Dance lesson, star gazing, and accidental cofession?

A SHINee Love Story

Taemin POV.


“I can’t believe I’ll have to leave.” I groaned and started looking through songs on my laptop. Lily sighed and sat down on my bed.

“Can I hear Ring Ding Dong again?”

“Sure.” I smiled and clicked the song title.  The song instantly started and she stared at the screen.

 “You dance…awesome!” I laughed and beamed at her.

“You really think so, noona?” She nodded eagerly, not taking her eyes off the screen. I smiled brightly at her. “Do you want me to teach you some moves?” She looked at me with admiring eyes and nodded.

I walked to the center of the room and took a deep breath. 

“Okay…start the music!” She restarts the song and I get in position.  I’m kind of nervous…I’ve haven’t been practicing lately…the main chorus was coming up and I started dancing.

“Ring ding dong ring ding dong, ring ding ding ding ding ding!” I sang along as I swayed my hips to the right.  Surprisingly…I still remembered each step. I stopped and smiled at her.  Her brown eyes seemed to be sparkling at me.

“That was great!” she jumped up and hugged me. I laughed a little and hugged her back.

“Okay now it’s your turn.” I whisper in her ear.  She pulled away and glared at me.


“Why not?” I pout at her innocently.

“I’m never going to dance like you…” she said looking down at her feet. I hugged her again and kissed her cheek.

“You’ll do fine, noona.” I say and give her my most encouraging smile. “Here just…um…move your hips like this.” I say awkwardly and place my hands on her hips.  I feel her body tense up.  I’m not really good at being all cool around girls.  One slight touch would make me nervous too.

“…T-to the right?” she stutters slightly.

“Uhuh…” I nod in agreement. Her hips move smoothly to the right and my hands move with her. Our bodies aren’t really touching…just once in a while when her thigh touches me…I freeze.

“Um…Taemin?” she stops and places her hands on her hips to touch mine.


“Am…I doing good?” she asks shyly. I let a small smile slip on my face.

“Great. Just relax. Your body is so…tense.” I say, delicately running my hands along her waist and curves. This sent shivers up her spine…I could feel it.  I liked the feeling…wait why am I thinking like this?! I’m a maknae for god’s sake!

“Oh…okay I’ll try.” She nods. I smile and turn her body to face me. 

“That’s enough for today.” I hug her waist.  I don’t know why…but my heartbeat sped up as I did. She smiled and kissed my nose. I felt my stomach do a back flip. Sigh…is this what I think it is?


Key POV.


I led Melissa out the second exit through the kitchen since Minho and Elba were using the dining room.  Honestly…I can’t believe that we have to go back.  I just confessed my love to her…and now I leave.  Just my luck…

“…Key?  You okay?” Her voice filled with concern.  I sighed.

“Not really.  Can’t believe I’m leaving…we’re leaving I mean.”  At this point we’ve already walked into the back yard.  I lay down on the soft grass and she joins me.  She sighs deeply and gazes at the stars above.

“The stars are beautiful tonight.” She whispers.  I smile at her.  She always tries to change the subject.

“Yep…just like you.”

“Aw thanks.  You’re pretty beautiful yourself.”  She says turning to me.  I laugh nervously and feel my face burn.  She laughs too.”Is the Almighty Key…blushing?” I chuckle and look at her. 

“I’ve never blushed before.”  I say her cheek.  She blushes a deep red at the sudden contact of skin.  This makes me laugh even more.

“D-don’t do that!”

“Aw…is Melissa blushing?” I tease and poke her.  She blushes furiously and pushes me away playfully. I pull her towards me and place her head on my chest.  Yes I know…very sappy.  But what can I say?  I guess Jong’s right.  Maybe I am just a love sick puppy.

“I’ve never blushed either…until now.”  She sighs deeply.  I play with her hair and hum softly. I’m not sure what song…but it doesn’t matter.

“You know…the hyungs think I’ve changed.” I whisper in the darkness. 

“Key…don’t go saying random Korean words.  At least until I know what they mean.”  I laugh and keep playing with little strands of her hair.

“It means guys who are older.”   

“Oh okay.  Well…is different good?”

“Different is…simply awesome.” I let out a carefree laugh. She laughs softly and sighs.

“Good…” She places her ear against my chest and closes her eyes.”Your heart is beating faster now.” I laugh and shake my head.

“Yeah…That happens when I’m with you.”

“Oh interesting!” She exclaims. “Now let me see something…” She looks up at me and winks.  I swear…my heart was doing more flips than my stomach. She laughed and placed her ear on my heart.

“Wow…I didn’t think it would work.  I can make your heart race!” she teased. 

“It’s not nice to take advantage of deeply in love guys.” I poke her cheek.  She ignores me and begins to trace my lips with her index finger.  My heart is about to explode! She grins and leans in close enough for her to whisper.

“And it’s not nice poke your girlfriend but you do it anyways.” She kisses my cheek and goes back to listening to my heartbeat…which was probably going to burst any second now.




Leslie POV.


“Everyone’s looking depressed Onew.” I whisper. He sighs and sits down on the front porch steps.

“Yeah…But I had to tell them something.”  He whispers back sadly. I tried to sit down next to him. But since my clumsiness never fails…I ended up stumbling and finally tripping onto his lap. He chuckles and smirks at me.

“I could get used to this.” He gave the goofy smile of his and leaned in to kiss me. I giggled and kissed him sweetly. I could feel him smile as he pulled away.

“I’m going to miss you so much!” He said with a sad smile.

“Me too…but you have fans.”  I smile sheepishly.

“Yeah I guess…” He shrugs.”I’ll make sure to try to email you every day.”

“Not if you have to do something else, Onew.”

“What else would I be doing?” he asked. I rolled my eyes.

“Onew…you’re leader of a band…don’t you guys rehearse or something?”

“Oh YEAH!” he exclaimed laughing.”I actually forgot I was famous for a while.”

“Wow Onew.” I smiled. He pulled me into a hug and laughed.

“It’s just that…you make me feel normal.” He whispers. “…Saranghae.”


To Be Continued~


Cliff hanger!!~ :O

Anyways, thanks to my new subcribers shawol4lifeminnie and skysister!~ *does little heart shape*

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shinee3 #1
Loved it ur a grear writer!
cant wait 4 the sequel!!!<br />
cant wait for the sequel!! i wonder whats going to happen .. lol maybe ..<br />
<br />
-jonghyun and shin se kyung.<br />
<br />
OR<br />
<br />
- minho getting to close to other girls!<br />
<br />
can't wait !!!!!!!! <br />
oh no it endded :(
D: you ended it. <br />
loved it though!
HEY LOOK I SEE MY NAME ^O^ lol I'm late.
guatychick #7
WHAT!!!!!!!!! Next chapter is the last one. WHY? WHY?<br />
I hope there is a sequel<br />
Please make it
u better make a sequel!