
A SHINee Love Story

Melissa POV.


Okay I know it sounds wrong not to tell my dad about Key but I didn’t have another choice! If my dad finds out I have a famous Korean boyfriend he’ll go all Hispanic on him!  And no one wants that.

“Mom hurry up!” I scurry around the house and make sure it’s clean.

“Sweetheart the house is already spotless!” My mom laughs.”When is Keith coming?”

“It’s Key mom. And he said he would be here any minute.” I say looking at myself in the mirror. Oh gosh my hair is a disaster…I grab my brush and quickly try to brush my hair.

Ring ding dong Ring ding dong…” SHINee’s voice sang. Now where did I leave my phone! I groaned in frustration and looked through my whole room until finding it in my closet. Inside my shoe…okay weird. I flipped it open and answered with an exhausted hello.

“Hey Mel. Just wanted to say I’m already here at your front door.” Key said cheerfully. I smiled.

“Okay don’t come in yet. I’ll open the door for you.”

“Aw hurry up! I miss you.” He whined.

“Key really?”

“Yes so open the door! Love you.” He reminds me and hangs up. I sigh dreamily and smile to myself. He loves me…I glance at my reflection one more time and I finally look presentable. I skip down stairs and to the door. I breathe deeply, try to relax, hope for the best…and pray to god nothing goes wrong. I turn the knob slowly and in comes smiling Key.


“Hey Key.” I kiss him lightly on the lips turn around to see my mom. She looks him up and down and purses her lips.

“You must be Key. Come in, come in!” We all make our way to the living room and I sit down on our couch and Key follows by placing himself next to me carefully.

“So Key…I see you’re Asian.” My mom starts.

“MOM!” I almost yell at her. I’m scared that Key might get offended by her comments since she never pays attention to what she says. Instead he laughs and seems nonchalant. Huh…nonchalant? New word.

“Yes m’am. I’m Korean.” He responds happily.”Born and raised.”

“Well, never expected that…” she says.”But as long as you make my daughter happy I’m okay.” Key’s lips formed another smile.

“Don’t worry. Your daughter is in good hands.” He holds my hand in his, making sure that there’s nothing to fear.

“So Key, do you have a job or anything? Or studying?” she continues. Key clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck nervously.

“Um…I work in the music business.”

“Oh really?” My mom questions. Ugh Mom…

“…Key is a singer.” I say looking down at my shoes.”…He’s in a Korean boy band.” Her eyes widen and forms an “O”.

“SHINee.” Key chimes in. My mom gives me one of her “disappointed” looks which means I’m going to regret something. And that something would probably be my relationship with Key…

“…I just hope this is the right choose for you Melissa.” She says sadly.

“Of course it is!” I snap at her.”Key means a lot to me.” He squeezed my hand to reassure that its fine. My mom sighs and turns her attention to Key.

“So do you know anything?” I shot her an intense death glare. Hopefully, he would know what to say. I look up at him and see him grinning victoriously. I guess Key has the perfect answer to her question…

“Yes m’am. I can cook and clean.” He gushes.

“Wow!” my mother beams at him.”That’s very impressive!”  Thank you so much Key! Now I know why they call him Almighty! I look at him with admiring eyes and he just flashes one of his diva smiles. I swear I will love every one of those smiles forever.

“I like him! He’s very nice…And he COOKS!” my mom says nodding eagerly. Key and I both let out a sigh of relief until we heard a loud knock.  My mom gasped and I felt myself getting pale like in any horror movie…It’s my dad.


Key POV.


Her mom gasped and I felt Meli tense up beside me as someone knocked at the door…LOUDLY. 

“Um…If you want I could-“

“NO!” They both said in unison. Melissa clears and tries to think of what to say.

“I guess…I should answer the door. Sorry Key…but I didn’t tell my dad I had a boyfriend because-“

“…Oops…” her mom whispers. We both look at her with wide eyes. Oh…this isn’t good…

“You told him?!” she whispers/screams.

“I thought you already did!” Her mom breathes deeply and stands up.”I’ll go get it.” She walks slowly to the door. Melissa opens to speak but I quickly cover it by kissing her. She kisses back…but with sadness…she breaks away fast and I place my arm around her.

“Everything will be fine.” I whisper softly.

“You don’t know my dad Key…I would be so depressed if he made me break up with you. I just don’t know…“ her eyes turned bright green and a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Shh…it’s okay…” I cradle her in my arms.”I won’t let that happen…I promise.”

“…Pinky p-promise?” she sniffles holding up her pinky. I smile at her and wrap my pinky around hers.

“I pinky promise.” I kiss her cheek one last time as her mom reenters the room with a muscular man by her side…I’m guessing that’s her dad. He looked me in the eye and saw the position I was in…One arm around Melissa’s shoulder and the other holding her hand.  He narrowed his eyes at us.

“Um…Hello sir. It’s nice to meet you.” I say standing up and put my hand out to shake hands with him. He didn’t…

“Ahuh…” He says sitting down next to Melissa’s mom. I rub the back of my neck nervously and sit down again. “What’s your real name boy?”

“Kim Kibum.”  I say confidently. I knew this was going to be one heck of an introduction.

“So…they say you’re in a…Korean band?” He says awkwardly.

“Yes, our manager let us have two months for vacation.” I reply.

“And how do you expect to visit her?” He snaps back at me.

“Well…I’ll try to call her every single day. And try to convince our manager of as many tours possible.” I run my fingers through my hair. He raises his eyebrow at me. What is this…an interview or something?!

“Well…This isn’t going to work.” He crosses his arms.”Melissa…what do you think?”


“Are you going to do as I say and stop this…”relationship”?” Melissa has open…but no words come out. I tried to stay calm and collected but on the inside every part of me yelled NO. Please don’t break up with me!

“I…No I won’t.” she says…her eyes fixed on her father. He opens his eyes in shock.

“What did you say?” he growls.

“I’m not going to break up with Key just because of you.” She says looking down at her hands.”I…love him.” I smile quickly grew on my face.  She loves me…

“Hmph! How can you say that?!” He says through gritted teeth.

“Please sir! I don’t want to disrespect you or anything but please understand. I love your daughter and she loves me back! Please let us be together…” I pleaded. Melissa’s mom looked at me then back to her dad with a desperate expression on her face. His cold eyes softened…but only a little.

“Sigh…well…okay. Who am I to put an end to young love…” he chuckles. Melissa smiled and ran to her father.

“Thank you so much dad!” she says hugging him. He chuckles again and hugs her back.

“Just be careful.” He says

“Thank you for giving me a chance sir.” I say reaching out my hand to shake his. He looks at my hand…and gave me a warm smile. He shook my hand firmly and patted my shoulder.

“Take good care of my daughter.” I gave him a stern nod and smile.

“Well I think you guys can go out and celebrate now.” Her mom says with a wink.

“That’s a good idea.”  He said.”Where should we go?”

“I meant Key and Melissa.” Her mom frowned and pulled him away. Melissa laughed and hugged them both goodbye.

“Bye Mom! Bye Dad!” She waves them goodbye as we leave. Once we’re outside she hugs me tightly.

“What was that for?” I say laughing. Honestly, I had no problem with her hugging me. I just wanted to know why.

“For being so awesome! You stood up to my dad.” She kissed my cheek and it burned from blushing.”I love you Key.” She buries her face into my neck. I grin and hug her back.

“Well in that case…I could do this.” I whisper, pull her closer to me, and carry her bridal style like I did when she fell asleep and spin her around.

“KEY!” she yells between laughter.

“She loves me! She loves me!” I sang over and over. This all felt like a dream to me. I feel so happy. I know I should be…happy about feeling happy but I just felt like I would soon wake up and realize that everything I’ve experienced this last two months wasn’t real.

“Key put me down!” Melissa’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at her for a minute and smiled.

“Fine…” I say putting her down.”So where do you want to go to celebrate?” I asked her.

“Why don’t we call the others to see if they want to go somewhere?”

“Yeah okay, I’ll call Minho.” I say pulling out my phone.

“Why Minho?”

“What do you have something against the Charisma?” I ask, a hint of laughter in my voice. She chuckled softly and shook her head.

“No…well actually I’m still stuck on the twin thing…” she mumbles.”But no.”

“Okay then.” I smile and suddenly kiss her. She seems surprised but kisses back happily. I’m so happy! Because I was so hyper, I kissed her passionately which left her gasping for breath. I knew I should of let her breathe…but it was hard to control myself.

“Call…” Kiss.”…Minho.” Kiss. I smile against her lips and rest my forehead on hers.

“No…now it doesn’t seem like such a good idea.” I smirk. She rolls her eyes and kisses my nose before pulling away.

“Call him. He must be done meeting with Elba’s parents by now.” She says looking at me with her bright eyes.

“Fine.” I sigh and dial his number. The phone rang about four times until he finally picked up.

“Hello?” Minho’s deep voice answers.

“Hey. What are you doing now?”

“Um…Well Elba and me were going to get some ice-cream.” He responds.

“Great! Can we come? I’m already done meeting Melissa’s parents so-“

“Sure you can come. “ Minho cuts me off impatiently.”Onew, Jonghyung, and Taemin all called asking me the same thing…so I’ll see you there.” He hangs up. Um…okay someone’s obviously not in a good mood…


Minho POV.



I hung up on Key fast and turned my attention back to Elba.

“Now…where were we?” I asked with a kind smile. Elba pretended to think it over.

“UM…I think we were at where you said you wanted to show me something then Key called…Why was he calling anyway?”

“He wanted to know what I was doing.” I muttered.”And that he was done with meeting Melissa’s parents.”

“Oh okay.” She smiled.”So what did you want to show me?”

“Well…” I shoved my hand into my pocket and searched around to find it. Yep…still there.”I just wanted to ask you something…”

“Go ahead Minho.” She whispers softly. I smile my best smile and clear my throat. Oh charisma…don’t fail me now. 

To Be Continued~


Another cliff hanger!! :O

Sorry for not updating for like four days. :/ School gets me really tired. But TADA!~ Here you go!~

Oh and thanks to my new subsriber SimplyMichelle!~ *does little heart shape*

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shinee3 #1
Loved it ur a grear writer!
cant wait 4 the sequel!!!<br />
cant wait for the sequel!! i wonder whats going to happen .. lol maybe ..<br />
<br />
-jonghyun and shin se kyung.<br />
<br />
OR<br />
<br />
- minho getting to close to other girls!<br />
<br />
can't wait !!!!!!!! <br />
oh no it endded :(
D: you ended it. <br />
loved it though!
HEY LOOK I SEE MY NAME ^O^ lol I'm late.
guatychick #7
WHAT!!!!!!!!! Next chapter is the last one. WHY? WHY?<br />
I hope there is a sequel<br />
Please make it
u better make a sequel!