Chapter 5

Let's Play A Love Game

I was walking back to class with an empty stomach. I groaned and rubbed my stomach sadly. If I hadn't stopped the fight I would have been able to eat something. I looked at my dangling hand and sighed. A sprain maybe. I doubt I broke it or could it be a fracture? I shook away these thoughts as I opened the door to my classroom with my left hand. As soon as I opened the door Henry stood there about to leave.

"Crystal!" I smiled at Henry who seemed to be worried. I walked into the classroom trying my best not to make my right hand look awkward.

"What's the rush Henry?" I sat down on my seat and looked at Henry.

"Why weren't you at lunch?" My smile faded and I slowly placed my right hand on my desk. How am I suppose to answer that? I can't lie to Henry, but I also can't tell him what really happened. If I tell him what happened he'll only get more upset, but if I don't tell him he'll get even more upset too. What do I do?

"Crystal?" Henry reached for my right hand and I automatically flinched in pain. So much for keeping a low cover. I slowly pulled my hand toward me as it flopped in my left hand.

"I think I sprained my hand." I weakly smiled as I looked at Henry.

"We need to take you to the clinic." I started to refuse when Henry grabbed my arm gently and lead me to the door. He opened the door and we walked to the clinic together. He took his hand away from my arm and placed his hands on my shoulders. I felt a bit uncomfortable and my vision was getting blurry. We stood outside of the clinic and I faced a blurry Henry.

"I can go alone from here. You better hurry so the teacher doesn't give you any hard time." I couldn't even see Henry's face anymore. My head was getting dizzy and I wasn't sure how long I'd last before I passed out.

"Ok. I'll come back to see you." I could only nod slowly as Henry left go of me. He turned around and started walking away. Oh no I can't support myself. I slowly turned around and my breath sped rapidly. I wobbled to the door and put the remainder of my energy onto opening the door. As I opened the door I saw a blurry fiquare. Yes the nurse is here. The figuare slowly disappeared from my vision as I out. The last thing I remembered was someone catching me.

                                                                              •                          •                       •

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times to adjust my eyes. As my eyes came into focus all I saw was a white tiled celing and a bright light. Where am I? My head ached and I slowly got up. What happened? Why am I in the bed? I looked to side and saw a body hunched over sleeping. I stared at the person with blond hair. I lifted my right hand to shake the person when I realized that it was bandaged. I stared at my hand and then at the person. Then the nurse came in.

"Oh! You're awake? How does your hand feel?" I stared at my hand again and then looked at the nurse. I had a million of questions to ask her. Who was this person? Why was I in the bed? Who bandaged my hand? How did they know about my hand?

"It feels better thank you." I smiled at the nurse who returned the smile and walked over to check my hand. She looked over at the person sleeping and smiled.

"It seems your boyfriend is still asleep." I looked at the nurse surprised. BOYFRIEND?! Don't tell me this person is Taehyung! What was he doing here?! More importantly why was he sleeping beside my bed?!

"He's a caring boyfriend. He came in because of some injuries and just as I was about to cure him you came in. You fainted as soon as you came in and he caught you. He told me to treat you first and I did. At first we just laid you down on the bed thinking you were weak from not eating lunch, but then your boyfriend noticed your right hand dangling weirdly by your side. It seems you have a minor fracture in your hand, but if you keep it bandaged and in this arm rest for at least two weeks you'll be fine. I strongly advise you not to do anything that forces your hand too much. I already told your boyfriend this and he promised to watch over you. I was going to treat him after treating you, but he said to focus on you in case you get worse. He said he was fine as long as you were fine." I looked at Taehyung who was still sleeping peacefully by my side. The nurse took an arm rest and helped me place it on. The nurse left for an emergency.

"School's almost over. Just stay here until school ends. It would help both of you get more rest." The nurse left leaving Taehyung and me alone in the clinic. I sat up and looked at Taehyung. Is it possible that Taehyung was actually worried? It's strange. What's going on with him lately? He acts all high and mighty and now he's caring? Was this another trap? I looked at my hand and stared at it. Or is this the real Taehyung? I didn't noticed when Taehyung got up until he spoke.

"Is your hand ok?" I looked up surprised and saw a sleepy Taehyung. I stared at him for a while before I finally nodded. I looked at my hand again. I know I'm suppose to thank him, but it's kind of awkward. Knowing him he'll end up saying "What you're not going to thank your boyfriend?" He seriously does annoy me when he does that.

"What's wrong? Does it still hurt?" Taehyung sat on the bed beside me and looked at my arm. I looked at him surprised. Wait he's not saying it? Is he geniuely worried about me? No that can't be remember what he said last time he's only playing the role of a caring "boyfriend". He's not geniuely worried about me.

"No, I'm fine." I slowly pulled my hand away and looked at it. As long as it's a minor fracture it's fine. I looked up and saw Taehyung staring at me. I looked away and avoided eye contact with him. That's right I still have to thank him.

"How did you fracture your hand?" I bite my lower lip and avoided him. I couldn't really tell him I fractured my hand punching and slapping SongJung in the face. I was the one who stopped him when he tried to punch SongJung. Maybe I shouldn't tell him at all.

"When you stopped me in the fight your hand was fine. You came into the clinic before class started so between the time I left the fight and the one you entered the door what happened Crystal?"

I looked at Taehyung and then looked at my hand. Ok this is a bit uncomfortable. I've never actually heard Taehung sound so worried before. I know it's all an act, but it still catches me off guard. I took several deep breaths and looked at Taehyung.

"I fell and I might have fractured my hand." As soon as I was done talking Taehyung stood up and looked at me frustrated. He paced the room back and forth until finally stopping in front of me.

"Ok let's say that you fell. The fact that you fell would not fracture your hand that easily. You need force in order to fracture your hand the way you did." I panicked a bit and bit my bottom lip.

"Oh! I fell since I had to run in order to not be late for class. That's when I fell and fractured my hand." Taehyung pulled his hair back with both hands and continued to pace around the room. He kept shaking his head before he stopped in front of me again.

"You don't honestly expect me to believe that do you?" Taehyung looked at me angry and I had to force myself to look away. I was scared to tell him the truth.

"I'd rather lie to your face than tell you what really happened." I quitely whispered to myself. I wasn't sure if Taehyung heard me, but I was honestly scared to tell him.

"WHY!?" That's why. Because you'd scream at me. Because you'd tease me. Because I don't want to bother you for my supid mistakes.

"Because I don't want to bother you." I could feel the tears coming out of my eyes and I had no way of stopping them. I wiped my tears away quickly and avoided looking at Taehyung. Then I suddenly felt arms embrace me and I looked up. I looked at Taehyung as he held onto me.

"Please don't cry. I'm sorry. Look I already promised the nurse I'd take care of you so I'll take you home ok?" I nodded and laid my head on Taehyung's chest.

                                                                              •                          •                       •

Taehyung and I were leaving the school campus together. Taehyung was carrying both mine and his belongings. Even though I told him I was more than capable of carrying my own bag he refused to give it to me and took it instead.

"A simple thank you would be nice." Taehyung smiled kindly to me and without thinking I smiled back. I looked away and nudged him with my good arm.

"Yeah right like I'd say thank-"

"I was going to get you back for punching and slapping me against the face, but I guess the force of your punch ended up hurting you more." I stopped walking and turned around to see SongJung. His face was badly bruised on his cheek, but he still managed to smirk at me. I was so close! Taehyung dropped both our things and took a step toward SongJung.

"You're the reason she fractured her hand? Because of you she-" Taehyung kept taking steps foreward until he was close enough to SongJung to grab him by the collar. SongJung just continued to smirk at Taehyung.

"Taehyung you've got it all wrong. You're the reason she fractured her hand. What was it again, Crystal? That punch was for Taehyung? Was that it?" SongJung looked at me and Taehyung did too. I looked down and Taehyung let go of SongJung. What do I do now?

"You have ten seconds to get out of my sight before I finish what I started at lunch." SongJung not wanting to get a bigger bruise left, but not before smirking at me. Taehyung started walking toward me and I quickly picked up my bag.

"Sorry I have to go." I lifted my bag and ran away. SongJung you jerk! Why did you tell Taehyung that! He wasn't suppose to know all of that!

"Wait! Crystal hold up!" I closed my eyes and continued to run. I feel so stupid and embarressed. Idiot! You idiot! Then I suddenly felt strong arms embrace me from behind and pull me to a stop. The strong yet gentle arms hugged me tightly around my shoulders. I looked at the arms confused about whose they were.

"You sure can run fast. Why did you run away like that? No, was everything that jerk said true? Did you really fracture your hand because of me?" Taehyung turned me around so that I could face him. I looked at him and saw how worried and sad he looked. I looked down ashamed and felt my heart skip a beat. What is wrong with me now? Taehung gently lifted my head with his hand and I looked at him again.

"Idiot. No one asked you to punch him in the face for me." There it was. I knew that idiot was going to say that. I looked away not wanting to look at him anymore. He's such a jerk. UGH! "Honestly, I didn't expect the one stopping the fight would punch the person I was about to fight with." Taehyung laughed and I felt my face get warmer. Idiot! Say one more thing and I'll- "Thank you. I loved watching that idiot have a face like that, but I hated the fact that you hurt yourself because of me. I'm suppose to hurt myelf for you. That's the deal whether you agreed to it or not. Don't ever do that again, got it?" I looked at Taehyung who smiled at me and I nodded.

"You're still a jerk." Taehyung held onto me and laughed again. I laid my head against his chest. Why am I suddenly comfortable with Taehyung now? I hated him a few days ago, but now I don't mind his company. Wait! This isn't a trick is it? Don't tell me I let my guard down!? No! Get it together, Crystal! You can't fall for Taehyung! You absolutely can't!




Dear readers,

I'm truly sorry for the long wait. My PC and wifi have been both acting up since my last update. Either way I hope you all enjoy this update. I'll try to update the next two days with more chapters before I leave on a trip. I will try to update while im on my trip, but if I can't I'll promise to update more before school starts and hopefully finish Let's Play A Love Game so you will all get to read what happens and who loses.

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Chapter 1 updated | 13.11.1


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Vtae84 #1
Chapter 43: Im waiting for the update for so long..and today at last..hehe..yeay..authornim..hope u can update soon..
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim i'am really happy that you updated again... I've read this story a long time ago and I'm really inlove with it so I hop you can updat more :) :) good luck authornim <3 <3
yeyeyee #3
Chapter 39: I'm still waiting for u author-nim ❤
Chapter 38: I hope tae and crystal get back together jebal
whxliien52 #6
gcbgirl #7
Chapter 37: Update soon
yeyeyee #8
Chapter 37: The story is just so perfect author-nimmmm ❤ it gets more and more interesting by the chapters
Anw, adding Jihyun is no problem author-nim, and doesn't make any confussions ^~^
gcbgirl #9
Chapter 36: Update soon
yeyeyee #10
Chapter 18: Omg! U made me laugh hard as the way Jimin tried to imply those words to Taehyung (*゚⚙͠ ∀ ⚙͠)ノ❣ hahaha