Party Time!~ (part three)

A SHINee Love Story

Melissa POV.


I couldn’t take much of the music.  And all the guys are looking at me…idiots.  I still had my mask on so they couldn’t see my face….and the death glares that I’m sending each and every one of them. I ripped off my mask and sighed.

 I wish Key was here with me…  I walk onto the front porch and just stared at the darkness. It’s what I do when I’m deep in thought.  And this time…my thoughts were of Key.  It’s like everything I thought about was involved with Key somehow! 

Oh, look at that flower.  I bet Key would think it’s pretty.  Wow, look at all these decorations. Key would love them.  Oh, look at those creepy guys behind me…Wait, what the hell are they doing here?!

“Hey, babe.” One of them said.

“Hey, retard.” I replied with a grin. My usual reply to that.

“Oh, come on. Why so mean?” The other said coming closer to me with a smirk on his face. I knew this was going to end badly…



Key POV.


I wonder what would happen if I took off my mask…just for a second.  I took it off quickly and looked around me.  I sighed in relief. Hmmm…I guess nothing-

“Hey, look its SHINee’s Key!” one of them squealed. And by them… I mean it’s those stalker fan girls.

“Let’s get him!” another one yelled. Perfect… I ran as fast as I could and maneuvered around the crowds. The only place that didn’t have crazy fan girls was…the front porch! I put my mask back on and headed to the front porch. I heard someone talking so I stopped right there to listen.

“Don’t touch me.” Someone threatened. It sounded like Melissa…

“Oh, come on babe! We just want to have a little fun.” I peered through the door and saw two guys and…Melissa. I carefully took off my mask to get a better view.

“I said don’t touch me, you !” she snapped back at them.  They didn’t listen…instead they came closer. This was not good…

 One of them tried to touch her waist and she quickly stepped back and kicked him where the light doesn’t shine! Wow, never seen a girl with such reflexes! She looked…hot.  Creep #1 dropped to the ground in pain.  Wow, that must have hurt…

“Okay, fine.” The other one shrugged. He pinned her against the wall, and kissed her on the neck. I wave of jealousy quickly swept through me. He better not do that again…

“Now, listen. Either we do this the easy way…or the hard way.” He kissed her jaw line.

“Go…to…HELL!” she tried to squirm free from his grip. He smiled evilly and laughed.

“Oh, I love a girl who plays hard to get!” he said kissing her cheek…so close to her lips. I can’t let this happen!  No one can do that to my girl and get away with it! I didn’t think it through; I just walked up to the creep and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Excuse me, but I think you should let go of her.”  I say confidently. They both turned their heads to my direction.

“Get lost. Can’t you see I’m busy here?” Melissa shook her head and whispered for me to run.

I shrugged and said “Okay, I didn’t want to do this.”

“Dude, what are you-“ I punched him hard in the face…well it wasn’t just once. I kept punching him and punching him…I was so angry! He finally collapsed on the floor…bleeding…and Melissa took my wrist and restrained me.

“It’s okay…I’m okay.” She said in a low, calming voice.  I hesitantly stopped and looked at her. Her eyes were watering a little and I sighed. She looked down at my bleeding knuckles…A tear rolling down her cheek.

“I suggest that you two leave.” I growled at them. They both struggled to get up and ran away into the darkness of the streets.

“Are you okay?” I ask her. She nods and gives me a weak smile.

“I’m just happy that you came in time to stop it.”  She tries to smile again.  I sigh loudly and rub the back of my neck. 

“Just be more careful, please. I just couldn’t live with myself if something bad happened to you.” Her smile faded a little as I said it.

“Are you saying that you care about me?”

“I’ve always cared about you.” She sighed and looked away.  If I don’t tell her how I feel now…I’ll never get another chance. I looked at her and saw her gazing up at the stars. 

“Melissa, can I tell you something?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Just promise me this won’t ruin what we have between us.” She shot me another confused look.

“And what do we have Key?” she sighed and shook her head. “I’m really not getting this.”

Her eyes turned bright green, which usually meant she was about to cry… Without thinking, I pulled her into a hug, which she returned with no hesitation.

“Thanks for being there for me, Key.” She whispered.

“I’ll always be there for you.” I whispered back. She pulled away but I still had her in my arms. I just stared at her green eyes…it seemed like they were pulling me closer to her.  I noticed that I was leaning closer to her and she did, too. She bit her lower lip nervously…her lips…I wonder what would it feel like… I didn’t doubt it.

 I quickly kissed her before I could chicken out.  She seemed surprised at first…not knowing what to do…but she kissed back slowly wrapping her arms around me.  I did the same and kissed with more passion. Her lips so soft…what am I thinking? Oh, who cares! I can think whatever I want…now that she’s mine.

  She pulled away suddenly with no warning…it left me wanting more.

“I’m sorry…” I mumbled embarrassed. “I shouldn’t have done that…It’s just that…” Dam…how do you explain to a girl that you just wanted to kiss her because she was so cute! Sigh…life is hard.

“No…don’t be.” She gasped for air.  “I just couldn’t breathe.”

I grinned and said “Does that mean I take your breath away?” She blushed as she punched my arm playfully.

“…No! It just means that you kissed me for too long…which means you-“ she poked my chest. “-can’t get enough of me.” She said with a smug smile.  Oh, she was right. I continued kissing her gently on the lips.

“Your…right.” I said between kisses. 

To Be Continued~


UGH! I am finalyl done with all the cheesy moments! (For now at least.) Now that I look back and reread what I wrote I kinda feel...embarrased? *blush*

Anyways thank you to my recent subscribers xXJitaCrazyXx and minwoo_key_fan1!!~ *does little heart shape* There might be more recent subscribers but I'm just not sure because well you guys don't...comment. xD But that's okay!! I love my silent readers too!!

So yup, comments and opinions are always accepted. ^^

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shinee3 #1
Loved it ur a grear writer!
cant wait 4 the sequel!!!<br />
cant wait for the sequel!! i wonder whats going to happen .. lol maybe ..<br />
<br />
-jonghyun and shin se kyung.<br />
<br />
OR<br />
<br />
- minho getting to close to other girls!<br />
<br />
can't wait !!!!!!!! <br />
oh no it endded :(
D: you ended it. <br />
loved it though!
HEY LOOK I SEE MY NAME ^O^ lol I'm late.
guatychick #7
WHAT!!!!!!!!! Next chapter is the last one. WHY? WHY?<br />
I hope there is a sequel<br />
Please make it
u better make a sequel!