Party Time!~ (part two)

A SHINee Love Story

Minho POV.


Halfway through the party I took off my mask. Yeah, I know. HUGE mistake. 

“Isn’t that SHINee’s Minho’s?” some girl whispered.

“Yeah! He’s so hot!” another one squealed.

“Wow…I didn’t know SHINee was in America!” another giggled.

Wow…Even in America, girls are after me! I didn’t think they would recognize me.  Do I stand out that much?

“Um, excuse me…” the girl who’s hosting this stupid 7 minutes in heaven game said to me. “Your choice is waiting for you in the garden…unless you want to ditch her for me.” She put her arms around me and winked. Ew…

“Um, no thanks.” I took her arms off me and headed out to the garden. The garden was decorated nicely…Lanterns and lights filled the trees and rose bushes. And sitting peacefully waiting on a bench nearby…was Elba. But she was…blindfolded?



Elba POV.


My color was red…I hope I didn’t get some .  But the worst part is that I couldn’t see who was with me.  The deal was that if I chose the garden…I had to be blindfolded.  So it could be the most romantic place ever…but I couldn’t see it!  Right now, I’m waiting on a bench.  Sigh… Wait, I feel someone coming closer to me…

“Hey.” Said the familiar deep voice that I love. Minho!

“M-minho? It’s you…right?” I asked shyly. He chuckled and I could almost imagine him nodding.

“Yeah. Just please…don’t take off the blindfold yet.” He pleaded.

“Um…ok.” I said. He took my hand and helped me stand up.

“Elba…do you still think that love stories…are overrated?” He asked in a hushed tone.

“Well…um…I don’t know…” my voice trailed on. He chuckled again and sighed.

“Um…Elba…can I try something?”       

“Sure.” I said confidently. I didn’t know what he was doing, but I really didn’t care. I heard rustling in nearby bushes and him run around and back to me.

“Okay…um…stay still.”  I could feel his face inching closer to me. I had the urge to get closer, too. But, I controlled it. “Don’t move.” His mint breath close to my face. He leaned closer and closer…until our lips finally met.

 How his lips fit perfectly with mine…felt like magic. His lips moved in harmony with mine.  I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed his on my waist, which deepened it. He gently pulled off the blindfold…But I didn’t open my eyes. As I started playing with his hair, I could feel him smile into the kiss. 

“Um, guys…TIMES UP!!!!” the host yelled at us to get out of the garden.  I tried to pull away but his lips lingered on mine. 

“Come on.” I giggled pulling away. I took his hand and he followed me inside to find the others.

“Oh, this is for you.” He gave me three beautiful white roses. I gasped and hugged him tightly. “I got them when you weren’t looking.” He added. I looked up at him with a confused expression.  He chuckled and pointed to the bushes…which had white roses.


Taemin POV.


I got tired of wearing a mask. So I just took it off and left to the dance floor where I was supposed to meet the girl I chose. A lot of people asked me to dance and do my “Replay” solo. I just nicely rejected and waited for her. As someone tapped me on the shoulder I sighed.

“I’m sorry but I’m not going to-“ I said but stopped immediately when I saw Lily staring at me. “Oh, Lily, sorry. I thought you were some other fan!”

“It’s okay.” She giggled. “Oh, did you pick the color blue by any chance?”

“Yeah…I’ve been waiting for some time now. I don’t think she’s coming.” I said sounding sad. She laughed and shook her head a little.  “What’s so funny?”

“Well…It’s just that…you’re my partner!” she said happily.

“Aw, you kept me waiting on purpose, didn’t you?” I laughed and she joined in with me.  “So, Lily?”

“So, Taemin?” And suddenly, a slow song came on.  Perfect timing, too.

“Would you like to dance?”  I held out my hand and she took it.  I put my hands on her waist and she puts hers around my neck carefully, like it’s been rehearsed. She placed her head on my shoulder, and I swear my heart skipped a beat. We both swayed side to side in rhythm with the slow beat of the music.

“Lily…I really like you.” I blurted out. Wait…what did I just say?! What was I thinking?! Huh…maybe I was caught in the moment.



Lily’s POV.


I was so happy when I found out that Taemin was my partner. And I was even more thrilled when he asked me to dance! He put his hands on my waist as I put wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt so comfortable…like it was meant to be.

 I automatically placed my head on his shoulder.  I could feel his body tense up, but then calm down again. We danced in silence and I was in my own little world. Oh…how I wish he would tell me-

“Lily…I really like you.” I hear him say. Wow…right on cue.

“R-really?” I whisper back, not moving my head. I could feel him nod silently. “I r-really like you too Taemin.” He smiled.


“Yeah?” I pulled away slightly to see his face. I could see shyness and fear.

“C-can… I kiss you?” He stuttered a bit.  I was…speechless!  I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. Instead, I smiled and nodded eagerly. He gave me a nervous smile in return. 

He tilted my chin and slowly kissed me.  I could tell he was nervous….maybe it was his first kiss.  It didn’t matter…because it was my first kiss, too. He pulled away, but we remained close. 

“Did…I do well?” He whispered in my ear. 

“Perfect.” I say with a smile. 

“Good…cause that was my first kiss.” He kissed me on the cheek lightly and I could feel my face burn. “And, you look so cute when you blush.” He added. I blushed even more and he laughed.

“So…does this mean…we are-“

“A couple?” he finished. “Well, we just kissed…I hope that we are.”  I placed my head on his shoulder again and smiled. 

To Be Continued~


Yes, I know what you're gonna say. "Ugh! That was so cheesy!"  Well I thought that the whole garden scene fit Minho very well!! 

Ever since I saw a couple episodes of that show SHINee was on (you know, the one where they date all the noonas? xD) and saw Minho on a date it just made  me so...fangirl-ish. :3 I was spazzing out on how romantic he was. xD He's so romantic that it seems unreal!!

So yeah...I just had to write this. ^^

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shinee3 #1
Loved it ur a grear writer!
cant wait 4 the sequel!!!<br />
cant wait for the sequel!! i wonder whats going to happen .. lol maybe ..<br />
<br />
-jonghyun and shin se kyung.<br />
<br />
OR<br />
<br />
- minho getting to close to other girls!<br />
<br />
can't wait !!!!!!!! <br />
oh no it endded :(
D: you ended it. <br />
loved it though!
HEY LOOK I SEE MY NAME ^O^ lol I'm late.
guatychick #7
WHAT!!!!!!!!! Next chapter is the last one. WHY? WHY?<br />
I hope there is a sequel<br />
Please make it
u better make a sequel!