Chapter 6

Let's Play A Love Game

"Thank you for walking me home, but I can walk from here." I bowed quickly as I looked at Taehyung. As I was about to leave Taehyung grabbed my arm and shook his head as he walked in front of me.

"I can't do that. I have to make sure you get home safely with my own eyes." I started to protest, but Taehyung held up his index finger and shook it. I sighed quietly and followed him as he lead me to my house. Why can't he get a hint? I don't want to be any closer to him. My chest feels so tight and suffocated right now. Did the medicine not wear out yet? I feel a bit light headed too.

"Taehyung? Hey guys it's Taehyung!" Taehyung and I both turned around at the same time to see Taehyung's friends approaching us. They smiled and waved as they approached their smiles faded. They looked at me and then at Taehyung. They suddenly all charged at him and Taehyung let go of my hand instantly. What's going on?

"What did you do to her!?" Hoseok grabbed Taehyung's shirt and pulled him closer. I watched both confused and surprised. The rest of his friends grabbed his arms and surrounded him.

"Crystal noona?" I looked at the person beside me and saw Jungkook smiling at me. "Noona you might want to step back. For your own safety." I stepped back and also did Jungkook as the others carried Taehyung off. I stared at them as they ran toward the basketball field.

"Come on noona." I looked at Jungkook who was already following the others. I slowly nodded and followed them to the basketball court. What exactly is going on? I'm so confused right now. Why didn't I just go home? I rubbed my forehead with my good hand and sighed. Did the other girls do this too? I should call Bomi and find out once I get home.

                                                                              •                          •                       •

I sat on a bench with Jungkook and Jimin as the older guys punished Taehyung. We were eating ice cream as we watched Taehyung run back and forth on the basketball court. Taehyung was slumping over as he reached the oppisite side and his pace was slowly decreasing. I looked over at Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon as they ordered him to do more.

"Shouldn't we stop them? Taehyung looks like he's in pretty bad shape." I looked over at Jimin and Jungkook who sat on the oppisite sides of me. They quitely ate their ice cream and continued to watch Taehyung run. Were they honestly not going to do anything? Maybe they were Taehyung's friend because they are all the same. Cruel. I sighed and ate my ice cream. What is wrong with the world nowadays?

"Don't worry noona. His punishment won't last long. It should be over soon." I looked over at Jungkook who continued to watch Taehyung and the others. Punishment? For what? Why were they punishing him for? Could it be for giving them the cold shoulder all day? Were they that cruel? I felt a shiver run down my spine. That's terrible.

"It might go on longer. Depending on the injury. Let's see..that girl came back asking we talk to Taehyung for her. Then there's the fact he got into trouble at school, because of a fight. They might give him a light punishment for disrespecting our hyungs. Did he skip class today? He also skipped practice. What else? Oh! There's your injury too. That about sums it all up." I looked at Jimin completely baffled. Taehyung did all that!? I didn't know his friends are the ones to punish him themselves. What did he mean by "depending on th injury"? Was he talkng about my inury? Why were they punishing him for that?

"Then we might be here for a while. Should we go buy drinks and snacks so they have something when they're done?" Jungkook stood up and stretched as he looked at both me and Jimin. I looked back at Taehyung who was now doing burpees. Jimin stood up also and stretched.

"Good idea maknae. I saw a store when we carried Taehyung here." Jungkook nodded and looked over at me. I focused on Taehyung and the others. Their relationship is truly weird. They worried about Taehyung at school, but outside of school they punished him. They're really strange.

"Noona, are you coming?" I looked at Jungkook as Jimin and him both looked at me.

"I'm fine. You both can go ahead. I'll wait here." Jungkook and Jimin both nodded and left the basketball field. I focused back on Taehyung who was now doing jumping jacks. When do they plan to stop? It's not like I could stop them. I looked at my hand and sighed. How long was I suppose to keep this on? Two weeks? I can't go two weeks without working we'll end up starving by then. At the same time I can't act recklessly if I do my hand won't heal and I won't be able to work. Can I work with one hand? I can work one handed at the bakery since Henry and his mom would let me do the easy work. The cafe, ice cream shop, and my night maid service can't be done one handed. Working one job won't be enough to pay the bills let alone feed two people. What do I do now?

"Noona?" I looked up and saw Jungkook with a bag filled with drinks. I looked behind him, but didn't see Jimin.

"Where's Jimin?" Jungkook sat down beside me and grabbed a drink from the bag.

"He was taking too long to get the snacks so I left without him. He should be here soon. Want a drink?" Jungkook offered me the soda he pulled out of the bag. I looked at the other guys who were making Taehyung do sit ups. I looked at the bag and then at Jungkook.

"I'm fine for now. Do you mind if I take the drinks to everyone else?" I looked at Jungkook who seemed surprised of me asking. He stared at the bag and lifted it slowly as if weighing the bag.

"Are you sure? I can take it to them." I smiled at him and nodded. Jungkook looked at the bad as if debating whether or not to give it to me.

"I'm sure. I don't want to be useless like this." Jungkook looked at me almost like he was sympathic towards me. He looked at the bag again and handed it to me. I looked at him as he smiled at me and smiled back.

"Thank you." I took the bag with my left hand and got up. Jungkook opened the soda in his hand and nodded to himself. I walked toward the other guys and took a deep breath. I slowly pulled the bag up and carried it with my good arm. Ok, Crystal let's see how good you are with one hand. I took a soda out with my right hand and walked over to Namjoon.

"If you keep yelling at him like that without drinking something you'll end up mute pretty soon. Here." They all turned and looked at me surprised. The all rushed to my side even Taehyung.

"Crystal! You shouldn't be carrying that! You're hand!" Taehyung reached for the bag and I backed away. He stared at me with his hand extended toward me. Everyone else looked at me too surprised. I looked at them and tried to smile.

"All of you are making me into a useless person. I don't need to be babied like this. I can at least do this, can't I?" I looked at the guys as they avoided looking into my eyes. Taehyung let his arm drop to his side as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Aish!" Taehyung turned around and started running back and forth on the basketball field. I watched him as he ran and then looked at Seokjin since he was the oldest.

"What's wrong with him?" Seokjin looked at me and smiled. Baffled by how handsome he looked I focused my attention on Taehyung again. Then I felt the soda in my right hand dissappear from my grasp. As I looked up I saw Namjoon taking the soda away from me.

"Thanks Crystal." He smiled which also caught me by surprise seeing how cute he looked. I looked away and the others approached me as they took the soda from my hands. I looked at them as they began drinking and then stared at the two remaining sodas in my hands. Suddenly a hand from behind me came down and took one of the sodas away from my hand. I turned around to see Jimin smiling at me as he opened his soda.

"Thanks Crystal." I nodded avoiding eye contact with him. I've never seen them smile at anyone before. Wow! Their smiles are so charming. Wait! What am I saying? I shook my head and looked at Taehyung again before looking at Namjoon.

"Don't you think this is going a little overboard?" Namjoon and the others looked at me with blank expressions. Jimin who is normally on Taehyung's side said nothing and watched as he kept running.

"I agree with noona. Isn't his punishment over?" I turned to see Jungkook approaching us. That's weird to hear even if it's from Jungkook, but I'm glad to have somone on my side. This is just too cruel even if Taehyung deserves it it's still too cruel especially for five almost six hours straight. Yoongi shook his head and looked at me.

"His punishment from us was over three hours ago. No matter what he does we always punish him for 2 hours straight no longer than that. He asked we stay by his side while he does more. He said his punishment isn't over. That as long as your hand doesn't heal he'll push himself everyday until he can't do anymore to feel your pain even if it's soreness and not your actual pain. He said he can't forgive himself for letting you hurt yourself like that." I looked at Yoongi as everyone else except for Jungkook nodding. Everyone knew this? They knew this and didn't say anything? Why does he even care? He's done far worse. Instead of feeling touched by Taehyung's action I ended up feeling more angry towards him.

"Instead of feeling my pain he should feel the pain of all the other girls he's hurt because of his stupid game." I held onto the soda can tightly and tried to calm myself down.

"He does. Everyday since the day he was born. He felt the pain of not being loved by the person you love the most. He's felt the pain of being ignored by the person you love the most. He's felt the pain of seeing that person love someone else who isn't you. He knows the pain that no matter how hard he tries he can't move on or forget that person. He knows the pain of being used. He knows that pain all too well." I looked at Seokjin and saw as the others looked down at the floor. What was that suppose to mean? I don't understand.

I watched as Taehyung fell to the floor and I ran toward him. Taehyung laid on the floor breathing heavily and facing the night starry sky. I got on my knees beside him and watched as his sweat fell down onto his neck. I sighed as I remembered Seokjin's words, "He does. Everyday since the day he was born. He felt the pain of not being loved by the person you love the most. He's felt the pain of being ignored by the person you love the most. He's felt the pain of seeing that person love someone else who isn't you. He knows the pain that no matter how hard he tries he can't move on or forget that person. He knows the pain of being used. He knows that pain all too well." I shook those thoughts away and handed Taehyung the soda.

"You're such an idiot. Here." Taehyung turned his face and looked at me. He smiled at me and took the soda. I watched him as he tried to sit up. He struggled to remain up and his hand shook as he held onto the soda. Worried about him I scooted closer to him and took the soda from him. Taehyung looked at me as I opened the can. I looked at him and feeling embarressed I avoided eye contact.

"If I give it to you now you'll end up dropping it, so I'll give it to you." I looked at Taehyung who smiled at me and I looked away. What was I doing? Why can't I be cruel for once and let him be? I looked at Taehyung and slowly held the soda for his as he drinked. He took a couple of sips and I watched him carefully.

"Do you want me to take it away now?" I looked at Taehyung who shook his head and I looked at him surprised. "One shot?" I asked him as he nodded slowly and continued taking big gulps. Well that's understandable. He did push himself for 6 hours straight. I noticed the can getting lighter and lighter until it was finally empty. I took the can from his lips as he smiled at me sweetly. Taehyung is so handsome when he smiles like that. If he spent more time smiling like that rather than playing with girl's emotion maybe I'd come to- Wait what am I saying? Get yourself together Crystal! I shook my head and stood up. This is so embarressing! If my mom saw me now- My mom! I didn't call her to let her know! She must be so worried about me!

"I have to go!" I dropped the can and ran toward the streets. How could I have forgotten to tell my mom where I was! Idiot! She must be out in the streets looking for you with Kimmy!

"Wait Crystal! What's the rush!?" I ignored Taehyung and his friends shouts. I kept running and I heard their footsteps following me. My house is pretty far from here. There's a bus, but to catch that bus is impossible. I can catch a taxi! I should have enough money in my bag- My bag! I must have left it in the basketball field beside Taehyung and his friend's bookbags. Great! Ok looks like I'm running. I ran through the empty streets of the city. Hardly no one is still out at these hours. Wait I don't hear there footsteps anymore. It doesn't matter. I need to get home. Then suddenly I hear a honk and I stop to see a nice black sports car parking beside me. The car was shining clean and the windows were tanted black. I stared at the car as the driver rolled down the window and I saw Taehyung staring back at me.

"Get in." I stood there staring at him. Taehyung drove? Come to think of it I don't think I've ever seen Taehyung walk to school. Did he always drive? That looks like an expensive car though. Could he be rich or something?

"Aren't you getting in? I thought you were in a rush to get somewhere. Get in I'll take you there. It's faster." I looked at Taehyung again and nodded slowly. I got in and just when I was about to ask about his friends they all popped their heads and looked at me. Startled I jumped a little and looked at them before facing the front.

"Where to?" I looked at Taehyung who put the car in drive and already started driving down the road.

"My house." Taehyung took a quick glance at me and then faced the road again while nodding. I put on the seat belt and we drove to my house in silence besides the constant whinning of Taehyung's friends.



Dear Readers,

I'm sorry for the long wait. I have returned from my trip so I'll de updating more. Hope you enjoy this chapter and please anticipate the next one.

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Chapter 1 updated | 13.11.1


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Vtae84 #1
Chapter 43: Im waiting for the update for so long..and today at last..hehe..yeay..authornim..hope u can update soon..
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim i'am really happy that you updated again... I've read this story a long time ago and I'm really inlove with it so I hop you can updat more :) :) good luck authornim <3 <3
yeyeyee #3
Chapter 39: I'm still waiting for u author-nim ❤
Chapter 38: I hope tae and crystal get back together jebal
whxliien52 #6
gcbgirl #7
Chapter 37: Update soon
yeyeyee #8
Chapter 37: The story is just so perfect author-nimmmm ❤ it gets more and more interesting by the chapters
Anw, adding Jihyun is no problem author-nim, and doesn't make any confussions ^~^
gcbgirl #9
Chapter 36: Update soon
yeyeyee #10
Chapter 18: Omg! U made me laugh hard as the way Jimin tried to imply those words to Taehyung (*゚⚙͠ ∀ ⚙͠)ノ❣ hahaha