It's official.

A SHINee Love Story

Elba POV.


Minho smiles. Wow that smile is charming…He clears his throat once and takes my hand.

“Elba…” He puts something small in my hand. I slowly open it and gasp…There in my hand…is a golden ring with a diamond heart.

“ I don’t know if I’m saying this right but…” Minho’s voice trails on.

“M-Minho…are you…asking m-me…” I stutter and never finish my sentence. Minho stares at me with loving eyes.

“I…I would of made this more romantic…if I had more time.” He chuckles.”But this is all I have.”


“Like I said…I don’t really know if this is right but…Elba will you…go steady with me?*”

“Oh…”  For a second I thought…

“Is that how you say it? Well…I don’t care how you say it…or if you say it at all but…the feelings are still strong.” He smiles.

“Yeah that’s how you say it…” I give him a weak smile. Minho rubs the back of his neck nervously.

“…Will you?” he asked again. I slip the ring on my finger and it wasn’t surprising that it was a perfect fit. I wrap my arms around his neck and tiptoe to kiss his cheek.

“Of course I will.” He smiles gratefully and crashes his soft lips to mine. I sigh dreamily content and delicately play with his silky hair. This is incredible! None of my boyfriends have ever done something so sweet. And I would of never imagined any guy asking me to have a formal relationship.

 But Minho is so…considerate and romantic! He’s like my knight in shining armor…like in one of those cheesy soup operas you see on T.V….and I love it. I just thought the ring…was for…you know…marriage. If he wanted to marry me…Would I have said yes? As we both pulled away from the passionate kiss, out of breath, Minho smiled. I gazed into those chocolate brown eyes and immediately knew my answer. Of course I would.

“Elba…you seem distracted.” Minho says taking my hand and beginning to walk.

“Um…yeah I am…” I slightly shrug.

“Well then…what’s wrong?”

“I just thought the ring…”

“You didn’t like it?” Minho asked starting to frown.

“No it’s not that! The ring is beautiful Minho.” I reassured him.


“I thought the ring…was for something else.” I sigh.  He stares at me for a moment and it finally sunk in.

“…Oh.” He stares at something in the distance as he walks with me hand in hand.

“…I love the ring.” I say out of nowhere. Minho chuckles and keeps looking forward.

“I’m sorry…I just asked you to have a formal relationship with me.”

“I understand.” I sigh, turning my gaze down to the ground.

“I didn’t ask you for your hand in marriage…” He mumbles.”…yet.”



Lily POV.


“I’m so sorry Taemin!” I apologize again. He looked straight ahead, blushing madly.

“It’s okay Lily.” He says laughing nervously. My face has been burning with embarrassment ever since we left my house. I cannot believe what just happened!

“But that was so embarrassing! My dad shouldn’t have said that.” I whisper. We walked in silence for a couple of minutes.

“I’m so sorry Taemin…” I repeated.

“It’s okay Lily…really.” He gave me a kind smile as he continued to walk.”I would have been twice as embarrassed if my mom told me to “use protection” in front of you…”

“Do they really think that we would…you know…” I asked shyly. Taemin rubbed the back of his head anxiously.

“…I don’t know.” He sighs.”…Do you think…we would ever…you know…” I felt my face turning ten shades of red at the thought. Taemin…and me…alone…in a room…doing that.

“…I-I…” I stuttered. I was still flustered by the idea.

“…H-Honestly…” Taemin started.”I…wouldn’t think it would be…bad.” He said looking away.”…I-I…would want to wait though.”

“That’s exactly what I think.” I said thinking out loud. Taemin’s cheeks flushed and a sly smile grew on his face.

“You think…it wouldn’t be so bad either?” Taemin whispered softly. I bit my lower lip nervously. Well actually…now that I think of it…that-

“Hey guys!” Victoria greeted us which made both of us jump a bit. Jonghyun followed shortly behind and raised his eyebrow.

“Why are you two both red?”

“Um…well…we…” We both searched for the right words. Jong gave us a dirty grin and laughed.

“Well whatever you two lovebirds were up to…” He winked.”…it doesn’t really matter. We’re already ordering our ice-cream.”

“Oh okay…” I sigh as I enter. I spot the group sitting at a huge table talking. I sit down next to Victoria as she tells me how her meeting with her parents.

“It was so weird!” she exclaims.”My mom caught us kissing.”

“Really?!” I say between stifled laughter. Now that’s embarrassing. No wait…the protection thing was still more embarrassing. I can’t get that out of my head.

“Yeah…she threatened Jonghyun with a broom.” She laughed.

“It was so worth it though.” Jong said kissing her lightly and getting some of her ice-cream. She blushed and smiled at him greatly.

“How about you Leslie?” Melissa asked eating a spoonful of her ice-cream.  Leslie smiled at her.

“Great!” She gushed. Of course…she had no trouble.”My parents LOVED Onew. Well…until he tripped by “accident” and fell onto my lap….then after that my dad didn’t like him so much.” We all laughed.

“I swear I didn’t do it on purpose!” Onew apologized, but still grinned.

“Mhm.” She says. I laughed and suddenly Taemin kissed my cheek, making me blush.

“Do you want to go to the movies later noona?” He whispers softly into my ear. I nod, still feeling my cheek burn.

“Ah why are you two so secretive?” Key asks pointing his spoon at us. Taemin blushes a little and smiled innocently.

“Nothing umma!”

“No no I heard them!” Onew exclaimed.”He asked her on a movie date!”

“Ya! Onew! You’re such a snitch!” Taemin complained. I giggled slightly.

“Seriously Onew it’s not like you’re not secretive with Leslie.”  Jong muttered mixing the ice-cream with his spoon.

“Yeah but that’s different.” Onew said rolling his eyes.”I’m the oldest. He’s the youngest.”

“That’s no fair!” Taemin said.

“Seriously Onew…” Minho sighed shaking his head.”That’s just not right.”

“I have an idea!” Leslie said slightly raising her head. Everyone’s attention turned to her.”Me and Onew will go to the movies too. You know, to “supervise” them.” She smiled. Supervise us? I mentally frowned a bit to myself. Onew did too.

“Aw why?” He whined.

“Come on it wouldn’t be so bad.” She whispered in his ear. He grinned and gave her a nod.

“Alright I’ll go.”

“Well it looks like now it’s a double date!”Key stated patting Taemin’s shoulder. Taemin glared back at him.

“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”


“Oh and remember guys!” Onew pointed at each of them with a smile.”Start packing!” All the boys groaned as Onew’s smile grew.”Hey someone’s got to do it!” I smiled but suddenly stopped. Oh that’s right. They’re leaving…

“So when are you shiny boys leaving?” Victoria asked looking at Jonghyun. Jong smirked and placed his arm around her shoulder.

“Aw are you missing me already?” He cooed hugging her slightly. Vicky rolled her eyes but gave him a small peck on the cheek.

“Just tell me.”

“Well we leave in two days.” Jong said leaning back in his chair a bit.

“Only two days?” Melissa asked sadly.”Aw…”  I knew she wasn’t faking it. We were all sad in some way. Especially me. I feel like I’m empty inside and yet…Taemin hasn’t left yet. Sigh…it’s going to be worse when he’s gone. Taemin glanced briefly at me, then straight ahead, then back to me with a worried look on his face.

“Are you okay Lily?” I shook my head a bit and blinked.

“Huh? Oh yeah. I’m okay.” I said forcing a smile. He gave me a small smile and continued to talk with the others. I sighed and stared at the plain blue table. Only two days… 

To Be Continued~


*Going steady- When a couple is "going steady" it means that they will no longer think of any possible romantic relationship between any other person except the partner that they are with now. They will be faithful to each other and take their relationship seriously.

Two more days.... hey guys! :D Did you miss me? I'm not going to bore you with any excuse about school for now ^^ Just wanted to update and let you know that the SHINee Love Story is almost ending!!! EXCITED?! MAD?! SAD?! :D

Anyways I wanted to explain what "going steady" meant since not a lot of people know what it is. I think it's something very old fashioned but romantic. Plus it seems like something Minho would do. ^^  It's sort of like giving couple rings?

Thanks to my new subscriber ForeverInLove!~ *does heart shape*

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shinee3 #1
Loved it ur a grear writer!
cant wait 4 the sequel!!!<br />
cant wait for the sequel!! i wonder whats going to happen .. lol maybe ..<br />
<br />
-jonghyun and shin se kyung.<br />
<br />
OR<br />
<br />
- minho getting to close to other girls!<br />
<br />
can't wait !!!!!!!! <br />
oh no it endded :(
D: you ended it. <br />
loved it though!
HEY LOOK I SEE MY NAME ^O^ lol I'm late.
guatychick #7
WHAT!!!!!!!!! Next chapter is the last one. WHY? WHY?<br />
I hope there is a sequel<br />
Please make it
u better make a sequel!