Meet the parents.

A SHINee Love Story

Last time on "SHINee Love Story" :

“It’s just that…you make me feel normal.” He whispers. “…Saranghae.”





Onew POV.


“Um…I…It means…I-“

“Hey Onew, the girls are ready to leave.” Key’s voice interrupted.

“Oh…Did you call a taxi?” I asked.

“Yeah and it’s been honking for the last three minutes.” Jonghyung said rubbing his temples.

“Oh…” I turn to Leslie. I sigh and kiss her goodbye. She smiled and walked away with the other girls. I let out another sigh and shook my head.

Hyung…were you going to confess to her?” Taemin asked. I gave a sad nod and Taemin looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

“Don’t worry…”

“You’re going to have to tell her…we leave in a few days.” Minho reminded me.

“Yeah I know…But will I want to leave…if I tell her.”

“Well…I took that chance.” Key patted my shoulder.”Trust me…it’s worth it.”

“I will…” I say to my fellow members.


FF>>>(three days later)


Leslie POV.


“What about this?” I show her another outfit. Melissa rolls her eyes at me.

“They all look pretty.” She shrugged indifferent. That was pretty much what she did with the last ten outfits a showed her.


“Oh come on, Leslie! How is this day so special?” Melissa asked me. She really didn’t know didn’t she?

“Well…If you must know.” I say in a tempting voice. I leave a pause and Melissa gets impatient…..Silence…more silence…three,two-

“Yes I must know!” She finally bursts. She had irritated written all over her face. I grinned and tossed the shirt on the floor.

“All the girls agreed to introduce the shiny boys to their parents. And I want to wear something pretty today to prepare.” I say to her. She widens her eyes and gasps.

“Oh my god…I forgot to tell my mom about Key.” She whispers. I let out a laugh and sat down next to her.

“So you didn’t tell your mom that you had a boyfriend?”

“Of course I did…I just didn’t tell her he was…Korean.” She gulped. I stared at her and gave her a you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me look. She gave me a nod and bit her lower lip nervously.

“What am I going to do?!”

“Just tell her the truth…that your boyfriend is a Korean pop star!”

“But my mom will flip out! She’s so…racist.” She said with a weird expression on her face.

“So? My mom’s cool with me dating Onew.” I smile. Sigh…Onew…My sweet Onew.

“That’s cause your part Korean, Leslie.” She says as a matter-o-fact.”Of course she’ll be okay with it. But my mom is all Hispanic!” she sighed and plopped onto my bed.

“Meli! Answer your phone!“Key’s voice rang from Melissa’s phone. Aww! She loves him so much that she recorded his voice as a ringtone! I raise my eyebrow at her and she gives me a death glare.

“No. Comment.” She threatened as she flipped open her phone.

“Hey Key! Um…today? Yeah of course I do…Okay I’ll be there in a second…Okay bye.” She said.”Love you too.” She whispered before hanging up. My eyes widened. Did she just say what I think she said? I squealed and jumped up and down like a little school girl. Ah! They said they loved each other!

“Leslie! Calm down!” She shot up from my bed and shook my shoulders.

“He said he loved you! You said you loved him!” I said in my preppy sing song tone. I can’t believe it! It’s just so…so romantic! Melissa tried her best to shush me but soon sighed and sat down frustrated as she crossed her arms.

“Well I-I…I mean he…well.” She stammers and I give her a knowing look. She sighs and a smile played on her lips.”Okay he told me he loved me.” I gasped and scurried to her side.

“REALLY?! What did he say? Was he romantic? Was it passionate? Did he look you in the eye? Did he-“

“Leslie!” she groans.

”I’m sorry! It’s just that Onew has never told me he loves me and I’ve known him longer!” I cross my arms and pout. Of course I love Onew. He’s my cute, funny, tofu loving dork! But if he told me he loved me…Sigh…

“Well he just told me a few days ago and honestly…” her voice trailed on. I gasped.

“You don’t love him back?!” I squealed again. DRAMA! Of course I wanted for them to be together but drama always makes me so excited.

“No, no, no, no! Of course I do!” She said shocked at me.”It’s just that I don’t know if my mom would want-….OH MY GOD! I didn’t tell my dad!” She almost yelled.

“What? That your boyfriend’s Korean?” I asked with a grin on my face.

“No, that I have a boyfriend.” She sighs.”I’m in so much trouble…”

“It could be worse.” I shrug and go back to my closet. She laughed and rubbed her neck nervously.

“Thanks for jinxing it.” She sighs.”I have to go…my mom’s already here.”

“Text me after!” I point my finger at her menacingly and she rolls her eyes. Why can’t I never be taken seriously. I guess pointing my finger doesn’t work.

“Sure. Bye and wish me luck!”

“Fingers crossed!” I giggle.  Now let’s see….Maybe I should call Onew and get his opinion. Wait…would he even want to give an opinion? I shook my head. Probably not. But it’s worth a try! I quickly dialed his number. I’m not surprised that he picked up immediately.

“What?! Is there a fire?!” Onew’s voice thick with worry. I sigh and laugh carelessly. That’s my Onew.

“No Onew! I need your opinion on something.”

“Oh…Why didn’t you say so?” He said with a light laugh.

“I was but you assumed there was a fire silly!” I teased.

“Just tell me what you wanted to say!”

“Well…” I start.”I’m looking for an outfit and I don’t know which one to pick. SO…”

“So…” He mumbles confused.

“What should I wear? I pretty pink blouse…or band t-shirt with a ruffled skirt?” I ask. I hear Onew sigh over the phone and chuckle.

“I honestly don’t know.” He says. I could imagine him with the same goofy smile planted on his face. The one I loved to see every day. I knew that I was going to miss that goofy smile more than anything.

“Gosh I should of asked Key!” I exclaimed. I hear him crack up.

“No Key’s getting ready for his meeting with Melissa’s parents. He’s really confident about it.” He says.

“Oh that’s good. He’s going to need it.” I sneer.”Anyways I’ll talk to you later Onew!”

“Bye. I-“ and I hung up. Sigh…Now back to picking an outfit! 

To Be Continued~


AHHHHHH SORRY GUYS! D: This is my first week back in school. But just bear with me because it's already Friday tomorrow.~

Oh and thank you to my new subscriber DSCZImInsane!~ *does little heart shape*

And thanks to all my subsribers that comment too! :D I really appreciate it!

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shinee3 #1
Loved it ur a grear writer!
cant wait 4 the sequel!!!<br />
cant wait for the sequel!! i wonder whats going to happen .. lol maybe ..<br />
<br />
-jonghyun and shin se kyung.<br />
<br />
OR<br />
<br />
- minho getting to close to other girls!<br />
<br />
can't wait !!!!!!!! <br />
oh no it endded :(
D: you ended it. <br />
loved it though!
HEY LOOK I SEE MY NAME ^O^ lol I'm late.
guatychick #7
WHAT!!!!!!!!! Next chapter is the last one. WHY? WHY?<br />
I hope there is a sequel<br />
Please make it
u better make a sequel!