Chapter 30

Let's Play A Love Game

I woke up and opened my eyes slowly. Not knowing where I was I blinked a few times and looked around me. The hospital hallway. Suddenly my memories came flashing back to me and I sighed deeply. I rubbed my face with both my hands and ran them through my hair. I leaned my head back against the door and sighed once again. I turned my head slightly to the left. 

"Crystal. I know the news shocked you. It shocked me too. You may not believe me, but I found everything out today. While I went to pay my respects for my friend and first love, Min I noticed her picture in another memorial. When I looked at the picture it was two families in a picnic. That's when I saw your father's face and then your mother's face. Right then I knew that the Min I grew up with and loved was you, Crystal. The Min I thought was dead over 12 years ago was actually alive. I didn't know how to cope with it. The girl I loved in my past was the same girl I love now. The girl whose name I never knew besides Min, turned out to be the Minji I love now. I always asked myself why was I able to fall for you in such a short amount of time when I wasn't able to do the same with other girls. Now I know. The Min I knew from my past still showed up every now and then when I was with you. The tough Min when she was with her friends. The loving Min when she was near her family. The vulnerable Min when she was pushed on the floor. The Min I was never able to forget and for that very same reason I was never able to love any other girl that appeared before me again. I was happy to know that you were alive, but when Jimin said you went missing I was scared. I was scared that I'd lose you again. I was scared someone would've hurt you. I was scared you'd be in pain. I was scared that the nightmare I lived in for the past 12 years would've been true. I didn't want to lose you, Crystal. I still don't want to lose you." I paused to hear if she made any reaction, but her room was silent. I sighed deeply before finishing. "Because I love you, Crystal." I said as I put my head down. I sat there for a while longer before I saw footsteps before me. I looked up and saw Jimin with a weary smile. 

"Would you like something to drink?" He asked me and I stared at him for a while before nodding. 

   •                                                                                  •                                                                          

I sat in the waiting room next to Jimin with a cup of coffee in our hands. We didn't say anything for a while as I stared at my dark cup of coffee. 

"When situations like these happen it's best to stay away as soon as it happens." He said as I looked at him surprised. Jimin sipped onto his coffee and I continued to stare at him. Jimin looked at me from the corner of his eye and set his cup of coffee down. "A couple in a fight should not be near each other." He restated more precisely. I sighed at Jimin's comment. He obviously didn't know anything. 

"Do you remember Min, the girl who died over 12 years ago?" I asked. I had to tell Jimin since Min was also a precious friend to him. Jimin looked at me and sighed deeply.

"Tae. I already told you to stop mentioning Min in times like these. Is that why you guys faught? Because you mentioned Min to her?" Jimin looked at me horrified. "Did you tell her that Min was your first and only love?" Jimin set his cup down and stood. He ran his hands through his hair. "I can't help you if you did that." He began pacing around as I watched him overreact. "Why would you do that?" he suddenly asked which caught me by surprise. I looked at him and frowned slightly. 

"Min's not dead, Jimin." I said and Jimin stopped pacing around. He looked at me surprised. 

"What do you mean Min's not dead?" He asked and I took a deep breath. Explaining all of this to him was going to be too much, but he had to know. 

"When I went to say my last goodbye to Min I saw another memorial with Min in it. Except in this picture was two families. A man was holding onto Min and that man is Crystal's father." i said as I paused hoping Jimin would catch on. Jimin's eyes widened as he took a step back. 

"Crystal .... Crystal ..." I nodded thinking he was thinking the same thing as me. "Crystal's dad had another family!" He blurted out and I nodded. I instantly stopped when I realized what he said. I sighed and shook my head. 

"Crystal's mother was there too, idiot." I said and Jimin's expression softened. Then his eyes widened and I nodded thinking he finally understood what I meant. 

"Crystal has an older sister!" He blurted out again and I face palmed myself. I sighed deeply and shook my head. 

"Crystal is Min!" I said and Jimin stumbled backwards. He sat back down and he zoned out for a while. Then he looked back at me and frowned slightly.

"How?" He asked and I knew I had to explain in more detail. I had to explain to him starting from the beginning. 

"Crystal's korean name is Lee Minji. Now that I think about it, Min told me her real name but I guess I only hear her say her name was Min. Crystal's father died the same day as Min's father died. Before Crystal's father died he must've made up the story to protect them knowing what would've happened. When Min's father lost his job they moved, but they must've moved to protect the family. I think my father found where they were living and he moved his family back to Seoul in secret while he stayed behind. Then he died. When Crystal went missing a part of me told me she was held hostage from someone hired by my father. So I went to confront them at my house where that woman told me everything. I had already known, but she wasn't telling me for my benefit, Growing up in that house was a nightmare, but one person was always there for me. A maid. They hired a maid who was about my age to work for us. She worked for us for a long time, but I never got to speak to her. It was against the rules. It's funny though because she knew all my favorite dishes. The ones my mother used to make for me that no one knew about except for Min. Whenever I was sick she made me stew. Whenever I was upset or angry she knew which dishes to make. Thanks to her I was able to live through most of my tough times. That maid was in the room that day and that lady was saying those things for her to hear." I paused trying to calm down as Jimin looked at me and frowned.

"Why would she say that for the maid to hear?" Jimin asked confused by what I was telling him. 

"Because the maid I grew up with was Crystal. They hired her to keep her close." Jimin frowned more deeply as he looked at me.

"If they wanted to keep her close. Why did she tell Crystal all that? Now that she knows everything she's going to stay away from your family," I sighed and thought about it for a minute and I knew instantly why.

"Because she knows that in the end Crystal will need something and will look for her again. Her real mission was to hurt us both because she knew Crystal would stay away from me at all costs." I said as I sighed. Jimin pat my shoulder and we sat there for a while longer.

"Tae, let's go home. You being here will only hurt her more. We'll come back and try again later, but for now you both need time." I looked at Jimin and nodded. Despite never having a girl friend before Jimin was really wise when it came to things like these. We both stood up and walked to Jimin's house.

   •                                                                                  •                                                                          

I sat up on my bed and tried hard not to sob too loudly. Hearing Taehyung say all those things made my heart ache too much. I found myself crying uncontrollably and loudly. Then everything came back to me. Every memory before my father's death came back in an instant.

My father and mother were happily talking in the living room while I was watching tv. We had finished coming from a walk exploring the new city we lived in. After my father got fired from his job we moved to this new city. I was upset about leaving my friends Chim, Henry and Hyung, but I really liked the new city.

"Crystal." My father called out to me. I looked at him as he smiled at me. "Come sit with appa." I had barely noticied my mother had left to go to the kitchen. I sat next to my father happily as he wrapped his arms around me. "Do you like it here?" He asked me. I hesitated a little before responding.

"I really like it here." I said as I smiled at my father. My father smiled at me and chuckled a little.

"But you miss your friends, right?" He asked and I looked down. It was true I missed my friends, but I didn't want my parents to feel burdened by it. My father laughed and hugged me tightly. "Do you want to know a secret trick on how to see them again?" He asked me and I looked up at him.

"How?" I asked. My father smiled and leaned close to me.

"Get into trouble." He said and I frowned slightly. My father laughed more and I stared at him confused.

"What do you mean appa?" I asked confused by his comment. My father's smile faded a bit as he looked at me.

"As soon as you get into trouble they'll come to your rescue. That's what guys do. They save princesses like you who are in trouble." He said as he poked my nose. I scrunched my nose and we both laughed.

"Appa?" I asked in a serious tone. My father looked at me with a smile. "Do you think I'll ever see Henry, Chim and Hyung again?" My father's expression became serious as he sighed deeply.

"If they'll protect you then I hope so, but if they cause you harm then I hope you don't." He said and I looked at him.

"What do you mean appa?" I asked confused once again. My father looked at my with a smile and shook his head.

"Are you cheating on me with my own daughter?" We both turned around to see my mother with a smile on her face. My father automatically became defensive as we played along to her joke.

"Eomma, Appa loves me now!" I said playing along as I held onto father.

"Oh really?" My mother asked as she eyed my father. "We'll see about that." My mother started tickling me and also did my father. I laughed as I was unable to escape until we all sat on the couch tired from laughing. My father put his arm around us as we all smiled.

"I love you both." He said to us and I pushed his arm off. My parents looked at me surprised.

"Appa, you can't say that." I said. My parents faced each other confused and looked back at me.

"Why?" They both asked in unison. I smiled and touched my mother's forming stomach.

"Because my baby sister will be upset." I said and they both smiled.

"You're right. I love all three of my ladies." My father said with a smile. He kissed my mother's forehead and mine too. Then he kissed my mother's stomach.

I began to cry more. That's why we moved. Hyung was Taehyung and Chim was Jimin. That's why my father didn't want me to meet them in the future. But I let him down. I cried uncontrollably again. I found it hard to breath as my chest felt so suffocated.


Hello readers~

I'm back with a new update for all of you. I'm sorry I haven't been so active these days. Sadly, my grandmother is once again ill and all though it's not as serious as last time it stills causes a shock to my whole family. I've tried to update as much as possible. She's to be discharged soon so I hope I can update more for all of you. I love reading each and everyone of your comments. They truly do bring me such joy and comfort. Please continue to support LPLG as I will try my best to update more. Thank you to the reader who wished me a happy weekend it truly brightened my day and to those who call me author-nim, writer-nim etc. Reading such comments truly put a smile on my face. Thank you once again my fantastic readers~

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Chapter 1 updated | 13.11.1


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Vtae84 #1
Chapter 43: Im waiting for the update for so long..and today at last..hehe..yeay..authornim..hope u can update soon..
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim i'am really happy that you updated again... I've read this story a long time ago and I'm really inlove with it so I hop you can updat more :) :) good luck authornim <3 <3
yeyeyee #3
Chapter 39: I'm still waiting for u author-nim ❤
Chapter 38: I hope tae and crystal get back together jebal
whxliien52 #6
gcbgirl #7
Chapter 37: Update soon
yeyeyee #8
Chapter 37: The story is just so perfect author-nimmmm ❤ it gets more and more interesting by the chapters
Anw, adding Jihyun is no problem author-nim, and doesn't make any confussions ^~^
gcbgirl #9
Chapter 36: Update soon
yeyeyee #10
Chapter 18: Omg! U made me laugh hard as the way Jimin tried to imply those words to Taehyung (*゚⚙͠ ∀ ⚙͠)ノ❣ hahaha