind of a gothic/scene store. BUT they do sell Hello Kitty.~)

-Claire's (The girliest store for girl accesorries made for girls!!)

And I just made up the toy store and "Vegan Lovers" :)

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shinee3 #1
Loved it ur a grear writer!
cant wait 4 the sequel!!!<br />
cant wait for the sequel!! i wonder whats going to happen .. lol maybe ..<br />
<br />
-jonghyun and shin se kyung.<br />
<br />
OR<br />
<br />
- minho getting to close to other girls!<br />
<br />
can't wait !!!!!!!! <br />
oh no it endded :(
D: you ended it. <br />
loved it though!
HEY LOOK I SEE MY NAME ^O^ lol I'm late.
guatychick #7
WHAT!!!!!!!!! Next chapter is the last one. WHY? WHY?<br />
I hope there is a sequel<br />
Please make it
u better make a sequel!